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Home > طوفان نوح علیہ السلام:منتخب اُردو تفاسیر کا مطالعہ

طوفان نوح علیہ السلام:منتخب اُردو تفاسیر کا مطالعہ

Thesis Info


زنیرہ سعید


حمیرا اشرف


شعبہ اسلامیات




Government Post Graduate Islamia College for Women

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انبیاء، دعوت، تذکرہ
Prophets, Dawah


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-01-06 19:20:37





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پروفیسر فضل الرحمن فریدی مرحوم
۲۶؍ جولائی کے اخبار میں ڈاکٹر شرف الدین اصلاحی کے انتقال کی خبر کے ساتھ ڈاکٹر فضل الرحمن فریدی کی وفات کی بھی خبر تھی، غم دوگنا ہوگیا، دنیائے علم کی ویرانی سی ویرانی ہے، اس کیفیت خزاں میں شجر زندگی کے اوراق زرد ہوتے جاتے ہیں۔
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A Study of Effectiveness of Quality Assurance Measures Applied at University Level in Punjab.

The present research entitled ―A Study of the Effectiveness of Quality Assurance Measures Applied at University Level in Punjab‖ was a survey study. The main objectives of the study were to review, differentiate, evaluate, and give recommendation regarding the enhancement of quality assurance measures applied at university levels in Pakistan. 77 academic administrators (out of 100), 194 university faculty (out of 200), and 1000 students were taken and selected randomly from 20 universities (out of 44) in the Punjab as a sample of the study. The data was collected through three questionnaires developed by the researcher using five point Likert type rating scales. The instrument was distributed personally to 100 academic administrators, 200 university faculty and 1000 students. The data was analyzed and the results were interpreted in terms of percentage ii mean score value and median. A majority of respondents such as academic administrators, university faculty and students agreed that academic programs are evaluated according to HEC prescribed criteria, there is need to provide training in management and leadership to administrators, university faculty perform academic duties relevant to their abilities, and students like prevalent evaluation system of universities. It was recommended that the quality assurance measures may be given proper weightage practically at the time of faculty promotion and recruitment without political interference;