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مذاہب عالم میں عبادت گاہوں کاسماجی کردار: ایک تقابلی جائزہ

Thesis Info


حسان ادریس


ممتاز احمد سالک


شعبہ علوم اسلامیہ




Institute of Sciences and Humanities

Institute Type








Degree Starting Year


Degree End Year



Comparative Religion




ادیان عالم
World religions


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-02-19 12:33:56





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Assessment and Geo-Statistical Modeling of Fluoride Pollution Around Brick Kilns in Rawalpindi / Islamabad, Pakistan.

Geographical Information System (GIS) is an emerging field of Environmental Science. Today with the rapid population growth and demand for more developments, the environmental issues are growing and resulting in more diversifying environmental problems especially pollution. This research reveals the importance of the spatial module of information which is a measure of the pollution data. In the present study, data of three years were managed, processed, evaluated and visualized by GIS and raster calculations. The results revealed the possible spatial relationship within environmental parameters and pollution. This thesis describes the broad range of geo-spatial modeling as well as some defies related to it. The objectives of the present study were to identify the spatial gradient pattern and distribution trend of fluoride pollution and its effect on the crops (wheat and maize) in vicinity of brick kilns (source of fluoride pollution) using geo-spatial and geo-statistical techniques. Besides statistical techniques were also employed to observe the distributional pattern using centrographic technique, identified the hotspots, the risk of pollution for nearby areas based on weighting distance interpolation technique and Kriging approach for more accurate estimation. Total 93 kilns were identified in Islamabad and three Tehsils of Rawalpindi, where wheat and maize crops were cultivated in the fields around the kilns. The sample number of plants and soil was 251 and 144 for summer and winter season respectively. More significant leaf injury to maize crop was observed in the summer compared to the wheat crop in winter. This observation was supported by Vegetation Index (VI), calculated by raster calculator. The results of chemical analysis indicated that fluoride concentrations (6.8 ppm, 14.3 ppm, 13.6 ppm, 13.9 ppm) were observed in the wheat plant samples of Jhangi syedan, Chakri, GT road, Mohra and maximum fluoride concentration (29.6 ppm, 29.45 ppm, 29.71 ppm, 29.41 ppm) was observed during the summer in maize plant samples of Bhatta road, Gurha, Dhok Niazu and Dhok Gujran in the year 2017. However, fluoride concentration in samples varied according to the spatial location with climatic condition. A dataset of Islamabad, Tehsil Rawalpindi, and Tehsil Gujarkhan showed significant positive spatial autocorrelation and clustering pattern, while no significant spatial correlation was found in the data set of Kallar syedan, but still significant hotspots were identified. A majority of hotspot for fluoride pollution was identified in the maize fields of Rawalpindi and Gujarkhan, in all study years. Furthermore, semivariogram based Kriging model indicated Islamabad, Northwest Rawalpindi, East Gujarkhan more at risk of fluoride pollution. Inverse distance weighting and Kriging Model also exhibited that effect on plants and soil gets reduced with increasing distance from the kiln. But the extent of the effect was only shown by the Ordinary Kriging Model. Climatic data marked temporal effect of fluoride variation in study areas during the study period. It was observed that high precipitation resulted into negligible fluoride effect and concentration, whereas less and no precipitation resulted into more fluoride effect and concentration. Similarly, positive correlation was found between temperature and fluoride pollution and effect. The effect of pollution was greater along distance at high temperature and effectively reduced by the distance in lesser temperature. It was necessary to screen out the current status of existing kilns and to evaluate the effect on nearby environmental parameters. Accordingly, this research highlighted the effect of fluoride pollution release from the kilns to soil and crops and revealed the spatial distribution pattern and extent of pollution using modeling technique.