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from Ownership Patterns in Daudzai Markaz Intergated Rural Evelopment Programme Peshawar Tehsil and District Masters Thesis

Thesis Info


Mohammad Amir Joya, Malik




Allama Iqbal Open University

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Call No: 338.1 FAM; Publisher: Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peshawar


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-02-17 21:08:06



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سید علی نقی نقوی

مولانا سید علی نقی نقوی
اس وقت اس برصغیر میں مولانا سید علی نقی نقوی کا ماتم بپا ہے، انھوں نے اپنے وطن لکھنؤ میں طویل علالت کے بعد ۱۸؍ مئی کو وفات پائی، گونا گوں علمی کمالات اور عملی خوبیوں کے جامع اور فرقۂ شیعہ کے ممتاز علماء و مجتہدین میں تھے، مدرسہ ناظمیہ اور سلطان المدارس میں تعلیم مکمل کرنے کے بعد لکھنؤ یونیورسٹی سے فاضل ادب کا امتحان دیا، پھر پانچ برس تک نجف میں تعلیم حاصل کی اور لکھنؤ یونیورسٹی کے شعبہ علوم مشرقیہ میں درس دیا، ۱۹۵۹؁ء میں علی گڑھ یونیورسٹی کے شعبہ دینیات سے وابستہ ہوئے اور ڈین فیکلٹی آف تھیالوجی ہوکر سبکدوش ہوئے، تفسیر، حدیث، فقہ، کلام، فلسفہ، منطق، نحو، لغت، تاریخ اور جغرافیہ کے علاوہ اردو فارسی اور عربی ادب پر بھی ان کی نظر گہری اور وسیع تھی اور عربی کے صاحب دیوان شاعر تھے، عربی، فارسی اور اردو میں تین سو کتابیں یادگار چھوڑیں، ان میں بعض کو شہرت نصیب ہوئی اور بعض کے ترجمے دوسری زبانوں میں ہوئے، وہ بڑے اچھے مقرر اور خطیب بھی تھے۔
مولانا نقن میاں اپنی شرافت، منکسر المزاجی اور حسن خلق کی وجہ سے ہر طبقہ میں مقبول تھے، رواداری اور صلح کل ان کا مسلک تھا اور وہ اتحاد بین المسلمین کے حامی تھے، ان کے شاگردوں کی تعداد ہزاروں سے متجاوز تھی، ان میں ہر فرقہ کے لوگ شامل تھے اور سب کے لئے ان کا فیض عام تھا، وہ دوسرے فرقہ کی مذمت سننا گوارا نہ کرتے تھے، ان کی کتاب ’’شہید انسانیت‘‘ پر خود ان کے فرقہ کے لوگ برہم ہوگئے تھے، مگر وہ سچائی اور حق گوئی سے باز نہیں آئے، اﷲ تعالیٰ ان سے عفوودرگزر کا معاملہ فرمائے اور ان کے متعلقین کو صبر جمیل عطا کرے۔ (ضیاء الدین اصلاحی، جون ۱۹۸۸ء)

فکر اقبال کے تناظر میں تہذیبی تصادم

A thorough critical analysis of human history highlights that the clash of civilizations centered on themes of conflict, war, and struggle. Historical experts use the word encounter to interpret or explain these relations among civilizations. Trade played a vital role in flourishing these ties, however, conflict and encounter have also been a part of almost all the phases or eras of human history. Developing nations have always looked up to the western world as a role model of economic and military progression, but this philosophy has also resulted in the escalation of tensions among these nations. World peace faces daunting challenges and is one of the most talked-about human concerns in the present times. Islam is currently being challenged by the western world in terms of the right interpretation of religious teachings and the true message of the Holy Quran and Sunnah. Islam is still struggling to make its mark in the present world order, particularly after the 9/11 incident which painted Muslims as terrorists and fundamentalists. It is quite evident that the world is divided into factions or groups, where one group is the torchbearer of Islam and religious teachings, while the second group endorses western ideals or secularism. According to Samuel Huntington, it won’t be wrong to say that the next ideological challenge that the world faces after the ultimate demise of the Soviet Union is Islam and the prospective clash between the East and the West in the 21st century will be the most discussed topic. The present-day relationship between the East and the West is based upon rivalry. This conflict is not a new area of research and is centuries old. The only solution to this problem is to promote global peace and harmony and facilitate dialogue among nations. This would help in creating a social system that can center on values, harmony, peace, and love. Also, Iqbal’s philosophy can act as a guiding stone and can help in resolving this crisis. Iqbal’s universal social reconstruction theory highlights how different civilizations can live together and can facilitate constructive dialogue to improve civilizational ties. This article aims to incorporate the teachings of Iqbal, especially the universal social reconstruction theory to propose solutions for inter-civilizational clashes. This article aims to use the teachings of Iqbal as a beacon of light to promote constructive dialogue and peaceful coexistence among the two dominant sides of the world, resultantly leading in much prosperous and peaceful world order. 

Phytochemical Screening on the Constituents of Rumex Obtusifolius

The present Ph.D. thesis deals with the phytochemical screening on the constituents of Rumex Obtusifolius. Rumex obtusifolius is commonly known as ‘broad-leaf dock’. Itis perennial Herb that grows to a height of 50 to 130 cm. R. obtusifolius occurs along with its very close relative’s R. longifolius and R. crispus. It is widely distributed in ditches, wetlands, riparian areas, roadsides, meadows, waste grounds, disturbed damp areas and pasture fields. This plant is very important in research point of view because of its traditional uses in medicine in several countries of South America. According to folk medicine this plant’s root has a prominent detoxifying result on the liver and is used against fever, jaundice, and as an antianemic tonic. The roots are also laxative. In addition, the leaves of this Rumex are used against hepatic, dermatological and eye problems. They are functional in the relief of furuncles, bruises and are also used as antiseptic and as scar healer. It is used as an antidote to nettle, astringent, depurative, tonic and laxative. It is also used for treatment of tumors, blisters, sores, burns and cancer.