شیخ محمد اسماعیل
دوسرا حادثہ شیخ محمد اسماعیل صاحب صدر مسلم لیگ کی وفات کا ہے، وہ ملک و ملت کے پرانے خدمت گزار تھے، ایک زمانہ میں کانگریسی تھے، پھر مسلم لیگ میں شامل ہوگئے تھے، جنوبی ہند کی سیاست میں ان کو نمایاں مقام حاصل تھا، یہ انہی کی شخصیت تھی کہ ملک کی تقسیم کے بعد جب ہندوستان میں لیگ کی کوئی گنجائش نہیں رہ گئی تھی جنوبی ہند میں اس کو دوبارہ زندہ کیا، پھر ملک کے مختلف حصوں میں اسکو پھیلا دیا، مگر اسکو فرقہ پروری سے اتنا دور رکھا اور ملکی حالات سے اتنا ہم آہنگ کردیا کہ اسکے مخالفین کو بھی گرفت کا موقع نہ مل سکا اور کانگریسی حکومتوں تک کو اس سے معاملت کرنا پڑی، اب ملت کے ایسے بڑی غم گسار مشکل سے پیدا ہوں گے، اﷲ تعالیٰ ان کی مغفرت فرمائے۔
(شاہ معین الدین ندوی، اپریل ۱۹۷۲ء)
The Arabic language is being taught in Islamic educational institutes of the sub-continent for many decades. Their prime teaching style, with their significant, vital role in teaching Arabic to none native speakers could not be neglected. This article is a short description of madaris's role, in Arabic teaching, especially in the Endo Pak subcontinent. It is a deep analysis of Madaras discourse in Arabic language teaching with a critical study of its curriculum's beneficial aspects. The article gives a valuable comparison between traditional and none traditional education methods in the regular system of Madaris as well as a valuable discussion of the wifaq( approved by HEC) Curriculum with its feature values and plans, which have been adopted with time. Moreover, it suggests some innovative modern means and applications to up-to-date many of the additional resources.
The immense proliferation of research papers in journals and conferences poses challenges for researchers wanting to access relevant scholarly papers. Recommender systems o er a solution to this research problem byltering all of the available information and delivering what is most relevant to the user. Several approaches have been proposed for research paper recommendation, variously based on metadata, content, citation analysis, collaborativeltering, etc. Approaches predicated on citation analysis, including co-citation analysis and bibliographic coupling, have proven to be signi cant. Co-citation has been analyzed at content level and the use of citation proximity analysis has shown signi cant improvement in accuracy. However, co-citation presents the relationship between two papers based on their having been mutually cited by other papers, without considering the contents of the citing papers. Bibliographic coupling, on the other hand, considers two papers as relevant if they share common references, but traditionally does not consider the citing patterns of common references in di erent logical parts of the citing papers. The improvement found in cases of co-citation when combined with content analysis, motivated us to analyze the impact of using proximity analysis of in-text citations in cases of bibliographic coupling. Therefore, in this research, three different approaches were proposed that extended bibliographic coupling by exploiting the proximity of in-text citations of bibliographically coupled articles. These approaches are: (1) DBSCAN-based bibliographic coupling, (2) centiles-based bibliographic coupling and (3) section-based bibliographic coupling. Comprehensive experiments utilizing both user study and automated evaluations were conducted to evaluate the proposed approaches. The results showed signi cant improvement over traditional bibliographic coupling and content-based research paper recommendation