فخر کا مقام
فخر کا مقام اس وقت تھا جب بھٹو شہید کی قیادت میں سب عرب رہنما پاکستان تشریف لائے تھے اور سب بادشاہ بھٹو کے ساتھ فرش پر تشریف فرما تھے ۔
Among the amazing variety of forms of poetic expression by the folk of the Punjab region, this essay has selected three genres: mahiya, dhola and jugni. The study is meant to compare these three genres of Punjabi folklore, in their evolution, structure, expression and themes. The study finds that the three genres are very old in time origin and tracing their exact origins in history is impossible, only few hints are available. Their structures are variable, as mahiya has a fixed structure, dhola has rather loose structure giving more freedom to the singer-poet, and jugni has a specific meter in certain lines, but it has freedom to repeat some lines for perfect expression of the melody. The structures in fact follow the tunes, distinct for each genre. Three genres have many themes common, but jugni has spirituality as dominant theme, dhola has expression of love as dominant them and mahiya has now become quite inclusive, but it originated as expression of love and it still retains that character in its core. The folk heart of Punjab has endeared these three genres so much that these are appreciated far and wide in original tunes, but new experiments of tunes and themes are also underway. Being a true mirror of simple unsophisticated villagers these folk songs would lose popularity if these villagers become sophisticated hence the need for their preservation is highlighted in this study.
Paramphistomiasis is one of the most pathogenic diseases of domestic animals causing heavy economic losses to the livestock industry accounting for several million rupees annually. Epidemiological study was undertaken at slaughter houses, in sheep and goats of four different districts of Punjab province. Infection rate in sheep was 20.7, 13.3, 30.2 and 25.2 per cent at Sargodha, Faisalabad, Gujranwala and Sialkot, respectively, whereas, in goats it was 12.6, 7.6, 23.3 and 16.7 %, respectively. It was noted that in these entire four districts infection rate was the highest during the months of August – September, while the lowest in December. As regard the overall season-wise prevalence, it was the highest during autumn followed by summer, while the lowest during spring. As regard the age-wise prevalence, it was higher in younger animals than in adults. Infection was slightly higher in males than females. Area-wise prevalence indicated that it was the highest at Gujranwala district followed by Sialkot then Sargodha, whereas the lowest at Faisalabad district. Snails have been known to play an important role as intermediate hosts for helminth parasites of animals, birds, man and fishes. Geo-climatic conditions of Punjab and utilization of rivers as a source of irrigation play an important role in dissemination of these snails. For early detection of disease the PCR method was found to be useful. Snails belonging to Pulmonata and Prosobranchia classes were collected from Sargodha, Faisalabad, Gujranwala and Sialkot districts. The prevalence of snails was the highest at Gujranwala followed by Sialkot then Sargodha while the lowest at Faisalabad. Seven genera of snails were identified i.e. Lymnaea, Indoplanorbis, Bulinus, Physa, Gyraulus, Bellamaya and Oncomelania. As regard the season wise prevalence of snails, it was the highest during summer followed by autumn then winter, whereas the lowest during spring. Meteorological factors like temperature, humidity, rainfall and pan evaporation played very important role on the causation and spread of disease and snails. Therapeutic trials by using Cannabis sativa, Centratherum anthelminiticum, Nicotiana tabacum and Oxyclozanide were conducted. For these trials eighty animals were used in eight controlled experiments to compare the efficacy of certain indigenous drugs, with an allopathic drug (Oxyclozanide) against Paramphistomiasis. Efficacy of the drugs was measured by determining the difference of eggs per gram faeces (EPG) before and after treatment. Cannabis sativa after administration of a single dose of 50 and 60 mg/kg body weight reduced EPG by 52.23 and 57.44 per cent, respectively. After the administration of second dose the reduction in EPG was 79.16 and 81.2 per cent, respectively. Efficacy of Centratherum anthelminiticum at rate of 50 and 60 mg/kg body weight was 48 and percent, respectively whereas efficacy at two dose level was 82.60 and 89.36 per cent, respectively. Nicotiana tabacum at 50 and 60 mg/kg body weight was 47.82 and 50 per cent effective respectively, whereas efficacy at two dose levels was 78.23 and 84.07 percent respectively. Oxyclozanide at one and two dose levels was 83.5 and 95.65 per cent effective, respectively. The efficacy order was Oxyclozanide Centratherum anthelminticum, Nicotiana tabacum and Cannabis sativa, No side effects were noted due to the use of any of these plant origin drug.