آہ! جنرل ضیاء الحق
گزشتہ مہینہ کا معارف اشاعت کے آخری مرحلہ میں تھا کہ اس اذیت ناک خبر نے ہوش و حواس پراگندہ کردیا کہ پاکستان کے صدر جنرل محمد ضیاء الحق ایک ہوئی حادثہ میں جاں بحق ہوگئے، اِناﷲ وَ اِنا اِلیہ رَاجِعُونْ۔ ان کے ساتھ امریکی سفیر، پاکستانی فوج کے تقریباً ایک درجن اعلیٰ افسر اور دوسرے کئی افراد بھی چشم زدن میں ہلاک ہوگئے، جنرل ضیاء الحق کی اس غیرمتوقع اور اچانک شہادت سے پاکستان میں کہرام مچ گیا، ساری دنیائے اسلام میں ماتم بپا ہوگیا اور ان لوگوں کو بڑا دھکا لگا جو سمجھتے تھے کہ مرحوم دنیا کی امامت کا بارا اٹھانے کے لیے امت مرحومہ کو پھر شجاعت و عدالت کا سبق پڑھنے کی تلقین فرما رہے تھے، وہ ایک مذہبی گھرانے میں پیدا ہوئے تھے، والد کی تربیت اور ماحول کے اثر سے ان میں بھی دینداری اور عقیدہ و عمل کی پختگی رچ بس گئی تھی، جس کا مظاہرہ ان کی ذاتی اور نجی زندگی سے لے کر قومی و بین الاقوامی ہر سطح پر ہوتا رہتا تھا، وہ جس درجہ صوم و صلوٰۃ کے پابند تھے، اسی درجہ ان کی زندگی اور سیرت پاکیزہ تھی، وہ دن میں امور مملکت کی گھتیاں سلجھاتے اور رات کا آخری پہر تسبیح و تہلیل، دعاء و مناجات اور توبہ و استغفار میں گزارتے اور رمضان المبارک کے آخری ایام حرمین شریفین کے لیے وقف رکھتے
تجھ سے ہوا آشکار بندۂ مومن کا راز
اس کے دنوں کی تپش ، اس کی شبوں کا گداز
جب پاکستان کی زمام کار ان کے ہاتھوں میں آئی تو انھوں نے اسے ان خطوط پر چلانے کا مصمم ارادہ کرلیا جن کے لیے یہ وجود میں آیا تھا، ہر قسم کی دشواریوں کے باوجود اسلام کا بول بالا اور احکام شریعت...
The purpose of this study is to analyze the income level of gillnet fishermen <10 GT, to analyze the factors that affect the level of income, and to formulate strategies and solutions to increase income. This research was conducted at the Fish Auction Place (TPI) Pabean Udik, Pabean Udik Village, Indramayu Regency. This location was chosen because the Udik Customs Fish Auction Place (TPI) is dominated by fishermen using gillnet fishing gear who have vessels <10 GT. The method used is the census method with samples taken as a whole. The analysis used in this research is the Logistic Regression Analysis and the SWOT Analysis. Research results obtained by using IBM SPSS, namely for the Sig Value Variable in the Equation is 100%, this value is interpreted by 8 (factors) Independent variables can affect income only educational factors that do not affect income and for the results obtained from SWOT analysis namely to increase the income of gillnet fishermen <10 GT at TPI Pabean Udik, namely the development of technology and fisheries business scale, development of access to capital for fishermen, development of marketing access, development of facilities and infrastructure at TPI Pabean Udik, Development of diversification of fish management and environmentally friendly fisheries management.
Organizational justice has been preferred for its instrumental, relational and deontic approaches. It is a lens through which employees gather important information about the allocation of resources, interpersonal treatment, organizational procedures and eventually frame cognitive as well as emotional reactions. However, the existing literature is more focused on the distal attitudinal and behavioral outcomes but less attentive to underlying proximal motivations. On basis of extant literature review and arguments grounded in the Social information Processing theory, Social Identity Theory and Conservation of Resources Theory, this study identifies that Self-Concepts (Individual, Relational and Collective) and Psychological Capital act as explanatory mechanism for the influence of organizational justice on job satisfaction, job performance, turnover intentions, OCBI and OCBO. This research model expands the scope of organizational justice research and views it as a social context between organization and employees that leads him/her to feel satisfied with their jobs, deliver good performance, stay with their organizations and display discretionary behaviors. But the influence of organizational justice on job Performance, job satisfaction, OCBO, OCBI, Turnover Intentions is not direct: in this process the employee takes cue from the fairness conditions and formulates his/her relational self-concept as well as Psychological Capital capabilities. Thus relational self-concept fully mediates between interactional justice and job performance, OCBI while partially mediates between Interactional justice and Job Satisfaction as well as OCBO. Furthermore, Psychological Capital partially mediates between Interactional Justice and Turnover Intentions, OCBO while it fully mediates between Interactional Justice and Job Performance, OCBI. Main objective of this study was to test a theoretical and structural model that hypothesizes mediation of tripartite self-concepts and Psychological Capital in the influence of Organizational justice on job satisfaction, job performance, OCBO, OCBI and Turnover Intentions. In addition, this study also identified direct relations between the study variables; of these the influence of interactional justice on both Psychological Capital and Relational self-concepts are important hypotheses, because there is almost no literature available in this context. A survey based methodology was used to test the model; standardized scales were used as measures for the twelve study variables. A pilot study was conducted to test the scale properties. viii A sample of 518 employees was drawn from the education, Telecommunication sector, oil and gas sectors. The model was tested by following the steps of Structural Equation Modelling. The findings of this study advance available knowledge on the selected job outcomes and provide impetus to research in this domain by identifying relational self-concept and Psychological Capital as intervening variables. The study thus extends the application of both relational self-concept and Psychological Capital as organizational variables capable of translating the effects of interactional justice on these five job outcomes. Key words: Interactional Justice, Psychological Capital, Self-Concepts, Job Satisfaction, OCBO, Organizational Justice.