المبحث الأول: ممیزات أشعار نازك الملائکۃ
یوجد في شعر نازک الملائکۃ ’’القیمۃ الفعلیۃ‘‘ وھذہ القیمۃ لا تتمثل في أن شعرھا قابل للتقلید أو أخذہ کنموذج مثالي یقتدي بہ من بعدھا الآخرون، ولکن المیزۃ الممتازہ في شعرھا بأن لدیھا القدرۃ علی التحرر من العاطفۃ والرومانسیۃ وما إلی ذلک۔
ویذکر شوقي بزیغ في مجلۃ العدد’’ وقد تکون تربیۃ نازک المحافظۃ ونشأتھا في أسرہ متعلقۃ بأھداب القیم الموروثۃ ھي من بین العوامل التي دفعتھا إلی احترام العادات والتقالید المحیطۃ لھا من کل جانب، وعلی الرغم من إقامتھا الطویلۃ في أمریکا فنحن لا نلمع في شعرھا ما یشي بالتجرؤ علی الأعراف السائدۃ وتجاوز المحظورات لابل إننا نکاد لا نعرف شيئاً عن حیاتھا الخاصۃ أو عن علاقاتھا العاطفیۃ التي سبقت الزواج‘‘[1]۔
فیذکر شوقي بزیغ لا بد من الاعتراف بأن نازک، بسبب النشأۃ أو الخوف أو مکانۃ المرأۃ العربیۃ أو بعض الظروف الاجتماعیۃ لم تسمح للشاعرۃ أن تتعمق في الحداثۃ أو بما تکون الحالۃ الاجتماعیۃ أو مکانتھا أو عادات البيئة العربیۃ والواقع العربي والعراقي بوجہ خاص وقد تکون ھذہ الظروف نفسھا ھي التي لونت معظم قصائدھا بلون الحزن والألم ، وجعلت الموت یحتل موقعاً متعلقاً في نظرتھا، ولکن الجانب الإیجابي یحجب علی حزنھا ویظھر الجانب الآخر وھي قدرتھا علی تحویل حزنھا إلی مادۃ للتأمل الھادئ والتبصر العمیق والتعجب في الحیاۃ وفي أحوال النفس وأسرارھا، وھو ما تکمن ملاحظتہ في قصائدھا مثل "أجراس سوداء" و "مرثیۃ یوم تامہ" و "الشخص الثاني" و "الخیط المشدود في شجرۃ السرو" وغیرھا[2]۔ نلاحظ أن معظم قصائدھا ملون بلون الحزن والألم وقد تکون أسبابھا لیست ظاھرۃ ولکن ربما یکون ھناک سر مختبيئ في قلب الشاعرہ، وھي لا تستطیع إظھارہ وذلک بسبب حالة من الحالات أو بسبب ظروف معینۃ ویتضح ألمھا الداخلي ونظرتھا الی الوجود والأشیاء، بأنھا فانیة...
The paper discusses the rights and powers of men against their counterparts’ women in so many aspects of life, because it is the command of Almighty Allah, so the paper looks into some verses of the Holy Qur’an (Ayāt) and Prophetic traditions (Aḥadith) on the same matter and the causes for that powers. The paper highlighted the contemporary world’s perception of men’s rights and powers as well as Islamic perception and also misperception about the rights and powers of men against their wives. Finally, the paper discussed on the equality of rights and powers of both the parties in some occasions in light of Islamic legal injection to remove difficulties and bodings from the two spouses. The methodology used in the research work is both historical and empirical, based on secondary sources.
Soil is vulnerable to degradation through deforestation, desertification, salinization, overgrazing and soil erosion. Water erosion causing factors are slope, rainfall, soil type, plant cover, runoff and lack of soil conservation techniques. Present study was carried out in the Dharabi watershed (196 km2) in Chakwal district of Pakistan, where high intensity rainstorms (especially during summer) cause most of the erosion. First part compared the sediment yield from gully and terraced gully land use systems in two pairs of small catchments,-one at Rahna Sadaat and the other at Thoa Bahadar. In each pair, gully system was adjacent to the terraced gully system. Instruments (recording rainguage and water level recorder) were installed to monitor the runoff and sediment yield from all the catchments. Data of soil, land use and vegetation cover were recorded. During three years (2009, 2010, 2011), the sites received 547, 725 and 686 mm rainfall, respectively with corresponding Gumbel probability of exceedance as 0.67, 0.30 and 0.44. In 2010 and 2011, the terraced gully system produced almost 70 per cent lower average sediment yield as compared to gully system. Number of runoff events and runoff coefficient were lower in terrace system. The terraced system produced 64 per cent and 74 per cent lower sediment bound organic carbon losses at two sites with the largest amount of 88.4 kg ha⁻1 from gully catchment. At Rahna Sadaat, average annual loss of sediment bound nitrogen from Terrace-I was 2.5 times lower than from adjacent Gully-I. Loss of available phosphorus was also lower (<1 kg ha⁻1) due to lower content in the soils. Similar results were observed for loss of sediment bound available potassium at this site. Here, terraced catchment decreased annual average loss of extractable K by 3.5 times (0.29 kg xvi ha⁻1 as compared to 1.01 kg ha⁻1 from the gully catchment) during 2010-2011. In the second part, soil erosion plots were established. Soil loss from a cultivated slope on a terrace and an undisturbed slope with natural cover was evaluated to ascertain the impact of cultivation of slopes already converted into terraces. A relatively steep slope (11.2 per cent) and a gentle slope (6.1 per cent) with natural vegetation were compared with a gentle slope (5.8 per cent) on cultivated terrace with existing cropping pattern. Cultivated slope produced the highest (8.96 Mg ha⁻1) soil loss annually as compared to the other undisturbed gentle and steep slopes, viz., 2.08 and 4.66 Mg ha⁻1, respectively. This suggests that a cultivated field on terrace generate more soil loss compared to an undisturbed slope with natural vegetation having similar or higher slope gradient of 11 per cent. It is concluded from the results that the use of a terraced gully system is helpful in reducing losses of sediments and adsorbed nutrients to the reservoir. On the other hand, cultivation on converted sloping terraces increases the soil loss at plot scale. Findings of this study could help making policy decisions regarding the land use change and its downstream impacts.