قرآن مجید ایک مقدس کتاب ہےقرآن پر ایمان لاناہر مسلمان کے لئے لازم ہے۔جوشخص قرآن پر ایمان نہیں رکھتاوہ مسلمان نہیں ہو سکتا۔قرآن پر ایمان لانے کا مطلب یہ ہے کہ اسے اللّٰہ تعالیٰ کا کلام مانا جائےاور اسے آخری نازل شدہ کتاب تسلیم کیا جائے۔اس کی تعلیمات اور احکامات کو سچ مانتے ہوئےان پر عمل کیا جائے۔جس طرح حضرت محمد صلی اللّٰہ علیہ وسلم کے ذریعے دین اسلام کی تکمیل ہوئی ہےاسی طرح قرآن میں بھی پہلی تمام کتابوں کی بنیادی تعلیمات محفوظ کردی گئی۔قرآن حکیم اپنے اندر بہت سی اعجازی خصوصیات رکھتا ہے اس میں مختلف علوم و فنون ودیعت کر دیئے گئے ہیں۔ اس کا یہ کمال ہے کہ ایک آیت ایک کم پڑھے لکھے انسان کو سادہ نظر آتی ہے مگر ایک عالم کو وہی آیت حقائق و معارف سے لبریز دکھائی دیتی ہے۔اور پھر مزید یہ کہ متعدد علوم کے ماہرین کو وہی آیت اپنے اپنے علم و فن کے لحاظ سے مختلف نظر آتی ہے گویا کہ وہ مختلف علوم کے لحاظ سے بےشمار حکمتوں کا مجموعہ ہوتی ہے جس سے ہر شخص اپنے اپنے ظرف کے مطابق فائدہ حاصل کر سکتا ہے۔ اور یہ صرف خدا کے کلام کی خصوصیت ہو سکتی ہےورنہ انسانی کلام میں اس کی مثال ملنا ناممکن ہے۔قرآن مجید میں انسان کو سمجھانے کے لئے مختلف اسالیب استعمال ہوئے ہیں مثلاً کہیں قصص بیان کئے گئے ہیں تو کہیں امثال، کہیں تبشیر تو کہیں انذار، کہیں بیانیہ تو کہیں استفہامیہ، سوال گفتگو کی بنیاد ہے اسے مختلف مقاصد کے لئے استعمال کیاجاتا ہے ادب میں استفہام کسی حقیقت سے مخاطب کو آگاہ کرنے مخاطب کو غور و فکر کی دعوت دینے اور اپنی بات کے اثبات کے معنی میں استعمال ہوتا ہے قرآن مجید میں استفہام کا اسلوب بکثرت استعمال کیا گیا ہے قرآن نے مخاطب...
An FM Broadcast Trainer was developed to expose the students to the basic equipment needed in radio broadcasting. The cost of Portable FM Broadcast Trainer is much lower than the cost of the traditional commercial equipment because of the materials used. The FM Broadcast Trainer is laboratory equipment that can be used by schools offering academic programs in Industrial Courses specifically Electronics Communication courses. At present there is no portable FM broadcast station available in the local market. Some schools are reluctant to by new FM station equipment since these are quite costly. To resolve this problem, the researchers deemed it necessary to design and develop a portable FM Broadcast Trainer that is simple and affordable to fulfil the basic curricular requirements for offering courses in Electronics Communication Technicians. This is a requirement for our graduates to qualify to take the Radio Telephone Operator examination given by the National Telecommunication Commission the telecommunication body in the Philippines counterpart of Federal Communication Commission in the US. Aside from this, the station will be a venue for Mass Communications students and a vehicle for channelling important announcement from the School.
The aim of this research is to assess the impact of the different factors namely environmental concern, social influence, green motivation, green information, environmental health & safety, media exposure/green advertisement, green consumerism, and willingness to pay more on consumer buying intention in changing green marketing environment in Pakistan. Based on convenience sampling technique data was collected from three provincial capitals (Peshawar, Lahore, and Karachi) and the country capital Islamabad. A total of 403 valid responses were received. Data analysis was carried out through descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling. The results revealed a significant impact of green consumerism, social influence, green intention, green motivation, and willingness to pay more on consumer buying intention. While the impact of media exposure, environmental health & safety, and environment concern was found insignificant. Discussion, limitation, and future research direction are also presented. This study is original in a number of ways. First, previous studies have individually assessed the impact of some of the proposed factors on consumer purchase intentions, there is limited research in context of green purchase intention. Second, there are contradictory results in existing research pertinent to the impact of different factors on the purchase intentions of the consumer, this requires further research to clarify the impact and identify the determinants of green purchase intentions. Third, little is known about factors that could significantly affect the greenness of consumers’ choices. Hence, the present study would help add to existing knowledge by clarifying their impact. Fourth, not only the study will help in identification of critical factors that affect green purchase intention, the study identifies the factors influencing green purchase behavior of consumers, which provides additional motivation for the present research. Fifth, there hasn’t been a study that evaluate which factors are critical in consumer buying intention of the eco-friendly products in context of Pakistan. Scant research sheds light on green marketing strategies and its impact on green consumer purchasing patterns in the context of developing countries. Therefore, there is an increasing need to study factors that can help consumer purchase towards environmentally friendly products. Sixth, the study ascertains new paradigms that could make provision for better understanding of complicated relationship between different factors and consumer purchase intentions and can help identify new facts that can enhance the generalizability of results not only in developed countries but also in less developed countries. Seventh, the present study utilizes broader demographic profile to analyze respondents extending the collection of data from multiple cities in Pakistan investigating with larger sample size and greater geographic spread. The study has some limitations. The study utilized convenience sampling technique, it is noteworthy that the results could possibly have been more generalizable, future study may use probability sampling techniques. Furthermore, only three cities are included in the study. Future study may be conducted in multiple countries in different cities. The findings in the current research have far-reaching implications theoretically and practically. To start with, the findings would help in the understanding of the perceptions and mindsets of consumers as far as green products are concerned, including the factors that affect their decision to purchase or keep away from a green product.Policy makers may find the results relevant as they explore regulations and standards to set and enforce in the interest of promoting green business processes. Business executives and employees may find the results relevant in their efforts to strategize for eco-branding, to stand out from market rivals. The study helps in identification of factors that could shift people’s attitude towards purchasing green products. Thus, Pak-EPA could establish certain guidelines for different business organization keeping in light the perception of people that shape their attitude. The PAK-EPA could use these factors as a starting point to educate the companies with respect to the concerns of the public. Future research directions are also discussed. Keywords: Environmental concern; Social influence; Green motivation; Green information; Environmental health & safety: Media exposure/Green advertisement; Green consumerism; Willingness to pay more; Consumer buying intention; Pakistan.