مولانا سید محمد ہاشم ندوی
ہمارے لیے تیسرا حادثہ مولانا سید محمد ہاشم ندوی کی وفات کا ہے، وہ ندوہ کے لائق فرزند تھے، جس سال راقم ندوہ میں داخل ہوا ہے ، اسی سال وہ فارغ ہوئے تھے اور حضرت سید صاحب کی سفارش سے اسی زمانہ میں دائرۃ المعارف حیدرآباد میں ملازم ہوگئے تھے، جس سے ریٹائر ہونے تک وابستہ رہے، وہ اس کے اہم رکن تھے، بہت سے کتابیں ان کے اہتمام میں شائع ہوئیں، بعض کی انہوں نے تصحیح بھی کی اور بعض پر مقدمے لکھے، انہوں نے ایک مفید علمی خدمت یہ انجام دی کہ دنیا کے مختلف کتب خانوں میں عربی کی جو اہم اور نادر و نایاب کتابیں ہیں ان کی فن وار فہرست ’’تذکرۃ النوادر‘‘ کے نام سے مرتب کی جو دائرۃ المعارف سے شائع ہوگئی ہے، ملازمت سے سبکدوش ہونے کے بعد حیدرآباد ہی میں متوطن ہوگئے تھے، ان کی صحت عرصہ سے خراب تھی، گذشتہ مہینہ حیدرآباد کے ایک خط سے معلوم ہوا کہ ان کا انتقال ہوگیا، ستر سے کچھ اوپر عمر رہی ہوگی۔ اﷲ تعالیٰ اس خادم علم کی اپنی رحمت و مغفرت سے سرفراز فرمائے۔
(شاہ معین الدین ندوی، جولائی ۱۹۷۱ء)
Obesity is a growing problem, most prevalent in the developed countries, especially US. Children and adolescents are gaining weight at a fast pace as compared to their parents. Although, it is very complicated to exactly know the cause of obesity, its risk factors, its prevention in different populations, yet, it has been observed that changes in life style and particularly in eating habits has contributed to an increased obesity incidence globally. These habits include eating junk food, synthetic and bakery products, increased hoteling, increased consumption of meat and unstaturated fats. If we compare the urban and rural regions at a global scale, we may come to know that Obesity and gastrointestinal problems are more prevalent in urban areas. It also indicates that these disorders are mostly attributed to bad eating habits and wrong choices of food which lack nutritional value but cause various disorders. Atleast 2 decades ago, when there was less digitalization and technological advancements, if people consumed high cholesterol diet or meat, they could digest it as they were physically very active. But in these days, there is less physical activity and our digestive systems cannot digest such food. Moreover, junk food may contribute to obesity. No doubt genetics may also has some role which cannot be denied but the modifiable risk factors can be controlled, monitored and may prevent such disorders. However, global investigations in this regard are direly needed to know the dietary habits and patterns worldwide, their effects in different populations, so that policies may be devised and implemented. Parents are also not aware of a proper healthy pattern that meets the requirements of their children. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) Surveys and then awareness campaigns may play a positive role in this regard. Teaching healthy dietary patterns for different age groups at school level may also serve the purpose.
Agricultural education is the key component of development and growth of agriculture. This becomes essential when agriculture provides the base for economy of any country like Pakistan. This has vital role for building the capacity of the people in agricultural profession. Many universities and colleges have been offering agricultural education at undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels and lastly, they have also started intermediate pre-Agriculture program. At the same time, the subject of agriculture has been a part of elementary school for many years. This analysis leads to conclusion that the gap that is still existing for the provision of agricultural education at secondary level. To fill this gap, at first level, the curriculum of agriculture must be in hand to start this program but still that has not been developed and launched at secondary level. This study aims at exploring the propositions of agricultural education curriculum and its teaching strategies at secondary level. This research automatically leads to fulfill the demand for agriculture education in schools to provide skilled persons as massive agricultural workforce. The objectives of the study were: a) To review the national educational policies, plans, projects and policy documents regarding agricultural education at secondary level. b) To assess the need of agricultural education for secondary level in relation to intermediate pre-agriculture program. c) To explore the possibilities for proposition of curriculum for agricultural education according to opinions of experts from agriculture. d) To explore teacher training strategies in relation to possibilities of agricultural education at secondary level through the opinion of experts from teacher education. The nature of study was descriptive. The study was conducted in three steps. At the first step; documentary analysis technique was used. Further, the need of agricultural education curriculum for secondary level was assessed. Purposive sampling technique was used to select subject specialists from University of Agriculture Faisalabad and Rawalpindi. At the second step; the data were collected through three round Delphi technique for proposition of agricultural education curriculum. At third step; purposive sampling technique was used to select expert teachers in teacher education from universities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. At this step, possible ways were proposed for teacher training in agricultural education at secondary level. The data were analyzed with frequencies, percentages, mean, and standard deviation. The qualitative data were analyzed by themes and analytical approach. This research suggests that agriculture education may be launched at secondary school level and proposed some possibilities to fit agriculture education at secondary level. It is highly recommended that agriculture may be teach as an elective subject in science group. The research suggests that advance knowledge in field of agriculture with pedagogical skills are necessary for teaching of agriculture at secondary level like BS. or B.Sc. (Hons.) in agriculture with B.Ed. or advance diploma in teaching of agriculture. So, this study provides practical directions to policy makers and curriculum planners.