شام کا دوسرا سفر تجارت
حضورؐ پچیسویں سال، حضرت خدیجہ کا مال تجارت’’ بطریق مضاربت‘‘لے کر شام کی جانب تجارت کے لیے تشریف لے گئے۔یہ اس قول کی بنا پر کہ ابو طالب نے حضورؐ سے عرض کیا ‘ چونکہ میرے پاس اب مال بالکل نہیںرہا ہے اور قریشیوں کا قافلہ بغرض تجارت جانے والا ہے۔ لہٰذا خدیجہ بنت خویلد ؓ سے جا کر کہو ،وہ قریش کے مال دار لوگوں میں سے ہیں اور لوگوں کو مضاربت کے طور پر مال تجارت دے کر بھیجتی ہیں تو اگر آپ خود اپنے لیے چاہیں گے تو وہ یقیناََ مال تجارت آپ ﷺکو بھی دے دیں گی اور ممکن ہے کہ اس طرح کچھ نفع حاصل ہو جائے ۔لیکن صحیح ترقول یہ ہے کہ سیدہؓ خود کسی ایسے امین کی متلاشی تھیں جسے وہ اپنا مال تجارت سپرد کریں اور وہ حضورؐ سے زیادہ کسی کو امین نہ پاتی تھیں ۔ چونکہ حضور اکرمﷺ کو تمام قریش اظہارِ نبوت سے قبل ’’محمد ﷺ کو امین‘‘ کہا کرتے تھے۔ لہٰذا سیدہ خدیجہؓ نے کسی کو آنحضرت ﷺکے پاس بھیجا کہ اگر میرا مال تجارت آپ لے جائیں اور حق تعالیٰ اس میں نفع دے تو جتنا نفع آپ مناسب خیال فرمائیںلے لیں۔ ایک روایت میں ہے کہ دو گنا مال دوسروں کی نسبت دوں گی۔ سید عالمﷺ نے ابو طالب کے مشورہ کو قبول فرمایا ۔اس کے بعد سیدہؓ نے اپنا غلام جس کا نام میسرہ تھا اور اپنا ایک مخصوص آدمی جس کا نام خزیمہ تھا آپ ؐ کی خدمت کے لیے ساتھ کر دیا۔ آپؐ جب بصریٰ پہنچے تو وہاں ایک صومعہ یعنی کلیسا تھا جس میں نسطورا راہب رہتا تھا۔ اس نے حضور ﷺ کو ایک ایسے درخت کے نیچے جلوہ افروز دیکھا جس کے بارے میں خبر تھی کہ اس درخت کے نیچے سوائے نبی...
Gog and Magog Interpretations by Modern Scholars and its Application on Contemporary Nations: An Analytical Study According to the Islamic point of view Gog and Magog (Ya’jūj Ma’jūj), are two such supernatural and aggressive powers that will reveal from some unknown place. According to Islamic sources the two disbelieving powers (tribes) are the children of Yāfith son of Noah. Humanity will affect badly at their severely harmful activities on the earth. In the beginning they were free into some unknown place. The famous king Dhulqarnayn imprisoned them behind an unknown thick wall in human history. There are many conjectures regarding the wall, and it is sometimes considered in any Norwegian country because of too long duration of sunrise in these countries. Their population will be 10 times more than the World’s populations. They will be so much trouble creating nation from the race of Noah (A.S) even Isa (Christ) will take refuge on the mountain of Toor and Muslims will pray Allah to get rid of them. Today some modern Islamic researchers have been claiming that they are in fact, Chines or Russians as we find their resemblance in prophet's traditions. In this article, an attempt has been made to unveil the disputed matter that either they exist in current age in form of living peoples or some hidden which will be revealed before the end of time. The purpose of this research is to revisit different speculations about Gog and Magog as we find them also into the Bible. Many Muslims research took effect from Bible’s concept ignoring the traditions of the prophet and find out many different solutions which, according to me are to be seen into the true and clear facts by Quran and Sunnah.
This research study was conducted to find out the factors and indicators of risks in commercial banks and their
effective risk management. It may be helpful to the stockholders who are concerned with the risk level: a bank
faces and the management may use it to get a clear view of institution's standing and can decide future action
plan for managing their financial risk. This study also provides a clear view of financial factors that by managing
will lead to reduce the ultimate financial risk.
The source of data collection for this study is primary and secondary. Questionnaire is used for primary data
collection and annual reports of the banks are used for secondary data collection. The sample consists of banks
from Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Ten (10) commercial Banks from both cities were chosen at random. 30
different branches of all banks were selected for this study. There were hundred (100) respondents who have
completed the questionnaire. The extent of interest shown by outside parties is a very basic factor that leads
to financial risk. The more is the interest of outside parties higher will be the risk.
The data of the survey depicts that a lot of interest is shown by the outside parties in the banks. Another factor
is Regulatory / Contractual of the bank have an affect on the overall risk management. The banks in the survey
are facing a high level of regulatory / contractual requirements. These increase the complexity and diversity of
the banking system. The ratio analysis indicates an in consistency of the banks in their focusing areas.