پروفیسر حبیب الحق ندوی
فروری کا معارف چھپ چکا تھا کہ پروفیسر حبیب الحق ندوی کے انتقال کی اندوہ ناک خبر ملی۔ وہ باڑھ (پٹنہ) کے سادات کے ایک معزز خاندان سے تعلق رکھتے تھے، مدرسۃ الاصلاح سرائمیر میں میری طالب علمی کے زمانے میں ان کے دوچھوٹے بھائی بھی تعلیم حاصل کررہے تھے جن سے ملنے کبھی کبھی حبیب الحق صاحب بھی آجاتے تھے، وہ خود بھی یہاں زیر تعلیم رہ چکے تھے، پھر پاکستان چلے گئے اور عرصہ سے جنوبی افریقہ کی ڈربن یونیورسٹی سے وابستہ تھے، مولانا سید ابوالحسن علی ندوی مدظلہ سے بیعت تھے، ان سے ملنے لکھنؤ آتے رہتے تھے، اسی سلسلے میں ایک دفعہ بے سان و گمان دارالمصنفین بھی پہنچے، لکھنؤ سے اعظم گڑھ کا یہ سفر بڑا مشقت طلب رہا مگر دارالمصنفین کو دیکھتے ہی ان کی ساری کلفت دور ہوگئی، سرائمیر جانے کی خواہش کی جہاں کی سادگی اور اپنے زمانہ کے استاذوں کے ایثار و قناعت کے بڑے مداح تھے۔ ایک اور دفعہ ندوۃ العلماء میں روس کی آزاد مسلم ریاستوں کے بارے میں میں نے ان کا پُراز معلومات خطبہ سُنا تو انہیں اعظم گڑھ آنے کی دعوت دی یہاں بھی ان کی تقریر بہت پسند کی گئی جس سے ان کے علم و مطالعہ کی وسعت، حالاتِ حاضرہ سے باخبری اور ملی درد کا اندازہ ہوتا ہے۔ دارالمصنفین سے ان کو قلبی لگاؤ تھا، معارف پابندی سے پڑھتے، اس میں ان کے مضامین اور خطوط بھی شایع ہوتے تھے، اپنا سہ ماہی انگریزی رسالہ اور تمام کتابیں یہاں بھیجتے، ادھر عرصہ سے ان کا حال معلوم نہیں ہوا تھا، دفعتہ ان کے ارتحال کی خبر آگئی۔ اﷲ تعالیٰ غریق رحمت کرے اور متعلقین کو صبر و شکیب بخشے، آمین۔ (ضیاء الدین اصلاحی، مارچ ۱۹۹۸ء)
The book of tafseer of Sahi Bukhari is most comprehensive book among the books of Hadith and on the basis of many features, it is considered superior to many other books of Hadith. Imam Bukhari annotates each surah one by one in his book of tafseer and constructs 114 chapters equal to the number of surah and these chapters carry 548 hadith of Zikr in which 465 are Mosool and remaining are mualaq and 100 hadith are not described before and remaining are repetitive. Imam Bukhari implements both style of description that is tafseer bil masaur and tafseer bil rai which proves the fact that Imam Bukhari supports the style of tafseer bil rai mehmood. Many Quranic information can be collected from book of tafseer for example: sabub nazool, makki & madni, ilmul qirat, ghareebul quran etc. The derivation of these features the book of tafseer of Sahi Bukhari is not the end but it is a starting point for new study.
Salt tolerant and salt sensitive cultivars of maize were screened for improvement in salinity tolerance by exogenously applied sulfur as K2SO4. Seeds of eight cultivars of maize were subjected to 0, 25, 50 and 75 mM NaCl. Six levels (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 mM) of sulfur were prepared in Hoglands nutrient solution by using potassium sulphate and applied in sand culture at sowing time. Results showed that salt stress reduced all germination attributed such as; germination percentage, emergence index, mean emergence time, coefficient of uniformity of emergence, vigour index, coefficient of velocity of germination, germination energy, germination speed, mean daily germination, germination value and length, fresh, dry weights of plumule and radicle and ionic accumulation. Salt stress also caused a delay to achieve 50% germination in all selected maize cultivars. The lower levels of sulfur (20, 40, 60 and 80 mM) enhanced salinity tolerance of all studied maize cultivars. Though the highest level of sulfur (100 mM) also improved salinity tolerance to some extent, it was comparatively less effective as compared to lower levels. All germination and early growth data was fed to NTSyS PC software. The tree was generated based on distance matrixes of all attributes with a higher distance reflecting higher similarity between groups. All genotypes were clustered a tolerant group (Agatti 2003, MMRI, Pearl basic, Sadaf) and a sensitive group (Sahiwal 2003, Hybrid 1898, Pak Afgoi 2003, Yousaf wala hybrid). Among the tolerant group, the highest distance was calculated for Agatti 2003 while among salt sensitive group, the least distance was observed for Pak Afgoi 2003 and Hybrid 1898. All other genotypes had intermediate tolerance levels. Among the salt tolerant group, Agatti 2003 had more germination, growth and ionic accumulation at all levels of salinity as compared to other maize cultivars therefore selected as a tolerant variety for further studies. Among the sensitive group, PakAfgoi 2003 was selected as salt sensitive one because of lowest seed germination, growth and ionic accumulation attributes under salinity. From the findings of screening experiment, 25mM and 75mM concentration of NaCl and 40mM and 80mM of sulfur was selected for further study. In the second part, seeds of selected maize hybrids (Agatti 2003 and Pak Afgoi 2003) were subjected to salinity (25, 75 mM) and sulfur (40, 80 mM) as soil amendment. Sulfur (40, 80 mM) was also applied as foliar spray. The plants were harvested after 45 days of seed germination. Various growth, physiological and biochemical parameters were studied. The results of the second experiment revealed that sulfur application improved all growth and biochemical parameters studied. The concentration of different ions (K+, Ca2+, NO3-, PO42-, SO42-) were reduced by salt treatment in leaf, shoot and root of both varieties of maize. The concentration of phenolics, lycopene and carotenoids were increased by increasing sulfur that effectively scavenged MDA and H2O2 contents in Agatti 2003 and helped plants to tolerate adverse effects of salt stress. Excessive production of secondary metabolites, such as, alkaloids and flavonoids also contributed in enhancing salt tolerance in Agatti 2003. The total soluble sugars, total free amino acids and total soluble proteins increased to a greater extent in Agatti 2003 than Pak Afgoi 2003. In comparison sensitive cultivar Pak Afgoi 2003 had high Na+ ions, H2O2 and MDA concentration. It also exhibited lower concentration of osmoprotectants, vitamins, antioxidants, biomolecules that lowered its capability to tolerate salinity. Sulfur at 40 mM level proved to be very effective for improving all growth and biochemical parameters. While higher levels (80 mM) of sulfur were not proved much effective for growth enhancement of maize cultivars both in salinized and non-salinized conditions. The tagged plants from second experiment were harvested at full mature stage. The data was recorded for yield and yield components and forage value of maize shoot. Results showed that salt stress reduced all studied yield parameters including cob length, cob per plant, total number of cobs, total number of grains, weight of 50 grain, harvest index, yield per plant, ionic contents, protein, carbohydrate, starch, vitamin, ash, fiber and ionic contents (Na+, K+, Ca2+, NO3-, PO42-, SO42-) in leaves and grains. This decrease was accompanied with an increase in sodium contents in both maize varieties. Sulfur at 40 mM level effectively increased all studied yield and biochemical parameters. In conclusion, although both varieties responded differentially to the sulfur application, Agatti 2003 showed more tolerance to salt stress by application of sulfur as compared to Pak Afgoi 2003. Additionally, the lower level of sulfur (40 mM) was much more effective in enhancing salt tolerance potential of tested genotypes as compared to its higher level i.e. 80 mM S applied as K2SO4.