مولانا پروفیسر محمد اشرف خاں سلیمانی مرحوم
دارالمصنفین میں یہ خبر بھی نہایت رنج و افسوس کے ساتھ سُنی گئی کہ حضرت مولانا سید سلیمان ندوی کے عاشق صادق اور ان کے مرید و خلیفہ مولانا محمد اشرف خاں ستمبر کے مہینہ میں اس دارفانی سے رخصت ہوگئے، اناﷲ وانا الیہ راجعون۔
وہ پشاور یونیورسٹی میں شعبۂ عربی کے صدر، ایک عربی مدرسہ کے ناظم، خطیب اور مصلح و مرشد اور حضرت سید صاحب کے خاص فدائی تھے، سید صاحب کے جلوہ ہائے حسن جاناں کو انہوں نے کچھ اس طرح جذب کرلیا تھا کہ انہیں کو سب پکار اٹھیں گزر جائیں جدھر ہوکر۔ اسی لیے اپنے نام کے ساتھ نسبت سلیمانی لکھنے کا التزام کیا اور اپنی قیام گاہ کو سلیمان اکاڈمی کا نام دیکر خود کو علوم و معارف سلیمانی کا فیض عام کرنے کے لیے وقف کردیا، اس کا ثبوت ان کی کتاب ’’سلوک سلیمانی یا شاہراہ معرفت‘‘ ہے، یہ پہلے ۵۶۔۵۵ء میں معارف میں مضمون کی صورت میں چھپی جس کی داد اہل نظر نے دی تو اسی کو مزید تفصیل و اضافہ کے بعد کتابی شکل میں شایع کیا جس کے بارے میں مولانا دریا بادی نے لکھا کہ ’’کتاب صحیح نمونہ ماقل و دل ہے․․․․․․ سلوکِ سلیمانی بلکہ سلوک اشرفی کا ایک جامع دستور العمل․․․․․․ لطیف، سلیس، شگفتہ اور اندازہ بیان دلچسپ و پُرمزہ‘‘ ان کے اس البیلے اور شگفتہ طرز کی داد مولانا سید ابوالحسن علی ندوی نے یہ لکھ کردی کہ ’’مولانا اشرف خاں صاحب کا فطری جوہر کہیے یا سید صاحب کی ارادت و صحبت کا فیض کہ تحریر کی شگفتگی اور شیرینی کہیں ساتھ نہیں چھوڑتی یہ دراصل علامہ شبلی کی وہ میراث ہے جس سے نہ مولانا عبدالباری ندوی اپنی کامل اشرفیت و تقشف کے باوجود آزاد ہوسکے اور نہ سید صاحب اپنی کامل فنائیت اور...
Amongst other miracles of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), ISRAA and MAIRAAJ are one of the well-known miracles that have been discussed a lot in Sirat-ul-Nabi. This article, therefore, has brought under discussion the occur-rence of this miracle in the light of Qura’n and Ahadith in details. Furthermore, it has also been discussed whether the occurrence of this miracle was physical or spiritual in its nature. The concept of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan regarding this miracle has also been discussed; where he support his arguments with reference to some Ahadith, that the entire situation concerning the miracles was merely a dream and this miracle did not take place in physical form. According to him, this is against the law of nature. In this article the explicit concepts of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan have been rejected with the arguments given by the Majority of the Scholars and Muslim thinkers.
This academic work is focused on the dynamics of voting behaviour with a particular focus on partisan and floating voters in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. The voting behaviour of the voters in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is constantly changing in each and every election. Questions arise that, why voting behaviour and preferences are frequently changing in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa? What are the main determinants of voting behaviour in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa? There is a considerable ratio of floating voters in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa that change their loyalties in each election. The scarce literature on voting behaviour in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa did not explain the frequent changes in voting behaviour in general and partisan and floating voters in particular. This study explores the concept of floating voter in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and operationalized it on the basis of previous research work. A scientific method was used to compare the results of three general elections (2002, 2008 and 2013) in the selected constituencies for identification of partisans and floating voters. Party identification theory was operationalized for the partisan voters which justified the argument that party identification is one of the main determinants of voting behaviour in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The study also figures out other determinants of voting behaviour in the 2013 such as the influence of the candidate personality, local and national issues, religion and social networks in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The „Issue Ownership Theory‟ and „Riding the Wave Theory‟ were operationalized to find out the issue voters in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The socio-political and economic circumstances in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa encouraged the influence of personalities in the electoral politics. While this research work recognizes personality vote hypothesis and tested it through Five-Factor model (FFM) of personality, the role of religion in making the political behaviour of the voters was also much visible. The study identified that religion-based voting is an important determinant of voting behaviour in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The strong social structure in the Pakhtun society and social networks like family, relatives and friends have significant influence on the political affiliation and vote choices of the individuals. The scope of this research work is limited only to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa which was divided into Northern, Central and Southern geographical regions or zones. From each zone two national assembly constituencies were randomly selected and data was collected through a close ended questionnaire on the basis of probability sample. The study is primarily quantitative. For analysis inferential statistical tests that include Chi-Square test, Paired T-test and cross tabulation were used to check the relationship between two variables and test deviation of differences.