ابتداء ِوحی
وحی کی ابتدارویا ئے صادقہ سے ہوئی جو کچھ آپ خواب میں دیکھتے اسی طرح وہی ظہور میں آتا ۔ یہ مقدمات نبوت کا ظہور ہو رہا تھا اس وقت آپ کی عمر چالیس سال کے پیٹے میں تھی ۔ رویائے صادقہ چھ ماہ تک رہے آخر کا ر ایک روز غار حرا میں مراقب تھے کہ جبرائیلؑ فرشتہ آپ ﷺ کے پاس اللہ کا پیغام لے کر آیا اور کہا : اقراء (پڑھو) آپ نے فرمایا مَااَنَا بقاَریِِ ( میں پڑھنے والا نہیں ہوں ) فرشتہ نے آپ ﷺ کو سینہ سے لگا کر بھینچا پھر اقراء کہا : آپ نے فرمایا ’’ ما انا بقاری‘‘ فرشتہ نے دوبارہ بھینچا اور کہا اقراء ، تیسری بار فرشتہ نے کہا : اِقرَابِاِِاسِم ِ رَبَّکَ الذَّی خلق‘‘ آپ نے ان کلمات کو پڑھا( اقراء با اسم ربک الذی خلقo خلق الانسان من علقoاقراء وربک الاکرم o الذی علم با لقلم oمالم تعلم o ) آپ پڑھیے اپنے رب کے نام کے ساتھ جس نے پیدا فرمایا ، پیدا کیا انسان کو جمے ہوئے خون سے ، پڑھیے آپ کا رب بڑا کریم ہے جس نے علم سکھایا قلم کے ذریعے سے ، اس نے سکھایا انسان کو جو وہ نہیں جانتا تھا ۔‘‘
مستشرقین ایسی چیزوں کی تلاش میں مصروف رہتے ہیں جن کو بنیاد بنا کر اسلام اور پیغمبر اسلام ﷺاور ان کے اصحاب کو نشانہ تنقید بنا سکیں ۔ بد قسمتی سے انہیں اپنے موقف کے لیے مواد بھی ہمارے اپنوں کی تحریروں سے ہاتھ لگ جاتا ہے پھر انہیں مزید غلط رنگ دے کر اور خوب نمک مرچ لگاکر شکوک و شبہات کے علاوہ فی نفسہ ِ واقعہ کو غلط ثابت کرنے میں ایڑی چوٹی کا زور لگاتے ہیں ۔ اسی طرح وحی کے متعلق عجیب و غریب باتیں کرتے ہیں ۔...
Fiqh Islami or Islamic Jurisprudence is Muslim sacred law based on primary Islamic sources i. E. Quran and Sunnali and which provides code ofconduct to Muslims in all spheres of life. Manu Dharam Shastra or laws of Manu is one of the standard books of Hindu religious law. This article aims at comparative study of 'lawsuit in Hinduism and Islam' in light ofFiqh Islamic and Manu Dharam Shastra.
The foremost challenge for pharmaceutical scientist is the poor bioavailability of drugs which is the derivative of poor water solubility. The nanocrystal has got prominent consideration in solving the bioavailability problem by increasing the aqueous solubility of the drugs. The nanocrystals can be prepared by bottom up and top down methods. In the current study nanonization has been accomplished by microchannel fluidic reactor (bottom up method) and media milling (top down method). The current research project has been conducted on three poor water soluble NSAIDs drugs (ketoprofen, dexibuprofen and indomethacin). In the bottom, up method, drug solutions and polymers solutions were mixed in microchannel fluidic reactor and subsequent emergent nanosuspensions were poured into vials having polymer solutions. Stable nanocrystals of the ketoprofen, dexibuprofen and indomethacin with particle sizes of 61 nm ± 3.0 with PDI of 0.25 ± 0.07, 45 nm ± 3.0 with PDI of 0.190 ± 0.06, 380 nm ± 5.0 with PDI of 0.290 ± 0.05 were produced. It was observed that antisolvent and solvent flow rate, inlet angle, mixing time and appropriate polymer with specific concentration were the key parameters which greatly affected yielded nanocrystals. The results obtained demonstrates that high antisolvent solvent volume to solvent volume ratio (2.0/0.5 ml/min) produced the relative smaller nanoparticles size. Moreover, it was originated that nanoparticle size increases while increasing the solvent volume and taking antisolvent volume constant. Similarly, at equal ratio of both antisolvent and solvent volumes, it was revealed that low ratio of both liquids produces comparatively smaller nanoparticle size. The mixing of the nanosuspensions for 60 minutes with subsequent ultra-sonication results in reduction of PDI and nanoparticle sizes. Moreover, small inlet angle 10° produced smaller nanocrystals in relation to inlet angle 50°. Poloxamer 407 was effective stabilizer for ketoprofen and dexibuprofen nanosuspensions while indomethacin nanosuspension was stabilized with HPMC-PVP-SDS polymer combination. Moreover, the imperative physicochemical characterization of the nanosuspensions were carried out and it was observed that the produced nanosuspensions were stable for two months. The crystallinity of the nanoparticles was confirmed by DSC and PXRD. Furthermore, Morphology examination was carried out through SEM and TEM and it has been substantiated that the produced nanocrystals were homogenously distributed with distinctive crystalline morphology. The produced nanocrystals proved significant dissolution rate correlated to marketed formulations and raw drugs. In the media milling method, coarse suspension of drug was prepared in the polymer and then was recycled in the milling machine (Dena®). Th effect of milling time on particle sizes of the model drugs was evaluated. The resulted particle sizes were 169 nm ± 1.98 with PDI of 0.194 ± 0.04, 298 nm ± 2.00 with PDI of 0.234 ± 0.05 and 161 nm ± 1.90 with PDI of 0.229 ± 0.06 for ketoprofen, dexibuprofen and indomethacin respectively. Moreover, the stability studies were carried out and the produced nanosuspensions were stable for two months. The crystallinity of the nanoparticles was established by DSC and PXRD. The Morphological examination was performed on SEM and TEM and it has been observed that the produced nanocrystals were having distinctive crystalline morphology and homogenously distribution. The dissolution studies revealed that produced nanocrystals have significant dissolution rate in relation to marketed formulations and raw drugs. At the end, this research project demonstrates that model drugs are successfully produced in nanocrystal form by Microchannel fluidic reactor and media milling methods.