الفصل الثاني: أشعار نازك الملائكة وبروين شاکر(المختلفة)
سأتحدث في ھذا الفصل عن أشعار نازک الملائکۃ وبروین شاکر المختلفۃ، ولا أقصد من ذلک بأن لیست ھُناک متشابھات أبداً في ھذہ القصائد، ولکن أقصد من ذلک أن الإختلافات أکثر من المتشابھات، وأرید أن ألفت ذھن القاریء إلی شيء أو موضوع معین، ولکن الشاعرتين مختلفتان في الرأي، وتحکمان علی شعور معین بوجھات نظرھما، والمثال علی ذلک أن نازک الملائکۃ في قصیدتھا ’’أغنیۃ للحیاۃ‘‘ تعتبر الحب مزیجا من السعادۃ والتعاسۃ، ولکن الشاعرۃ بروین شاکر في غزلھا "الموت في العشق لیس سهلاً ’’ عشق میں بھی مرنا اتنا آسان نہیں‘‘ تقول بأن الحب ھو سعادۃ وسعادۃ فقط دون التعاسۃ، والأمثلۃ کثیرۃ علی المتشابھات والإختلاف في قصائدھما، ولکن لم أتطرق إلی جمیع أشعارھما، فسأحاول أن أوضح جزءا أو بعض أشعارھما المختلفۃ في ھذا الفصل، وھي أنني سآخذ قصیدۃ لنازک الملائکۃ وقصیدۃ لبروین، وسأقوم بمقارنتھما، وأعطیت الأسماء الخیالیۃ من تلقاء نفسي لکلا القصیدتین (قصیدۃ لنازک الملائکۃ وقصیدۃ لبروین شاکر) ھکذا۔
[1] الملائکۃ، نازک، ديوان نازك الملائكة ، المجلد الأول(ص ۔365)
[4] القلاع: الحصن ا الممتنع في الجبل۔
[6] قلت: تعرضت للھلاک۔والمقصود هنا العيون
[7] البوار: الخراب، الھلاک، خُسران۔
[8] شاکر، پروین، خوشبو، مراد پبلیکیشنز ۔۔۔۔(ص 142)۔
[9] پیراہن کا مخفف، کپڑا، پوشاک / اللباس أو القماش
The Trope (المجاز) is one of the vital chapters in the Eloquence of Arabic Language and its Rhetoric. It has two kinds; the Linguistic Trope/figuration and the Mental Trope/ figuration. In this article I concentrated on Mental Trope and all of its concerned motives in detail with examples of Quranic Verses and Prophetic Hadiths and Arabic Poetry. I have also discussed the view point of Abd Al-Qahir Al-Jurjani and Al-Khatib- Al-Quziani about Mental Trope/ figuration and its Rhetoric mysteries. I also shed light on academic ambivalences and differences in their view points. Furthermore, I have discussed the motives of Mental Trope in the negative mode and elaborated mental/rational circumstances in the negative mode in the light of views of Abd Al-Qahir Al-Jurjani and Saad ul din Al- Taftazani. At the end of this article I have mentioned Mental Trope’s presumptions and concluded the article with best positive sequences.
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a common cause of viral hepatitis with significant health complications including cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Major advances have been made in the treatment of Hepatitis B recent years. However, much remains to be accomplished because current antiviral drugs do not eradicate infection. The currently licensed hepatitis B vaccines, consisting of recombinant hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and alum, are highly effective and induce protective antibody titers in 95% of vaccinated individuals after 3 immunizations before onset of HBV infection. Present studies were aimed to develop chimeric vaccine (proteins) that may stimulate B- and T- cell responses and generate enhance immune response to treat the HBV patients after infection. In this regard, five HBV chimeric vaccine constructs were designed and developed using the HBcAg gene encoding amino acids 1-78 and amino acids 80-144. Amino acid- position 79 where deleted and replaced with preS epitopes sequences. All five chimeric constructs (pIJMcsc-1, pIJMcsc-2, pIJMcsc-3. pIJMcsc-4 and pIJMcsc-5) contained HBcAg as a carrier molecule for the epitopes of preS regions primed HBcAg- specific antibodies response. These constructs (chimeric plasmids) were transformed into E.coli to see the protein product on SDS-PAGE. The expressed proteins (csc-1, csc-2, csc-3. csc-4 and csc-5) were purified based on affinity chromatography using His tag at the C terminal of expressed proteins. The purified chimeric proteins were further subjected to Enzyme linked Immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and western blotting assays using secondary anti- rabbit AP conjugated antibody and secondary anti-mouse AP-conjugated antibody respectively. All five chimeric proteins showed positive antibody response. In vivo study was performed for chimeric protein (csc-5) only. This chimeric protein (csc-5) was evaluated in C57BL/6J mice for activation of humoral and cellular immune responses, primed both HBcAg- specific T cells and antibodies to preS1. IXResult obtained indicated that the csc-5 protein can induce HBV-specific antibodies and T cells, two functions that well complement the activity of antiviral compounds. Thus, the csc-5 protein may be a future component in therapy for chronic HBV infections where the host is gaining a sustained control of the HBV infection and also a viable approach to develop an effective bi-functional therapeutic vaccine as an add-on for treatment of chronic HBV.