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Home > Domestic Violence Prevention &Amp; Protection Act 2009 A Bill : An Analytical Study in Shariah Perspective

Domestic Violence Prevention &Amp; Protection Act 2009 A Bill : An Analytical Study in Shariah Perspective

Thesis Info


Naheed Sultan


Mohyuddin Hashmi




Allama Iqbal Open University

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Call No: 340.59 NAD; Publisher: Aiou


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-02-17 21:08:06





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مولانا عبدالقادر قصوری
پنجاب کے نامور عالم اور وکیل و مجاہد سیاسیات مولانا عبدالقادر صاحب قصوری کی وفات کی خبر سے بڑا صدمہ ہوا، قصور ضلع لاہور ان کا وطن تھا اور وہیں وکالت کرتے تھے اور اچھے ناموروکیل تھے، عربی کے عالم، دینیات کے فاضل اور انگریزی سے واقف تھے، مولانا ابوالکلام کے الہلال والی تحریک سے ان کو ایسی دلچسپی تھی کہ اس کے لئے انہوں نے بہت کچھ نثار کیا، اپنے ایک صاحبزادہ کو ایک طرف عالم بنایا اور دوسری طرف کیمبرج کا گریجویٹ، اسی طرح اپنے دوسرے بیٹے کو بھی عربی و انگریزی کی تعلیم دلائی اور دونوں کو مع اپنی زندگی کے بہت سے سرمایہ کے دعوت و تبلیغ اسلام کے کاموں کی نذر کردیا، جس کا سلسلہ ایک زمانہ میں بمبئی سے لے کر مدراس تک جال کی طرح پھیلا تھا، خلافت کی تحریک میں کامیاب وکالت کو خیرباد کہہ کر قومی و سیاسی تحریکوں میں شامل ہوگئے اور اخیر تک اپنے عہد پر قائم رہے۔
مرحوم مسلکاً اہل حدیث تھے، نہایت دیندار، متواضع، ملنسار، پابندوضع، علامہ ابن تیمیہ اور حافظ ابن قیم کی تصانیف کے بڑے شائق تھے اور انہی کی تحقیقات پر ان کا عمل تھا، خلافت حجاز اور کانگریس میں بیش از بیش حصہ لیا اور اس عمر میں بھی جو غالباً اسی (۸۰) کے قریب ہوگی، وہ اپنے جذبات کے لحاظ سے ایسے ہی جوان تھے، ادھر سیاسیات کی عملی تحریکوں سے کنارہ کش تھے۔
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مسلم دورِحکمرانی ميں تعليمات نبویﷺ سے اخذ شدہ سراغ رسانی کے رہنما اصول

Intelligence system is considered to be one of the important tools used by military and civil secret agencies to defend and strengthen a nation. Intelligence system is thought to be one of the oldest studies of known history. Intelligence system consists of correct and accurate information, gathered after great struggle and facing difficulties. This department if related to both peace and war. Intelligence is a basis of formulating all military strategies and plans. The importance of intelligence system both in day to day life and as a nation cannot be overemphasized. This article recounts the intelligence systems and management of the resources of secret services of the companions of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and, thereafter, the Muslims rulers. Furthermore, the principles derived from the era of the companions of the Holy Prophet (SAW) regarding intelligence system have also been discussed in this chapter. The guiding principles that are still valid even today includes: (a) Training of Personnel Since espionage helps to strengthen the roots of a state and protect it from its enemies, therefore it requires a team of well trained professionals with latest technology and trends. Islam emphasized on two aspects of early warning, one is professional and the other is ethical.(b) Counter Espionage. An Islamic state must have an effective network of espionage to keep an eye on all the activities of the enemy. This is known as counter espionage. (c) Reconnaissance. This aims at the fore knowledge of the intentions of the enemy so that one can have a better planning in case of an attack. (d) Verification of Information. Information from an agent should be verified from other sources. An operative may feed false information due to lack of experience and competency and that may create an embarrassing situation. (e) Security of Information. Don’t share your secret, try to protect them. If national secrets are compromised they may cause an extensive damage to national interest. (f) Interrogation of POW. Whenever enemy spies or soldiers are arrested in a war they should be interrogated for extraction of information. They may be subjected to mental stress. (g) Fore Warning of the Enemy. This requires the launching of own agents in the enemy ranks for knowledge of their future plan likes attacks. (h)Treatment of Spies. If anyone is found to be guilty of spying for enemy, he may be penalized with death punishment.

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a-amylase is an industrially important enzyme that catalyses the hydrolysis of starch to yield products like glucose and maltose. Optimization of a-amylase production by isolate Bacillus amyloliquefaciens S8TS was done using technique of solid state fermentation (SSF). Different types of agro-industrial substrates (wheat straw, rice husk, wheat porridge, wheat bran) were used for the production of a-amylase but wheat bran gave highest a-amylase activity (3.50 ?0.088 U/mg) when moisten with 10 ml diluent (D-3) at pH 7.0, temperature 37oC with 10% vegetative inoculum after 72 h of incubation.