نواب بھوپال حاجی حمید اﷲ خاں
افسوس ہے کہ پچھلے دنوں حاجی حمید اﷲ خاں کاجوعام طورپر نواب بھوپال کے نام سے مشہورتھے انتقال ہوگیا۔مرحوم اپنی سمجھ بوجھ ،علمیت ولیاقت اورتدبر و دوراندیشی کی وجہ سے تقسیم ہند سے پہلے کے والیان ریاست میں ایک ممتاز مقام و مرتبہ رکھتے تھے اوراسی وجہ سے حکومت میں ان کا بڑاوقار تھا اورپبلک میں بھی بڑے ہردلعزیز تھے۔مرحوم کی والدہ ماجدہ خودایک مثالی خاتون تھیں۔انھوں نے بیٹے کی تربیت ایسے انداز سے کی تھی کہ وہ دوسرے والیان ریاست کے لیے نمونہ کا کام دے۔چنانچہ عام والیان ریاست کی اولاد کے برخلاف مرحوم نے مدرسۃ العلوم علی گڑھ میں تعلیم پائی اوریہاں جب تک رہے عام طالب علموں کی طرح سب سے گھل مل کررہے۔ایک خاص خاندانی ماحول میں نشوونما پانے کے علاوہ علی گڑھ کی فضا میں ان کی جو ذہنی و دماغی تربیت ہوئی اسی کا اثر یہ تھا کہ وہ قومی اور ملکی معاملات کے علاوہ مسلمانوں کے تعلیمی اوردینی معاملات میں بھی بڑی دلچسپی لیتے تھے اوران کاموں کی عملاً مددکرتے تھے۔چنانچہ دارالعلوم دیوبند،مسلم یونیورسٹی علی گڑھ،ندوۃ العلماء لکھنؤ،جامعہ ملیہ اسلامیہ دلّی، یہ سب ادارے مرحوم کے فیض کرم وتوجہ کے ممنون تھے۔مسلم یونیورسٹی کے چانسلر اوروالیان ریاست کی انجمن کے صدر بھی رہ چکے تھے۔مرحوم کے ذاتی اوصاف وکمالات اورپھراُن کی خاندانی روایات کی وجہ سے’’بھوپال‘‘ارباب علم وادب،مسلمان علماء وفضلاء، شعراء اوراصحاب فن کی امیدوں اور تمناؤں کاجولانگاہ بن گیاتھا۔ریاست بھوپال توپہلے ہی ختم ہوگئی تھی۔تاہم اُن کی ذات سے بھوپال کی قدیم روایات کی بھولی بسری یاد،ذہن میں کبھی کبھی اجاگر ہوجاتی تھی۔اب یہ سہارا بھی گیا۔سدا رہے نام اﷲ کا! خاتمہ بھی بڑااچھا ہوا۔ نماز پڑھتے پڑھتے جان جانِ آفریں کے سپرد کردی۔ اللھم اغفرلہ وارحمہ رحماً کبیراً۔ [مارچ۱۹۶۰ء]
Natural Sciences learning laboratory activities are an integral part of teaching and learning activities, This shows how important the role of laboratory activities to achieve the goals of science education. Through laboratory activities, students will be given the opportunity to encourage curiosity and the desire to try, test and reason the theories obtained. The purpose of this study was to analyze the management of a science laboratory in SMP Negeri 4 Sojol. The research method uses qualitative methods and descriptive analysis. The research subjects were the head of the laboratory and the science subject teacher and the students at SMP Negeri 4 Sojol. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and student learning outcomes. Based on the results of the study, the availability of natural science practicum tools in SMP Negeri 4 Sojol, the average availability of practical tools and materials 68.33% classified as complete categories, the average presentation of the feasibility of practical tools and materials 90.67% included in the excellent category based on the Ministry of Education number 24 of 2007. The effectiveness of practicum implementation in SMP Negeri 4 Sojol is classified as effective category with an average presentation of practicum at 85%. Coupled with an average increase in cognitive competencies average preetest 58 increase in posttest by as much as 87 in addition to the average value of competence in the areas of psychomotor average preetest obtained 60 and posttest 90 showed a significant increase competency knowledge and skills of learners. Success in the cognitive domain will also have a positive impact on the development of the psychomotor domain (skills) of students. Management of laboratory facilities and infrastructure planning in improving the quality of learning in schools must be planned by the head of the laboratory, planning science teachers by preparing learning tools and identifying the subject matter to be practiced in the laboratory, laboratory administration governance supported by good organization from the leadership of policy makers in school. Implementation of laboratory facilities and infrastructure management in improving the quality of learning in schools including procurement, inventory, storage, structuring, use, and maintenance. Supervision carried out by the principal is in accordance with the provisions, to be more efficient the school should make a program or schedule of supervision processes to be more controlled and run well and smoothly.
This work aimed at improving efficacy and reducing toxicity of non-steroidal anti- inflammatory (NSAIDs) and anti-bacterial drugs by designing and synthesizing mutual prodrugs with dual activities. The NSAIDs were ibuprofen, flurbiprofen and aspirin, which contained a carboxylic group as part of their structure. The antibacterial included ampicillin, metronidazole, isoniazid, sulfamethoxazole, sulfamerazine, sulfamethazine, sulfanilamide, 7- ADCA and 7-AVCA, which contained an amino group as part of their structure. In the prodrugs of these compounds the two drugs were covalently linked together forming an amide linkage. In addition to these a prodrug from benzydamine, containing amino group, and cefazoline, containing carboxylic group was synthesized, in which the two drugs formed a quaternary ammonium salt. All the synthesized compounds were characterized by use of diverse analytical techniques including elemental analysis, FT-IR, electronic spectra, 1H and 13 C NMR, ESI-MS and single crystal XRD techniques. The new compounds were subjected to anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, enzyme inhibition and toxicity tests in order to evaluate them as more effective and safe drugs with dual activities. Some of the activity related properties, which could not be determined experimentally, were determined through computational analysis. The results showed that aspirin, flurbiprofen and ibuprofen prodrugs perform better (having moderate to significant difference) than the parent drugs in anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory tests. The computational analysis also suggests that the prodrugs possess better druglike properties and bioavailability with slight variations. Thus this study clearly indicates that mutual prodrug is an advantageous option where a concomitant treatment is required.