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Analysis of marketing strategies of nayatel

Thesis Info


Faisal Mehmood Anjum


Adnan Shabbir


Department of Business Administration




International Islamic University

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Thesis Completing Year


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Business Administration




MA/MSc 658.8 ANA


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-01-06 19:20:37



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مولانا وحید الزماں کیرانوی

آہ! مولانا وحید الزماں کیرانویؒ
ماہ اپریل ۱۹۹۵ء میں نامور علمی وادبی دینی شخصیت حضرت مولانا وحید الزماں کیرانوی کی طویل علالت کے باعث انتقال پُرملال کی خبرسے اسلامی دنیا میں صف ماتم بچھ گئی۔انا ﷲ وانا الیہ راجعون ۔
مرحوم مولانا وحید الزماں کیرانوی کو عربی علوم وفنون میں کمال کاملکہ حاصل تھا وہ عربی ادب میں اہم مقام کے مالک تھے۔ عالمِ عرب ان کی عربی دانی سے حد درجہ متحّیر ومتاثر تھے۔
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سعودی عربیہ ،کویت ودیگر اسلامی ملکوں میں ان کے انتقال پراظہار تعزیت کے پیغامات ابھی تک موصول ہورہے ہیں نماز جنازہ میں بے شمار لوگوں نے شرکت کی۔
ادارہ ندوۃ المصنفین ورسالہ برہان مرحوم مولانا وحید الزماں کیرانوی کے انتقال پُرملال پر اظہار تعزیت کرتا ہے ۔ احقرعمید الرحمان عثمانی بہ نفس نفیس جنازہ میں شریک رہااور عزیز واقارب سے تعزیت کرتا رہا۔ [اپریل و مئی ۱۹۹۵ء]


امنا عائشة ملكة العفاف رضي االله عنها

This research aims to explore various features of Syyidah some highlights paper This. Personage noble s'(ر الله عا) ishah‘A’ distinguished aspects of her biographical account, her extraordinary intelligence, eminent rank amongst other wives of the Prophet Muḥammad (r), excellence over women of the world and being mentioned in the Qur’ān for her praiseworthy character. The scholarly areas, in which, she outshone others in Islamic intellectual heritage, include the Quranic exegesis, Ḥadīth narratives, jurisprudence, scholastic reasoning: analysis of jurisprudential methodology and principles of deduction of rulings and opinions. She adopted multifarious modes in this regards including explicit, direct, generalized, inductive and analogous approaches in the Islamic intellectual scholarship. By acknowledged was (ر الله عا) ishah‘A of grandeur The the companions of the Prophet, her scholarly point of view in conciliation of the problems of the Qur'ān and Ḥadīth made her stand out amongst all. She was a keen researcher, peaceful preacher and the greatest scholar of Islām of all times. Her knowledge and command over religious and social matters made her one of the most reliable experts of the Qur'ān, Ḥadīth and Fiqh. Such was her stature as the archangel Jibrā’īl presented his salutation to her.

Study of Particle Loaded Composites Fabrication Using Liquid Composite Moulding Technique

The particle loaded composites are being used widely for enhanced/tailor-made properties (mechanical, thermal, electrical, etc.) in the end product. Although the particle loaded composites find application in a number of areas, very little information is available on the fabrication of particle loaded composites using liquid composite moulding techniques, the experimental results and characterisation of particle filtration. Also, the effect of filler addition on shape distortion (warpage and spring-in) has not been reported in the literature. Therefore, this study focusses on the three aspects of particle loaded composites, i.e. fabrication process (flow and filtration), product shape (warpage and spring-in) and properties (mechanical). Composite plates were fabricated by VIM process from glass woven fabric and vinyl ester resin, using line injection under the action of vacuum, with different concentrations (0, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.0%) of silica microparticles (1.128 μm). It was observed that the mould filling time increases as the concentration of filler particles increases in the suspension. It was observed that the front progresses more rapidly near the entrance, and then its movement slows down during the filling. The effect of particle filtration on the thermal expansion coefficient (CTE) along the composite length was also observed. This phenomenon has not been studied/reported in the literature, as a measure of particle filtration. It was found that the CTE was low at the inlet indicating a high particle concentration. Then a gradual decrease in the particle concentration was observed from the inlet towards the outlet. Near outlet, the particle concentration was found to slightly increase due to particle deposition. COMSOL Multiphysics® Modelling Software (v5.3) was also used for the numerical study of flow process and filtration. The numerical and experimental results were found to be in accordance with each other. In the next part, the effect of fillers on shape distortion in flat and angled part composites was studied. For this purpose, composite plates and angled parts reinforced with UD glass fabric were prepared from vinyl ester resin, both with and without fillers. The experimental results showed a 51.6% decrease in the curvature in thin plates by the addition of 5% silica particles. Similarly, the spring-in angle was also found to decrease by 65% in the angled composite parts. The curvature and spring-in were also simulated using COMSOL Multiphysics® Modelling Software (v5.3), and results were in close correlation with the experimental values. The mechanical properties (tensile, flexural, impact and shear) of composite materials were also found to increase after the addition of particles.