شاہ غلام خالد
ادھر کسی سال ناغہ نہیں جاتا کہ دارالمصنفین کو اپنے ارکان و مخلصین کی جدائی کا صدمہ نہ اٹھانا پڑے، ۲؍ اگست کو اس کی مجلس انتظامیہ کے ایک پر جوش، سرگرم، افعال اور مخلص رکن جناب شاہ غلام خالد صاحب نے داعئی اجل کو لبیک کہا، اناﷲ وانا الیہ راجعون، وہ اعظم گڑھ کے ممتاز اور کامیاب وکیل تھے، ان کی نانہال مولانا شبلی مرحوم کے خاندان میں تھی، ان سے اور ان سے نسبت رکھنے والے تمام اداروں سے مرحوم کو قلبی لگاؤ تھا، مدت دراز تک شبلی نیشنل کالج کے سرگرم ممبر اور اسسٹنٹ بلکہ عملاً سکریٹری رہے، انھوں نے بڑی جانفشانی سے اسکول اور کالج کو ترقی دی اور ان کے علمی و تعلیمی معیار اور ڈسپلن کو قائم رکھا، وہ بڑے دلیر اور دبنگ تھے کوئی بڑے اقدام کرنے میں ان کو ہچکچاہٹ نہیں ہوتی تھی، اب ان کی سرگرمی اور دلچسپی کا خاص مرکز دارلمصنفین ہوگیا تھا جس کے لیے مرتے دم تک سینہ سپر رہے، اور بڑے نازک اور بحرانی دور میں انھوں نے اس کی پوری مدد کی، اس موقع پر ان کا رعب و دبدبہ، جرأت و ہمت اور مقامی اثر و رسوخ بہت کام آیا، ان میں بڑی قوت عملی اور غیر معمولی صلاحیتیں تھیں جن سے دارالمصنفین اور اس کے کارکنوں کو بڑا فائدہ پہنچا، وہ گذشتہ کئی برس سے پیہم آفات و حوادث کا نشانہ بنے ہوئے تھے جس کا اثر ان کی صحت پر بھی پڑا، گذشتہ سال قلبی دورہ پڑا، بالآخر اسی بیماریٔ دل نے کام تمام کردیا، اﷲ تعالیٰ انھیں جنت نعیم عطا کرے اور متعلقین کو صبر جمیل دے۔ آمین!! (ضیاء الدین اصلاحی،اگست ۱۹۹۰ء)
The preachings of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) are equally beneficial for both believers and non-believers. While Muslims have reaped many benefits from prophetic teachings, those who do not believe in the Holy Prophet (saw) are also inclined to study his teachings and conclude that the scientific principles we are formulating now, were revealed by the Prophet (P.B.U.H) many centuries ago. Whether it be the secrets of hygiene, medicine and treatment, or matters of implicit principles of creation, Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)'s teachings contain golden principles that encompass the secrets of success in all matters ranging from the survival of human health to the matters of creation. The purpose of this article is to explain the sayings of the holy prophet*( P.B.U.H) which lead to scientific proofs and indicate that it is the teachings of the Prophet (P.B.U.H), from which today’s intellectuals deduce principles. But the Prophet ( PBUH) many years ago, made those golden principles clear through his edicts and rulings in the time of technology scarcity.
Identity and Indigenous Culture: A Study of Khushwant Singh's 'Train to Pakistan' and Bapsi Sidhwa's ' Ice-Candy-Man' Intellectuals in postcolonial societies reveal an urgent need to define themselves, both against the identity of their colonial past and against international modernism. The Partition of India was the watershed event of South Asian history. Out of the conflict grew a rich literary tradition shared by the two nations. Research is conducted to reveal how the cultural, religious and national backgrounds of authors are reflected in their works. Khushwant Singh's `Train to Pakistan' and Bapsi Sidhwa's 'Ice-Candy-Man' are an unusual passage to India which transport the reader to the hearts of the Sikh and Parsi communities respectively. The factor that postcolonial discourse theory still continues to find traces in the works of various authors and poets across the world, leads one to analyze works. This study focuses on the work of authors of the sub- continent and the theme of migration and partition. 'Ice-Candy-Man' by Bapsi Sidhwa and `Train to Pakistan' by Khushwant Singh provide one an opportunity to get close to the hearts and minds of the people who experienced Partition in the sub-continent. This thesis explores the themes of identity and indigenous culture as they have been positioned in various situations and experiences of Lenny and Juggat, the central characters of both novels, before and after partition. The narrations of the Parsee girl, Lenny, and the Sikh young man, Juggat, are situated in the wider cultural context of Muslims and Hindus, at a critical juncture of history. Their stories are coming from the peripheries of the minority society that they represent, and address the centre which takes all the decisions for them. They represent a feminist point of view and male discourse. This thesis analyzes these stories with the postcolonial discourse theory, and takes note of the use of English language by the authors; looks into reasons of writing the novels in English, as it has been appropriated and abrogated in the local context and setting. The thesis takes into account the autobiographical nature of the historical novels, and the discursive narrative by indicating similarity of events. A particular event may be seen from the perspective of history as well as from the point of view of personal experience. The differences appear concerning the beliefs of the authors, their approach towards various things, their own mental attitude or particular approach of analysis; their psychological set up or even psychological problems find expression in writing. The theme of migration and independence in subcontinent authors addresses the birth of conflicts that surround the peoples of both India and Pakistan even today. An insight into the works and backgrounds of Sidhwa and Singh contextualizes these concerns and issues, and helps pinpoint areas which need to be addressed in everyday discourse whether social, political or literal. The dissertation analyzes the standings of these works within the postcolonial literary scenario. It focuses on the use of language as a tool for representation of identity and culture through literary discourse. The research studies and enhances the dilemma faced by the postcolonial authors in using the language of the former colonizers (English) as a means to achieve recognition in the literary world. English language acts as a device for the repressed feelings and emotions of the people to be expressed. Thesis cumulates the point that the former colonized people have found a voice for their unheard and unrecognized identity, in the form of their literary discourse.