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Home > Numerical study of MHD Nanofluid flow due to stretching permeable surface under the effect of viscous dissipation, joule heating and thermal radiations

Numerical study of MHD Nanofluid flow due to stretching permeable surface under the effect of viscous dissipation, joule heating and thermal radiations

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Muhammad Adeel Tahir


Department of Mathematics




Capital University of Science & Technology

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Thesis Completing Year








2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-01-06 19:20:37



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اعلانِ نبوت سے پہلے حضوؐر کا عقیدہ اور ایمان

اعلان نبوت سے پہلے حضورؐ کا عقیدہ اور ایمان
اعتراض نمبر۹۳
ما رگولیس کہتا ہے حضرت خدیجہ ؓ اور آنحضرت ﷺ قبل از نبوت ‘ دونوں سونے سے پہلے ایک بت کی پرستش کر لیا کرتے تھے جس کا نام عزیٰ تھا ۔ ( مارگولیس ۔امہات المو منین ۔۵۹)
۲ ۔انسائیکلو پیڈیا آف اسلام واقعہ غرانیق کے تحت متعدد الزامات تحریر کیے ، اس کے بعد کہا ’’ابتدائی اعتقادات کی جھلک اس طرح بھی نظر آتی ہے کہ عربوں کی طرح انہیں ( محمد ﷺ) بھی جن و شیطان پر عقیدہ تھا ۔ مکہ اپنے حرم کے ساتھ ان کے نزدیک بھی مقدس تھا جن کے تقدس اور رسوم کو انہوں نے اپنے مذہب میں باقی رکھا پھر ایک مرتبہ کفر کی طرف لوٹ جانے کی خواہش نے زور کیا جس پر جلد قابو پا لیا ‘‘۔
جواب: انبیاء اور رسل اعلان نبوت و رسالت سے قبل بھی صفات خداوندی سے آشنا ہوتے ہیں اور ذرا برابر انہیں ان صفات میں شک و شبہ نہیں ہوتا ارشاد ربانی ہے ’’ و لقد الھنا ابراہیم۔۔۔۔۔ عالمین‘‘۔ ’’ترجمہ ‘‘ بے شک ہم نے ابراہیم ؑ کو پہلے ہی سے ان کی شان کے مطابق رشد عطا کیا اور ہم ان کی استعداد کو پہلے سے خوب جانتے تھے ۔‘‘ یہ رشد کیا ہے ؟ سورہ الحجرات میں ہے کہ ’’ رشد قلب میں ایمان و اطاعت خدا وندی کی محبت اور کفر و فسق اور معصیت کی نفرت راسخ ہو جائے اس کا نام رشد ہے ۔ اس سے ظاہر ہے کہ سید نا ابراہیم ؑ ابتدا ہی سے رشد و ہدایت پر تھے یہی حال تمام انبیاء و رسل کا ہے ۔ آپ کا ارشاد ہے ’’ جب میرا نشوو نما شروع ہوا ‘ اس وقت سے بتوں کی شدید نفرت اور عداوت اور اشعار سے سخت...


John Rawls, an American Political Philosopher worked on the very idea of justice in his writings throughout his life. He was of the opinion that an institution is just and fair only when its principles and rules are prepared to benefit all the members of the society equally and if there is an unequal distribution then it must advantage all of them especially the ones who are least i.e. Needy. The political institutions must shape up such kind of policies in order for the development of the wellbeing of the individuals in the society by providing them with resources, opportunities, basic necessities etc. Equally. Whereas, the conception of social justice is also based on equality and the human rights where they could be treated as free and equals i.e. An egalitarian society. In this research paper we will analyze the significance of John Rawl’s theory

A Vision Based Plateform For Sign Language Interpretation

Human beings developed the ability to communicate with one another at the dawn of civilization and the primary method and approach of that communication methodology was through speech. Language development and the ability to communicate in a common language is the backbone of human living structure. Unfortunately not everyone in this world has the ability to use to speech or conventional hearing methods in order to communicate. They are known as hearing impaired people and they make use of sign language in order to communicate with each other and the rest. According to recent survey by Center of bibliographical study and research in California, 466 million people have hearing disability and 34 million of them are children. Hearing disability creates an issue for them from workplace to household and especially for children in emergency circumstances. The solution that currently exists in order to deal with this problem is human resource based where someone with hearing disability should be able to hire a sign language interpreter in order to communicate with those who do not understand sign language. The issue that comes along with this approach is that this is not very feasible or practical approach for may deaf and mute people and is unable to solve communication problems specially during emergency crisis period. The digital solutions that exist in dealing with this problem have two hindrances that comes along with them: the solution is either very expensive where it goes above $10,000 or the solution is not portable where it could not be carried to a classroom or a workplace. The solution that we have provided uses neural networks to translate sign language gestures into corresponding words, sentences, alphabets and numbers in English Language. The solution is affordable and portable as it comprises of a Raspberry pi, a camera, a potable battery and an LCD screen where the user just has to perform sign language gestures in front of the screen and corresponding results would appear written on the LCD. The way forward with this project is increasing the dataset and diversifying training images in order to increase and accuracy and completely omits the background or light visibility issue. Furthermore, the next approach for the this project could be releasing this project in the form of an application once proper accuracy levels are met in order to make this project completely free and perfectly portable