حد ایک کثیر المعنی لفظ ہے ۔ ماہرین لغت ، محدثین اور فقہائے کرام نے اس کے کئی معنی بیان کیے ہیں ، جیسا کہ مشہور لغت دان ابن فارس(م:395ھ) حد کی تعریف بیان کرتے ہوئے لکھتے ہیں
"الحد: الحاء والدال أصلان: الأوّل المنع، والثاني طَرَف الشيء.فالحدّ: الحاجز بَيْنَ الشَّيئين. وفلان محدودٌ، إذا كان ممنوعاً. و"إنّه لَمُحارَفٌ محدود"،كأنه قد مُنِع الرِّزْقَ.ويقال للبوَّاب حَدّاد،لمنْعِه النَّاسَ من الدخول۔"1
"مادہ " حا اور دال " اس کی دو اصل ہیں پہلے کا معنی ہے روکنا اور دوسرے کا معنی ہے کسی شے کا کنارہ ، پس حد کا معنی ہے دو چیزوں کے درمیان آڑ ۔ جیسے کہا جاتا ہے کہ "وفلان محدودٌ "جب کہ اس شخص کو روک دیا گیا ۔ " إنّه لَمُحارَفٌ محدود "جیسا کہ وہ رزق سے روک دیا گیا ہے اور دروازے پر کھڑے ہونے والے کو حداد کہا جاتا ہے اس لیے کہ وہ لوگوں کو اندر آنے سے روکتا ہے۔ "
حد آڑ کے معنی میں بھی استعمال ہوتا ہے، جیسا کہ ابن منظور افریقی (م:711ھ)نے بیان کیا ہے
"الحَدُّ الفصل بين الشيئين لئلا يختلط أَحدهما بالآخر أَو لئلا يتعدى أَحدهما على الآخر وجمعه حُدود وفصل ما بين كل شيئين حَدٌّ بينهما۔"2
"حد دو چیزوں کی درمیانی آڑ کو کہتے ہیں تاکہ دونوں آپس میں خلط ملط نہ ہو جائیں۔ یا ان دونوں میں سے ایک دوسری پر زیادتی نہ کرے اور حد کی جمع حدود ہے۔ دو چیزوں کی درمیانی آڑ ان کے لیے حد ہوتی ہے۔ "
لفظ حد بطور روکنا بھی لیا جاتا ہے، راغب ا صفہانی(م:502ھ) اس حوالے سے بیان کرتے ہیں
"الحد الحاجز بین الشیئین الذی یمنع اختلاط احدھمابالاخر۔"3
" حدسے مراد وہ شے ہے جو دو اشیا کو باہم ملنے سے روک دے۔ "
دو چیزوں کی درمیان آڑ کو حد کہتے ہیں ، جیسا...
Hazrat Shah Waliullah (R.A), a well-known scholar, was born in Delhion the 21st of February, 1703 A.D. He rendered many religious, political, economic and social services to The Muslims of India. In many of his services, the greatest one is that he translated The Holy Quran into Persian becausemany people were unfamiliar with Arabic. Later his sons, Shah Abdul Qaderand Shah Rafi-ud-Din, translated The Holy Quran into Urdu so more and morepeople could gain Islamic knowledge. He elaborated The Quranic sciences indifferent aspects and the research in your hand is also about his “QuranicServices”. He wrote fifty one books in Persian and Arabic. Amongst the mostfamous were Hujjatulla-hil-Baligha and Izala-tul-khifa. He died on 20th ofAugust, 1762 A.D in Delhi, India.
Since 2007, the judiciary in Pakistan has gone from the traditional state of passive institution for enhancing the interests of the executive to an independent institution. It has started asserting its power and role as a genuine enforcer of the law for the interests of the general public. Its role as an arbitrator in the various disputes over sharing of powers between the branches of the government is considered applaudable by many sections of the society. Similarly, Parliament introduced significant reforms to set the tradition of consolidating the democracy and good governance in the country. Positively, the devolution of authority to the provincial governments, reduction in the discretionary power of the president, restoring the parliamentary character and enhancing the oversight on judicial appointments have bolster the power of the legislature in the country. The purpose of this study is to trace how these changes took place and their impact on the citizens of Pakistan. I have examined the consequences of more vibrant and active judiciary on the principle ‘separation of powers in the perspective of people empowerment’ analyzing the case of Pakistan. The ways and manners in which the separation of powers has taken place are tried to comprehensively analyze. The thesis draws mostly upon the declassified official data since 1947 to onwards. It tries to describe the dominant role of the executive over the other branches of the government. Efforts have been made to highlight the reasons behind the lack of construction relationships among the three institutions. So the main concern of this study is whether or not separation of powers is a way to empower the people in the political system of Pakistan. For this, the arguments presented in the study are: first, the lack of liberty and empowerment is not due to the absence of separation of powers in the political system of Pakistan, but it is because of overall centralized settings. Second, the separation of powers is not the ultimate solution for the lack of empowerment of the people. This finding is based on these observations: (1) the principle, separation of powers has been missing in Pakistan for the long time. (2) v Prolonged and repeatedly undemocratic rules (authoritarian regimes) in Pakistan have made the parliament and courts more submissive than an independent institutions (3) Democracy has just completed its five year term. Conversely, the dissertation explores the underlying relationship of empowerment with the democracy. Third, the people of Pakistan demonstrated more support for democracy. Their participation in elections indicates the trust of people in democratization. The increasing trend of political pluralism has enabled the legislature to exercise effective checks and balances on the executive branch of the government. We cannot say that separation of powers as a principle to empower the people is irrelevant. In addition to this, the study argues that Pakistan needs more stable and viable democratic system.