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Home > Judith Plaskow’s Approach to the Study of Scripture: A Critical Analysis

Judith Plaskow’s Approach to the Study of Scripture: A Critical Analysis

Thesis Info


Fakhra Bibi


Qaiser Shahzad






International Islamic University

Institute Type



Higher Education Commission







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Comparative Religions




2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Feminism is regarded as a cluster of social, political, and religious movements that emerged from the enlightenment movement aiming to demand justice and equality for human beings. The contemporary debate centering around the circumference of feminist discourse has of late been very effective in addressing the issues of certain prejudiced notions in Jewish tradition about the existing patriarchal structure. This thesis is an attempt to show the ongoing paradox existing in the world of feminism which has thoroughly critiqued the patriarchal culture and has naturalized sexual identities, thereby glorifying man‘s supremacy and dominion. Judith Plaskow is a prominent Jewish philosopher who had spent a big part of her life studying Judaism from a feminist point of view. She opened a way for Jewish fellows to contribute to religious matters in the development of the modern world. Mostly her life history and works for women‘s rights become the topics of discussion among the scholars. Less consideration is given to her understanding of Jewish scripture from the Muslim perspective. So, still, there is no study available which critically deal with her understanding of scripture. This research focused on certain questions regarding her understanding of Jewish scripture. It is analyzed that being a Jew, how she studies and understands the Torah, Jewish law, and the religious teaching of Judaism. Why she was not satisfied with the orthodox understanding of Jewish tradition. It is found out that she tries to give a new structure to understand Jewish writings and provoked new discussions around gender‘s impact on Judaism. Her involvement in feminist study and community was not all excitement and delight; however, it also had its problematic side. As, the only Jew in numerous feminist religious contexts, she frequently countered both Christian ignorance of Judaism and unexamined Christian triumphalism. Therefore, the present study tries to explore the approach to the study of Jewish scripture on the one hand and critically analyzes her views on the other. As far as my topic is concerned, it is an analytical study. By presenting her understanding, the current thesis first determines her methodology and then explores her motive behind towards interpretation of Jewish scripture. It is also argued that the aim of her writing was to criticize the marginalized role of women. It argues that she showed respect for Judaic principles. She wants to bring changes in Judaism but the maintenance of the Jewish principle. In actuality, she wants to improve the position of women, by suggesting rewriting history and reshaping and adjusting the Jewish law.

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