آہ ! ڈاکٹر رفیق زکریا
افسوس ہے کہ ۹؍ جولائی کو ڈاکٹر رفیق زکریا نے ممبئی میں داعی اجل کو لبیک کہا، اناﷲ وانا الیہ راجعون۔ وہ مشہور عالم، دانشور اور ممتاز مصنف اور اسکالر تھے، ان کا شمار مسلمانوں کے لائق، قابل، صاحب کمال مدبر اور عالی دماغ لوگوں میں ہوتا تھا، وہ بڑے غور و فکر کے بعد بالغ نظری سے حالات و واقعات اور مسائل کا تجزیہ کر کے صحیح رخ اور سمت کا تعین کرتے تھے، ان کے استنباط اور بحث کے نتائج سے اختلاف کرنے والے بھی ان کی بصیرت، دیدہ وری، دقت نظر اور باخبری کا اعتراف کرتے تھے، ان کی وفات کے بعد ان کا خلا شدت سے محسوس کیا جارہا ہے۔
ڈاکٹر رفیق زکریا پر دل کا شدید دورہ پڑا تھا، جس سے سخت بے چینی اور سینے اور کمر میں بڑی تکلیف تھی، ابھی اسپتال لے جانے کی تیاری ہی ہورہی تھی کہ وقت موعود آگیا، ان کا آبائی وطن اورنگ آباد تھا، یہاں وہ اپریل ۱۹۲۶ء میں پیدا ہوئے تھے، یہ تقسیم سے پہلے ریاست حیدرآباد کا حصہ تھا، لسانی جارحیت اور اردو دشمنی نے ریاست حیدرآباد کے تمام اضلاع کو انڈین یونین کی کئی ریاستوں میں اس طرح منقسم کردیا کہ اردو کا کوئی مخصوص علاقہ نہ بننے پائے، چنانچہ اورنگ آباد اب مہاراشٹر میں شامل ہے، مرحوم کو ان کی وصیت کے مطابق یہیں ان کے آبائی قبرستان میں سپرد خاک کیا گیا۔
اورنگ آباد میں تعلیم حاصل کرنے کے بعد ممبئی یونیورسٹی سے ایم اے کیا اور چانسلر گولڈ میڈل حاصل کیا، ڈاکٹریٹ کی ڈگری لندن یونیورسٹی سے حاصل کی اور بارایٹ لالنکنز ان سے کیا، واپس آکر وکالت شروع کی، طالب علمی ہی کے زمانے میں سیاست کی خارزار سے الجھ گئے اور طلبہ کے لیڈر بن کر ابھرے، ۱۹۴۲ء میں ’’ہندوستان چھوڑو‘‘ تحریک...
The topic, "Eloquence of the Discourse in the Narrative of Ibrāhīm” is selected to meet the desire to examine the Quranic eloquence of the selected discourse. The Quranic narrative is selected for the present study for its significant position in the Quranic text. Most of its artistic elements are based on the Quranic rhetorical inimitability. In Sūrah Shua‘rā’, there are the famous dialogues of Ibrāhīm with the polytheists. He invites his nation to abandon the worship of different gods and pay their adoration to the One and the Only God: the Sustainer of the worlds. Then, comes his invocation (Du‘ā) for himself, his nation and for the Prophet Muḥammad (S. A. W). Also, this article discusses the condition of the polytheists and their dispute with their leaders in the hell, those leaders, who diverted them from the right path. The article discusses the narrative, and studies the Quranic eloquence of the discourse in the story of Ibrāhīm. It shows how the Qur’ān deals with the said story from Rhetoric, syntactic and morphological point of view.
Instant research was conducted to explore the fat replacing functionality of inulin in cakes and to highlight its therapeutic potential against hypercholesterolemia and hyperglycemia. Purposely, inulin was extracted from chicory roots and Jerusalem artichoke tubers and its various physicochemical attributes were assessed. The results revealed the inulin content as 90.95±2.43 and 93.76±3.21% for chicory roots and Jerusalem artichoke, respectively. Regarding techno-functional attributes, chicory inulin exhibited more solubility (118.67±3.26g/L) than Jerusalem artichoke inulin (4.62±0.18g/L). Moreover, reported values for oil holding capacity for both the inulin were 1.51±0.02g/g (chicory) and 4.95±1.13g/g (Jerusalem artichoke). Afterwards, extracted inulin was used as a fat replacer in cakes. Purposely, eleven types of cakes were prepared by varying the concentration of chicory inulin (T1 to T5) and Jerusalem artichoke inulin (T6 to T10) @ 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% along with control (T0). The results of cake batter illustrated that viscosity decreased with increasing concentration of inulin and the highest reported value (11324.64±226.92cP) for this trait was observed in T0 (control) whereas, lowest value (6311.13±124.23cP) was recorded in T5 (50% chicory inulin). On the other hand, batter density increased from 1.04g/cm3 in control to 1.19 g/cm3 in T5 containing 50% chicory inulin. Regarding cake volume, highest reported value was 539.53±18.46cm3 (control). An inverse relationship was observed between water loss and increased inulin concentration. Lightness for both the crust and crumb decreased with higher doses of inulin. Treatments based on acceptability scores were selected to be used in bioefficacy trial involving normal, hypercholesterolemic and hyperglycemic rats referred as study I, study II and study III, respectively. All the studies were subdivided into three groups and correspondingly three types of diets were prepared such as control (G0), diet containing chicory inulin (G1) and diet containing Jerusalem artichoke inulin (G2). In bioefficacy trial, inulin proved effective in managing the cholesterol level. Highest reduction in cholesterol levels was attained in study II (hypercholesterolemia) as 11.60% for G1 and 11.20% for G2. Likewise, more reduction in LDL levels was observed in hypercholesterolemic rats (study II). An up surge of 5.99% and 7.47% in HDL levels was observed in G2 (Jerusalem artichoke inulin containing diet) and G1 (chicory inulin containing diet) in hypercholesterolemic rats. A noticeable decline in triglycerides levels was also witnessed in study II with the administration of functional diets when compared to control and the percent reduction recorded was 17.0% (G1) and 14.66% (G2). Furthermore, serum glucose levels expressed a significant decline i.e. 9.52% and 10.42% in study III by G1 and G2, respectively. In hyperglycemic rats, an upsurge of 7.12% and 6.09% in insulin levels was observed for G1 and G2, respectively. Besides, kidney and liver functioning parameters were also improved by inulin based diet in comparison to control diet. Fecal pH was determined and reduction was observed in inulin fed groups in comparison to control. Conclusively, it has been explored that chicory roots and Jerusalem artichoke tubers can be used as therapeutic ingredients due to the presence of health promoting moieties such as inulin which can be tailored to develop various food formulations in order to attenuate the lifestyle related disorders.