مولانا عبدالحفیظ بلیاوی
ابھی چند روز ہوئے (۲۶ ؍جولائی کو) مولانا عبدالحفیظ صاحب بلیاوی بھی ہم کوداغِ مفارقت دے گئے۔انا ﷲ وانا الیہ راجعون۔ مرحوم دارالعلوم دیوبند کے قدیم فارغ التحصیل تھے اوراب ادھر ایک عرصہ سے ندوۃ العلماء لکھنؤ میں عربی زبان وادب اوردوسرے علوم وفنون دینیہ کے نامور استاد تھے۔استعداد بڑی پختہ تھی اورمطالعہ وسیع تھا۔عربی زبان وادب کاذوق فطری تھا جس کی شاہد عدل ان کی مشہور متداول کتاب ’’مصباح اللغات ‘‘مطبوعہ مکتبہ برہان ہے اور جس پران کو وزارت تعلیم اور یوپی گورنمنٹ کی طرف سے انعامات بھی ملے تھے۔ طبعاً بڑے متواضع، خوددار اور خلیق و ملنسار تھے۔ ابھی گزشتہ مئی کی ۱۷؍ تاریخ کوان کی قیام گاہ پران سے ملاقات ہوئی تھی ۔چند ماہ سے بیمار تھے لیکن اس وقت اس کا خیال بھی نہیں تھاکہ یوم موعود اتنا قریب ہے۔ اﷲ تعالیٰ ابرار وصلحا ء کامقام جلیل عطا فرمائے ۔آمین [اگست ۱۹۷۱ء]
Stair climbing is one of the unique exercises which is frequently used and helps in maintaining the leg muscles active and healthy. However, if the height of the stair is not optimum, it may cause serious injuries due to increased or decreased knee angle that may damage the human leg muscles such as quadriceps and hamstring involved in its proper function. A stair climbing leg model PASCO ME-7001 was designed to find an optimum knee angle for reducing the maximum chances of leg muscle fatigue and injuries by using the force sensors. Resultant forces applied on leg muscles i.e. hamstring and quadriceps at 4 different average angles: 40º, 57º, 68º, and 76º for four different stair heights: 3", 5", 7", and 9" respectively were studied graphically during ascending stairs. Also, the energy consumption of quadriceps is calculated for the desired 4 average angles. The optimum knee angle maybe 57-68 degrees at 5"-7" stair height for both flexion and extension of the leg during stair climbing.
Diversified cropping systems are also a major economic activity to those in rural areas, providing principal food for majority of people and affecting their livelihoods and health of urban and rural poor. Cropping system is a producer’s map of their approach to production. Intensive cropping systems in irrigated areas of Punjab are cotton-wheat, ricewheat and mixed cropping systems having wheat as an essential crop. The mixed cropping system does not appear to give its economic potential during kharif period. A research work was planned to develop a cropping system under the prevailing conditions of Faisalabad, Punjab where mixed cropping system has been adopted by most of the farmers. Maize, Rice, Sunflower, Mungbean, Sarson (mustard), Wheat, Barley, Cotton, Gram, Millet, Berseem, Sesame and Jantar were grown. Randomized complete block design was used in the research with three replications. All the agronomic parameters were observed during this study and analyzed by statistics computer program. The variances among significant means were assessed by Least Significant Difference test at 5% probability level. Results showed that yield and growth of key crops like wheat, cotton, maize, millet, rice and sunflower is increased when grown after legume and restorative crops. Growth and yield of major crops like cotton, maize, wheat, millet, sunflower and rice is decreased when grown after non- legume and exhaustive crops. Nutrients contents in soil after harvesting increased after growing the legume and restorative crops. More net profit and benefit cost ratio was shown by S1 cropping systems.