خواجہ حسن نظامی دہلوی
افسوس ہے گزشتہ ماہ میں خواجہ حسن نظامی صاحب دہلوی نے کم وبیش ۷۷ سال کی عمر میں چند روزہ علالت کے بعد اپنے وطن دہلی میں ہی وفات پائی۔ مرحوم عجیب وغریب شخصیت کے مالک تھے۔ دیکھنے میں کمزور ولاغر اورضعیف ومنحنی انسان تھے لیکن ارادہ وعمل کی قوت بے پناہ رکھتے تھے۔ان کی تعلیم قدیم مسلمان خاندانوں کی روایات کے مطابق ہوئی۔لیکن جس کو اعلیٰ معیار کہاجاتا ہے اس حدتک نہ تھی۔ انھوں نے اپنی زندگی نہایت ہی معمولی حالت سے شروع کی، یعنی ایک مزدور کی طرح سرپرکتابوں کابوجھ لادکر ایک جگہ سے دوسری جگہ لے جانااوراس طرح اپنی معاش پیداکرنا ان کی معاشی زندگی کاسب سے پہلا قدم تھا۔ لیکن اپنی محنت، استقلال، جذبۂ عمل اورذہانت کی وجہ سے وہ اس ادنیٰ ترین حالت سے ترقی کرکے ایک ایسے بلند مقام پر پہنچ گئے جہاں ہرمذہب و ملّت کے لاکھوں انسان ان کی عزت کرتے تھے۔ بڑے بڑے والیانِ ریاست ان سے ملنے میں فخر اورمسرت محسوس کرتے تھے۔حکومتیں ان کی بات کوگوش توجہ سے سنتی تھیں اوربہت سے لوگ جن میں ہندو، مسلمان، سکھ، عیسائی اورپارسی، مرد و عورت، جوان و پیر سب ہی شامل تھے ان کے حلقۂ ارادت میں شامل ہونے کے باعث ان کے ایک ایک فقرہ اور جملہ پرسردھنتے تھے۔ ۲۸ء یا ۲۹ء میں بزمانۂ قیام ڈابھیل ایک مرتبہ سورت شہرمیں ایک مسلمان بوہرہ کی دکان پرجانے کااتفاق ہواتو باتوں باتوں میں معلوم ہواکہ وہ اوراس کاپورا گھرانہ خواجہ صاحب سے بیعت ہے اور اگرچہ یہ گھرانہ اردو پڑھنے کی استعداد نہیں رکھتاتھا تاہم اس کامعمول یہ تھاکہ خواجہ صاحب کے ہاں سے ’’درویش‘‘ نام کا جورسالہ نکلتا تھا، سال کے اختتام پراس کی جلد بندھتی تھی اور ایک مطلا جزدان میں وہ محفوظ رکھ دیا جاتا تھا۔عید بقرعید کے دن نماز عیدکے بعد...
This article maps the role of religion in the prevalence and promotion of honour killing in tribal areas of Pakistan. Through simple sampling method a sample size of 377 respondents, comprising of ‘Maliks’ were selected from the study universe. The collected data was interpreted and presented at uni-variate, bi-variate and multi-variate levels. Chi-square test statistics were used to draw association between dependent variable (honour killing) and independent variable (religion) both at bi-variate and multi-variate levels. The study found a significant relationship of honour killing with the importance of religion in people lives, alienation from the religious teachings, dominance of cultural values over religion, existence of honour killing in all religious sects (Shia and Sunni), and lack of factual religious knowledge about honour killing. Moreover, a non-significant relationship of honour killing was found with permission of honour killing in Islam, and religious clerics often speak about honour killing in religious sermons. Understanding of women and their rights in light of the teachings of Islam, religious clerics need to perform their true role, and killing in either shape needs to be propagated as against the religion were presented some of the policy recommendations in lights of the study results.
The major objective of the present study was to develop and test an integrated model of organizational cynicism in public sector organizations of Pakistan. Though theories in organizational behavior claim to cover the attitudinal and behavioral aspects of all employees, but there are a number of objections on these theories. For example, criticism on majority of studies is that they are developed in countries which form 30% of the population, mainly Europe and the North America. When the findings are applied to remaining 70% population of the world, the results can be problematic. Theorists like Hofstede(1980) and his followers claim that any explanation of theory without taking into consideration the cultural context can lead to fallacies rather than findings. The present study mainly attempted to analyze an important employee related attitude i.e. organizational cynicism in an under-researched country viz. Pakistan. The second key objective was to study the issue in public sector organizations. The debate that whether same theories are applicable in public and private sector organizations, has been part of literature for decades. The key reason for this debate is that since public and private sector organizations exist with different objectives, the organizational behavior in these organizations may not be the same. Theoretically, the study attempts to develop an integrated model of organizational cynicism. Over the last decade a significant amount of work has been done on the issue, but most of the models discuss limited aspects of organizational cynicism. This study attempts to develop an integrated model of organizational cynicism in Pakistan. The model with these constraints in mind tends to examine impact of demographics and some psychological factors on organizational cynicism. The second component of this model examines outcomes of organizational cynicism and its role as a mediating variable. A sample of public sector employees was selected for data collection. In Pakistan, public sector organizations employs a huge number of employees (around 3 million) in different 15 sectors. Keeping in view the volume of public sector organizations and employees, the study was restricted to civil servants working only in main government secretariats like Islamabad, Lahore, and Karachi. Data was collected from 948 respondents through a questionnaire . Results gave some novel findings specific to culture in Pakistan. Qualification is significantly associated with organizational cynicism while age gender has insignificant relationship. More education with lesser career prospects brings more frustration among employees thus older workers with higher qualification are having more cynicism. Among antecedents of organizational cynicism, negative relationship between perception of politics and organizational cynicism was quite unusual finding which was explained in public sector organizations cultural context of Pakistan where rewards, career development every thing is dependent more on individual’s ability to indulge in politics rather than job performance. On the other hand positive relationship between breach of psychological contract and organizational cynicism, while a negative relationship between job autonomy and organizational cynicism was found in the study. The mediating role of organizational cynicism also gives diverse findings. The results are explained in terms of the existing internal and external environment of public sector organizations in Pakistan. Generally the development of integrated model for organizational cynicism was supported well theoretically and statistically.