کہتے ہیں اس جہاں کے یہ قصے حقیر ہیں
جاناں تمھارے خواب بھی کتنے شریر ہیں
ہم آسمانِ زیست کے تابندہ لوگ تھے
ہم تیرے در پہ آ کے بنے جو فقیر ہیں
مصرع کمر ہے، شعر سی تصویر ہے تری
تجھ خوبرو کو دیکھنے آئے جو میرؔ ہیں
تیری رضا پہ ہے سرِ تسلیم خم مرا
تجھ زلف کے اے شوخ پرانے اسیر ہیں
گل ہو، گہر ہو، لعل ہو یا پورا چاند ہو
جاناں تمھارے حسن کے آگے حقیر ہیں
بزمِ فضاؔ میں ناز کا کیا کام گل بدن
یاں آئے بادشاہ بھی بن کر فقیر ہیں
Tafsir or interpretation of the Quranic scripture has always been a central task for Muslim exegetes. The Tafsir Ishari is a significant genre in the realm of Quranic exegesis that specially explains the inner meanings of theQuranic scripture. The Tafsir ishari is primarily based on the Quranic reading and understanding of the Sufis of the early Islam. This study analyses the argument of scriptural experts concerning the authenticity of this particular type of the Quranic interpretation. Further, it also aims to elucidate the Tafsir Ishari, its tradition and development through presenting an overview of its origin, formation and evolution. It has been argued that the Tafsir Ishari does not have any specific method. As contrast to the literal reading of the Quranic text, the Sufis reflect upon the inner meaning of the Quran and understand the text through spiritual intuition. This research is focused to comprehend various approaches of Sufi interpretations by studying the significant texts of leadingSufi masters i. E. Al-Tustari, Sulami and Ruzbihan al-Baqli. A meticulous effort has been made to ascertain the distinctive methods of Ishari interpretation by analyzing the interpretations of the above mentioned three leading Sufi masters.
Teachers' professional development is considered a key to school improvement. Unfortunately the quality of primary schooling in Pakistan, especially in rural areas, has not been good due to the traditional practices of teachers. There have been many failed efforts to bring about sustainable improvement in teaching and learning in primary schools. Hence, sustainability of change has emerged as an issue. The present government encouraged school improvement through capacity-building in selected districts of Sindh and Balochistan under the ESRA project initiatives. One-year cluster-based mentoring programs were offered in these selected districts. Coming from one of the districts, my intention was to research the sustainability of impact of one of these one-year cluster-based mentoring program. Focusing on the one-year cluster-based mentoring program, perspectives of the different stakeholders were studied. The findings show that the cluster-based mentoring program had a positive impact on the practices of teachers. They improved their usage of innovative teaching strategies, created a learning environment in class, and developed confidence and learning attitude. However, after the completion of the program, they eventually left these practice due to many long-existing challenges and hindrances in the context. These hindrances include lack of follow-up, resistance by teachers, management, parents, teachers' low economical status, political interference, and so on. Participants gave many suggestions to address these issues in order to sustain the program, such as continuous professional development mechanism, improvement in management practices, provision of resources, and eradicating political influence in education. Finally, the conclusion has been presented and implications for different stakeholder in teacher education in Pakistan are discussed and suggestions are given for further research.