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Impact of loneliness on wellbeing among working married and unmarried women

Thesis Info


Butt, Muhammad Furqan Ullah


Mazhar Iqbal Bhatti


Department of Psychology




International Islamic University

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Thesis Completing Year


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MS 150 BUI


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-01-06 19:20:37



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صدر ناصر جمال عبدالناصر دنیا کے ان عظیم المرتبت لوگوں میں سے تھے جواپنے بلند اور عظیم کارناموں کے باعث تاریخ میں اپنے لیے ایک مقام ہی پیدا نہیں کرتے بلکہ تاریخ کوایک نیا موڑ بھی دیتے ہیں ا ور اسی بناء پر ان کی شخصیت محض ایک تاریخی نہیں بلکہ تاریخ ساز شخصیت ہوتی ہے۔ انھوں نے ۵۲ء میں برسر ِاقتدار آکر اپنے ملک کوشہنشاہیت کی زنجیروں سے آزاد کیا اورعوام کامعیار زندگی اونچا کیا۔۵۶ء میں نہر سویز کوقومیالینا اور کروڑوں روپے کے خرچ سے اسوان ڈیم کی تعمیر کردینا مرحوم کے دو ایسے عظیم کارنامے ہیں جنھوں نے اقتصادی اعتبار سے مصر کی تقدیر بدل دی ہے۔اس کے علاوہ انھوں نے ملک میں زرعی،زمینی تعلیمی اور اقتصادی اصلاحات بھی نافذ کیں اورصنعت وحرفت کوفروغ دیا اور پھرخود ان کی زندگی نہایت سادہ عوامی اوراخلاقی اعتبارسے بہت بلند تھی۔ان سب چیزوں نے مصر کے عوام کوان کاایسا گرویدہ بنادیا تھاکہ ۶۷ء کی جنگ میں شدید شکست کے بعد جب انھوں نے ساری ذمہ داری اپنے سر لے کر حکومت کی صدارت سے استعفا پیش کیا تو عوام ایک پر جنون کی کیفیت طاری ہوگئی اورآخر انھیں استعفا واپس لیناپڑا۔ مرحوم صرف اپنے ملک کے نہیں بلکہ پوری عرب دنیا اور افریقی اقوام کے بھی سب سے زیادہ قابل اعتماد، نہایت فعال اور بڑے جرّی اور ہوش مند لیڈر تھے۔ان میں سے بعض ملکوں کے سر براہوں کی سیاست خواہ کچھ ہی ہو لیکن عوام ہرملک کے صرف ان کی عزّت ہی نہیں کرتے تھے، بلکہ دل وجان سے محبّت کرتے تھے۔چنانچہ ان کی اچانک اور بے وقت موت پر کروڑوں انسانوں نے بے ساختہ جوگریۂ وماتم کیاہے وہ تاریخ میں کم ہی لوگوں کونصیب ہوا ہوگا۔ غلطیوں اورفروگزاشتوں سے کوئی فرد بشر خالی نہیں ہے اور پھرجو شخص جتنا بڑا ہوتا ہے اس...

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This article aims to highlight an important aspect of Islamic Law, which relates to social life of a Muslim. Islamic law promotes social harmony and tolerance, but it makes it balance in the light of basic principles and objectives of Shar'īah. Likewise, Islamic law determines social relation between Muslims with each other as well as the relation of Muslims with Non-Muslim citizens in the Islamic state. Furthermore, it is very significant to know that a Muslim can participate in the traditional and religious functions of Non-Muslim or not? Islamic law has made some parameters in this regard, in this research paper we have focused on this specific issue of Islamic law and tried to explain the legal status of this issue in the light of Quran, Prophetic traditions, and opinions of Muslim Scholars. The research method applied in this paper is descriptive and critical study of different school of thoughts is also provided. Muslims have a long history of mutual contacts with the non-Muslims guided by the Shar’īah principles as they have come together in every age in different political and geographical contexts. In the early days of Islam, Muslims were in the minority. At that time, Muslims participated in the social life of their non-Muslims neighbors. Islam respects other religions. Provides all kinds of facilities to non-Muslims. And allows Muslims to participate in their legitimate programs.۔

On the Fractional Initial-Boundary Value Problems

FractionalCalculus(FC)isthestudyofintegralsandderivativesofarbitraryorder, this subject is as old as integer order calculus and is supposed to be initiated from the question of L’Hôpital to Leibniz when the notion of nth order derivative was coinedfortwo n timesdifferentiablefunctions. FromlastfewdecadesFChasbeen consideredbymanyresearchersduetoitsapplicationsindiversefieldsofsciences, not to mention all some are in Physics, Chemistry, Viscoelasticity, Biology etc. Due to these applications the integral or differential operators of arbitrary order and equations involving these operators are considered by many researchers for mathematical investigations. We intend to consider some Fractional Differential Equations (FDEs) in this dissertation. Indeed, in one part of this dissertation we have considered diffusion equations with fractional derivative in time only. Let us mention that in many physical phenomena, the data obtained from field as well as lab experiments is not in agreement with the integer order Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). The phenomena is usually known as anomalous diffusion/transport. Among several techniques to explain these anomalies one is by considering fractional order operators instead of integer order operators in PDEs. It is important to mention that throughout this dissertation, we have considered the fractional derivatives defined in the sense of Riemann-Liouville, Caputo or Hilfer. The Hilfer fractional derivative is a generalization of the Riemann-Liouville and the Caputo fractional derivatives. The particular choices of the parameters involved in Hilfer fractional derivative give us Riemann-Liouville and Caputo fractional derivatives. We considered direct as well as inverse source problems for FDEs involving time fractionalderivativewithnonlocalboundaryconditions. Theeigenfunctionexpansion method has been used and the spectral problem obtained is non-self-adjoint. The problems considered have initial conditions as in case of integer order deriva x tivesasweconsideredfractionalderivativedefinedinthesenseofCaputo. Forthe case of Hilfer fractional derivative rather than taking a nonlocal initial condition in terms of fractional integral two local conditions are considered. Under certain regularity conditions on the given data, we obtained existence, uniqueness and stability results for the problems. For a space-time fractional diffusion equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions, some inverse problems are also discussed. The spectral problem is generalization of the regular Sturm-Liouville operator. Several properties of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the fractional order Sturm-Liouville operator are used to prove the existence results for the solution of the inverse problems. Some special cases of the inverse problems in the case of space-time differential equations are discussed and results are deduced from the generalized results. In the last part of the dissertation a nonlinear system of fractional differential equations are considered. The results about existence of finite time blowing-up solutions is proved.