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برصغیرکے ہندواورسکھ سیرت نگاروں کے کام کاتحقیقی مطالعہ

Thesis Info


حافظ محمد نعیم


محمد باقر خان خاکوانی


شعبہ شریعہ ، کلیہ عربی وعلوم اسلامیہ




Allama Iqbal Open University

Institute Type








Degree Starting Year



Comparative Religion




ادیان عالم
World religions


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-02-19 12:33:56





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Mafatiḥ - al- Ghayb (The Keys to Unknown) by Imam Fakhr-ul-Din-Al Rāzi (born 544-606, Ray Iran – died 1149- 1209, Iran) is a well known classical scholarly commentary of the Qur’ān, written in Arabic. The exegesis of  Imam Rāzi  explain each  passage of the Qur’ān by mentioning reports and narration (athar from the prophet, his companions (sahabah) and the immediate generations following  the companions (Tabi’un). Imam Al Rāzi accumulated a big treasure of explanatory tradition which is extracted from many books. He compiled all the reports and narrations that he could gather for each particular passage without concentrating  on their authenticity  which resulted in compilation of many weak, unauthentic and even fabricated reports chipped into his tafsir on which he kept silent. Tafsir. The present article critically analysis the tafsir portion from Surah al Taubah and discusses the fabricated reports detected during the investigation.

Development of Feature Selection Algorithms for High-Dimensional Binary Data

There has been a growing interest in representing real-life applications with data sets having binary-valued features. These data sets due to the advancements in computer and data management systems consist of tens or hundreds of thousands of features. In this dissertation, we investigate two problems in machine learning which have been relatively less studied for high-dimensional binary data. The first problem is to select a subset of features useful for supervised learning applications from the entire feature set and is known as the feature selection (FS) problem. The second problem is to compare two orderings of features induced by feature ranking (FR) algorithms and to determine which one is better. For the feature selection problem, we have proposed a new feature ranking measure termed as the diff-criterion. Its distinct attribute is that it estimates the usefulness of binary features by using their probability distributions. The diff-criterion has been evaluated against two well-known FS algorithms with four widely used clas- sifiers on six binary data sets on which it has achieved up to about 99% reduction in the feature set size. To further improve the performance, we have suggested a two-stage FS algorithm. The novelty of our two-stage algorithm is that the first stage provides the second stage with a reduced subset without losing valuable in- formation about the class. Two-stage feature selection used with the diff-criterion not only significantly improves the classification accuracy but also exhibits up to about 99% reduction in the feature set size. We have also compared our proposed FS algorithms against the winning entries of the “Agnostic Learning versus Prior Knowledge” challenge. The algorithms have shown results better or comparable to the winners of the challenge. For the problem of ranking features using FR algorithms, different FR algorithms estimate the importance of features with respect to the class variable differently thus generating different orderings. To determine which ordering is better, we propose a new evaluation method termed as feature ranking evaluation strategy (FRES). It uses the individual predictive power of features for estimating howAbstract correct is an ordering of features. We found that compared to Relief and mu- tual information algorithms our proposed diff-criterion generates the most correct orderings of binary features.