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Tree Farm Crops Interculture in District Toba Tex Singh

Thesis Info


Abdul Jabbar


Bashir Ahmad


Allama Iqbal Open University

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Agriculture & Related Technologies




Call No: 634.9 ABT; Publisher: Aiou


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-01-06 19:20:37





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قرآنی استفہامی اسلوب کے مقاصد

۹قرآنی استفہامی اسلوب کے مقاصد

قرآن مجید میں خدا اور مخلوق کے تعلق کو واضح کرنے کے لئے انسانی زبان میں سے زیادہ تر الفاظ بطور انداز بیان، مصطلحات اور استعارے استعمال کئے گئے ہیں ، یہی وجہ ہے کہ اس کا اسلوب بیان بھی انسانی فکر و نظر اور ذوق سلیم کے مطابق ہے۔ یعنی قرآن مجید کا یہ منفرد اندازِ بیان ہر نفس کو فرداً فرداً یکساں طور پر متاثر کرتا ہے اور پڑھتے وقت یہی باور کراتا ہے کہ قرآن اس کے قلب پر نازل ہو رہا ہے۔ قرآن مجید کے مختلف اسالیب کی طرف خود اللہ تعالیٰ نے ارشاد فرما یا :

"نَحْنُ نَقُصُّ عَلَيْكَ اَحْسَنَ الْقَصَصِ بِمَآ اَوْحَيْنَـآ اِلَيْكَ هٰذَا الْقُرْاٰنَ" ۔[[1]]

" (اے محمدؐ) ہم اس قرآن کو تمہاری طرف وحی کر کے بہترین پیرائے میں واقعات اور حقائق تم سے بیان کرتے ہیں"۔

قرآن حکیم کو دینی فیوض و برکات کے ساتھ ساتھ زبان و بیان اور منفرد اسلوب کے لحاظ سے بھی دنیائے علم و ادب میں غیر معمولی عظمت و بڑائی کا شرف حاصل ہے اور کفار‘ منکرین حق اور مشرکین کے فصحا و حکماء نور حق سے نابینا اور لذت و وحدت سے ناآشنا ہونے کے باوجود قرآن مجید فرقان حمید کی ادبی لسانی خوبیوں کا اعتراف کرنے پر مجبور ہو گئے تھے۔تاریخی شواہد سے یہ بات واضح ہوجاتی ہے کہ قرآن کریم کے نزول کے بعد بڑے بڑے ادباء وشعراء کی زبانوں پرمہر لگ گئی۔ اس کی ایک عمدہ مثال جاہلی دور کے شاعر معلقات لبید بن ربیعہ ہے جس کے شعروں پر اس کے معاصرین نے کئی بار سجدۂ تہنیت کیا اور اُسے خراج تحسین سے نوازا، اور وہی شاعر...

مقام نبوت و رسالت: کتب مقدسہ کی روشنی میں: تجزیاتی مطالعہ

Allah used to send Prophets to deliver his message and to provide guidance to the people in every field of life. Different Prophets brought divine religions with them and make people convince to that particular religion. For the purpose of guiding people, Allah made a formal arrangement of sending down divine books. Among those, Torah, Gospel and the Holy Quran are the three books on which this paper will focus on Torah, Gospel and Holy Quran are followed by Jews, Muslims and Christians respectively. This paper emphasizes on the respect and status these books give to their prophets. As three of these have been sent down by Allah, researchers are interested in knowing the similarities in these books with reference to esteem and prestige these books offer to their holy prophets, i.e. Hazrat Moosa (A.S), Hazrat Issa (A.S)and Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).

Mathematical Modeling and Optimal Control of a Vector Borne Disease

This dissertation is concerned with mathematical modeling and optimal control of a vector borne disease. We derive and rigorously analyze mathematical models to better understand the transmission and spread of vector borne diseases. First, a mathematical model is formulated to evaluate the impact of biological control of a vector borne disease "malaria" by considering larvivorous fish as a sustainable larval control method. To evaluate the potential impacts of this biological control measure on malaria transmission, we investigate the model describing the linked dynamics between the predator-prey interaction and the host-vector interaction. The dynamical behavior with all possible equilibria of the model is presented. The model also exhibits backward bifurcation phenomenon which give rise to the exis- tence of multiple endemic equilibria. The backward bifurcation phenomenon sug- gests that the reproductive number R 0 < 1 is not enough to eliminate the disease from the population under consideration. So an accurate estimation of parameters and level of control measures is important to reduce the infection prevalence of malaria in an endemic region. Our control techniques for elimination of malaria in a community suggest that the introduction of larvivorous fish can in principle have important consequence for the control of malaria but also indicate that it would require a strong predator on larval mosquitoes. Then, a new epidemic model of a vector-borne disease which has both direct and the vector mediated transmissions is considered. The model incorporates bilinear contact rates between the mosquitoes vector and the humans host populations. Using Lyapunov function theory some sufficient conditions for global stability of both the disease-free equilibrium and the endemic equilibrium are obtained. We derive the basic reproduction number R 0 iiiii and establish that the global dynamics are completely determined by the values of R 0 . For the basic reproductive number R 0 < 1, the disease free equilibrium is glob- ally asymptotically stable, while for R 0 > 1, a unique endemic equilibrium exists and is globally asymptotically stable. The model is extended to assess the impact of some control measures, by using an optimal control theory. In order to do this, first we show the existence of the control problem and then use both analytical and numerical techniques to investigate that there are cost effective control efforts for prevention of direct and indirect transmission of disease. Finally, we present complete characterization and numerical simulations of the optimal control prob- lem. In order to illustrate the overall picture of the epidemic, individuals under the optimal control and without control are shown in figures. Our theoretical results are confirmed by numerical simulations and suggest a promising way for the control of a vector borne disease.