محمد الدین فوق کی ادبی خدمات
ڈاکٹر نصیر احمد اسد
محمد الدین فوق (۱۸۷۷ء) کوٹلی ہر نرائن سیالکوٹ پیدا ہوئے۔ فوقؔ تخلص کرتے تھے۔ فوق بڑے ذہین تھے۔ طالب علمی کے زمانہ میں نظیر اکبر آبادی کی ایک مشہور نظم ‘‘کیا خوب سودا نقد ہے’ اس ہاتھ دے اس ہاتھ لے’’ کا فارسی نظم میں ترجمہ کیا۔ فوق فطری شاعر تھے اور بچپن سے ہی موزوں طبع تھے۔ فوق نے ۱۸۹۲ء میں شعر کہنے شروع کئے۔ان کا ایک ایک شعر وطن(کشمیر) کی محبت اور اسلام کے درد میں ڈوبا ہوا ہے۔ فوق پہلے شاعر ہیں جنہوں نے مستقل طور پر مسلمانِ کشمیر کی ترجمانی کرتے ہوئے دنیا کو ان کی مظلومیت سے آگاہ کیا۔
آپ کی شاعری کا مقصد مسلمانوں کی اصلاح بھی تھا۔ اقبال نے ‘‘شکوہ’’ اور ‘‘جواب شکوہ’’ نظمیں لکھی ہیں۔ فوق نے بھی اسی طرح ‘‘بڈ شاہ کی روح سے خطاب’’ نظم میں کشمیریوں کی زبوں حالی کا اسی لہجہ میں رونا رویا ہے۔ فوق غزل میں داغ دہلوی اور قومی نظموں میں علامہ اقبال سے متاثر تھے۔ فوق کا شعری کلام ہندوستان کے معروف رسائل میں چھپتا رہا۔آپ کا پہلا شعری مجموعہ ‘‘کلامِ فوق’’ کے نام سے ۱۹۰۹ء میں شائع ہوا۔ اس مجموعے کے دو حصے ہیں۔ پہلے حصے میں ۱۸۹۵ء سے ۱۹۰۱ء تک کا کلام ہے اس حصے میں غزلیں زیادہ ہیں۔ دوسرا حصہ ۱۹۰۲ء سے ۱۹۰۹ء تک کے کلام پر محیط ہے۔ اس حصے میں نظموں کی تعداد بھی خاصی ہے۔ کلامِ فوق کا دوسرا ایڈیشن ۱۹۳۳ء میں شائع ہوا اس کی ضخامت ۱۴۰ صفحات سے بڑھ کر ۲۴۰ صفحات تک پہنچ گئی ہے۔ اس میں پروفیسر علم الدین کا مفصل دیباچہ بھی شامل ہے۔ فوق کا دوسرا شعری مجموعہ ‘‘نغمہ و گلزار’’ کے نام سے ۱۹۴۱ء میں شائع ہوا۔ اس کی...
Defending Prophet’s honor is religious and social duty of every Muslim, The Holy Prophet (r) being more valuable than our own lives and souls. The theme of love rests in its high correlation with obedience. That the one whom someone loves, his obedience and submission to him becomes easier, even to the extent of contentment and pleasure. Love of Allah and Holy Prophet (r) has been stressed upon in the article so that obedience of Allah and his Prophet and submission to them is expressed as easy and doable, and an instigation to avoid disobedience is generated. Success of a man lies in obedience of Allah and that of Holy Prophet (r). In this article, the facet of “Love” with Holy Prophet (r) has been comprehensively narrated. The prophet was deputed to be obeyed and followed to the dooms day unchecked of followers’ class, color or ethnicity. Such unconditioned following required his person to be of an extensively inclusive character, which it did, and that every single instant of his esteemed life is preserved. The most divinely of the services is moral building of nations on practical patterns. One way is of preaching, while even cultured is to assemble written material to be followed for long or elsewise forcefully bind people to follow ethical doctrines and avoid vice.
Shisham (Dalbergia sissoo) is an important tree of Pakistan and is widely grown in different areas of the country mainly for furniture, timber and fuel. Dieback is a serious threat to this tree and has caused huge damage not only in Pakistan but also in India, Nepal and Bangladesh. A nursery experiment of sexually (seedlings) and asexually (cuttings) propagated D. sissoo was conducted during 2009 and 2010. Both seedlings and cuttings were inoculated with the most commonly found fungi in the dieback affected trees i.e Fusarium solani, Botryodiplodia theobromae, Curvularia lunata and Ganoderma lucidum. Overall highest disease incidence was observed in plants inoculated with F. solani (31.39%). In seedlings F. solani caused 46.18% disease while in cuttings it was only 16.61%. No disease was recorded in controlled conditions. A significant (P<0.05) correlation of seedlings and cuttings was observed with climatic variables. Good association of seedlings (r= 0.734) and cuttings (r=0.629) was observed with maximum temperature. Disease predictive models of seedlings and cuttings were developed with climatic variables; Y = -58.3 +7.58x 1 +0.0054x 2 -1.14x 3 +2.47x 4 -1.09x 5 R 2 = 0.62 (2 years data) Where Y= Disease in cuttings, x 1 = Rainfall, x 2 = Relative humidity, x 3 = Minimum temperature, x 4 = Maximum temperature and x 5 = Wind velocity R 2 =0.48 (2 years data) Y = -134 +15x 1 +0.158 x 2 -2.32 x 3 +5.27 x 4 -3.70x 5 Where Y= Disease in seedlings, x 1 = Rainfall, x 2 = Relative humidity, x 3 = Minimum temperature, x 4 = Maximum temperature and x 5 = Wind velocity A comprehensive survey of shisham was carried out in four agro-ecological zones (Sandy deserts, Northern irrigated plains, Barani areas and Sulaiman piedmont) of Punjab province. For survey eleven districts were selected being the most productive and shisham frequenting districts from the above said zones. Trees were divided into age classes and on the basis of disease severity into healthy, partially affected and fully affected trees. Age class one (1-20 years old trees) was observed as the healthiest while age class three (above 40 years) was found to be the most affected in all zones and districts. Maximum number of healthy trees was observed in age class one of Barani areas (92.16%) Maximum number of partially affected trees was seen in Sulaiman piedmont (22.89%) and less number was in Barani areas. Maximum number of dead or fully affected trees was found in class three of Northern irrigated palins (23.60%) and only 4.68% dead trees were recorded in age class one of Barani areas. In selected districts maximum number of healthy trees was in class one of Rawalpindi district (95%) and maximum partially affected trees were in age class three in Dera Ghazi Khan (22.89%). Maximum number of dead trees (33%) was found in age class three of Toba Tek Singh. Rawalpindi was the least affected district with only 5 % dead trees in class one. Water table between 15-20 feet of depth was considered as the most suitable depth where less number of dead trees were recorded in all age classes. Significant (P<0.05) correlation was observed between age class, relative humidity, minimum temperature, maximum temperature and wind velocity. Correlation was non significant with rainfall and water table. Good association was observed between tree age and dieback disease in Healthy (r=0.626), partially affected (r=0.539) and fully affected trees (r=0.613). A disease predictive model based on two years disease survey data was developed: FA = 2.51 + 4.15 x 1 + 5.25 x 2 + 0.00866 x 3 - 0.113 x 4 - 0.0611 x 5 - 0.0115 x 6 - 0.0092 x 7 + 0.541 x8 R 2 = 0.89 Where FA= Fully affected, x 1 = Age, x 2 = Year, x 3 = Water table, x 4 = Rainfall, x 5 = Relative humidity, x 6 = Minimum temperature, x 7 = Maximum temperature, x 8 = Wind velocity