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Home > Use of Oxytocin for Milk Let Down and its Effects on Health and Production of Cows and Buffaloes-A Field Study

Use of Oxytocin for Milk Let Down and its Effects on Health and Production of Cows and Buffaloes-A Field Study

Thesis Info


Ali Tariq


Muhammad Anwar


Allama Iqbal Open University

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Thesis Completing Year


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xiii, 56.


Agriculture & Related Technologies




Call No: 636.2142 ALU; Publisher: Aiou


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-01-06 19:20:37



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ڈاکٹر شہزاد احمد بطور تذکرہ نگار
تذکرہ نگاری کا مفہوم
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پروفیسر ڈاکٹر فرمان فتح پوری ’’تذکرے کو بیاض کی ترقی یافتہ شکل قرار دیتے ہیں۔انھوں نے اپنے مقالے ’’ اردو شعرا کے تذکرے اور تذکرہ نگاری‘‘ میں تذکرہ نگاری کے مفہوم کو واضح انداز میں پیش کیاہے۔ وہ لکھتے ہیں:
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اسلامی نظام معاشرت میں عدل اجتماعی کی اطلاقی معاشی نوعیت

There is no doubt that the economic system of Islam is stable and compassionate which is based on "Human Amity." This system and its features are utterly beneficial for humanity irrespective of their caste, creed, reigion and religion etc. The specialities of social justice that are applied in the economic field provide such comprehensive and versatile version which makes the utility of the economic system even more pertinent. The humanity can adopt this system to ensure their well-being and welfare.  More importantly, as this system is based on economic justice rather equality, which means, it’s the natural system that depends on human capacities, efforts, innate necessities and abilities. The more a man strives, the more benefit he gets. However, it also sets out the principle of financing those who try hard but stay behind in the economic race. In addition, the fundamental philosophy of this system is to protect the economic rights of the society and provides resources to everyone for equitable economic struggle, with no discrimination. The economic systems around the world suffer from inflation and precariousness, while Social Justice proves to be a remedy to the said scenarios.

Classification and Modeling of Job Satisfaction Factors Among Teachers of Balochistan

The lack of capable faculty members in academic institutions is the greatest problem in developing economies because of its inevitable influence on the efficiency and effectiveness of quality education and education system itself. Recruitment of sound faculty members is a deep rooted problem in job satisfaction. This research analyses and identifies the significant components influencing the job satisfaction among teachers serving at,academic institutions in Balochistan at school, college and university level. These determinants influence to leave the institution, turnover or switch academic institute. Constructing job satisfaction indices and classifying teachers into satisfied and dissatisfied clusters, exploring association between job satisfactions of teachers’ among different disciplines are key dimensions of this research. In previous literature job satisfaction is proved to be related to leaving intention and organisational turnover. The population size was 59713 teachers, according to Pakistan Education Statistics 2014-15 and sample of size 1048 was determined by Cochran formula. Sample was then distributed into different wards using multistage sampling technique. At first stage the cluster-sampling technique was adopted, then sample was distributed into schools, colleges and universities. At second stage, samples were then distributed in different ward for these clusters. At third stage, convenient sampling was applied. A sample of 1048 teachers from 25 districts of Balochistan was collected. Among them 576 teachers were serving in schools, 314 teachers were serving in colleges and 158 teachers were serving in universities of Balochistan. Using the SPSS software, the collected data was found reliable with Cronbach alpha. The data was then subjected to Principal Component Analysis, Chi-square, Cluster Analysis, Logistic Regression, Stepwise Regression, Multivariate Analysis (MANOVA) and Hierarchical Regression Analysis. It was found that teachers’ age, qualification, marital status, salary, experience, nature of job, sector of job and type of academic institution played a significant role in job satisfaction level of the teachers. Using Principal Component Analysis the average Job satisfaction index of faculty members of Balochistan was found 55.38 and majority of teachers in Balochistan (64%) were found satisfied with their jobs, whereas 36% teachers in Balochistan were dissatisfied with their jobs. Using the logistic regression, it is predicted that probability of teachers being satisfied with their job is 0.8265. Current study identifies that pay and monetary benefits, working environment, learning opportunities (professional skills), awareness of responsibilities, independence, policies and regulations of academic institute and passion towards growth are main factors for job satisfaction. Hope, happiness and job satisfaction among teachers might be increased by bringing these factors under consideration by policy makers for an improvement in both qualities of teaching and quality of education. Also, additional research is required to highlight relatively important factors among all predictors of job satisfaction. This research also provides a robust model and quantities review based on demographic characteristics and family background of teachers for determining job satisfaction of teachers that was lacking in previous research studies for development of intervention to improve teachers retention. The findings of the current study indicated no gender difference among the classification of academic institute teachers on pay and benefits; and growth and passions factors of job satisfaction. Male teachers were more concerned to increase the job satisfaction factors (pay and benefits, working environment and learning opportunities in job responsibilities) than the female teachers. University teachers were more disturbed concerning the job satisfaction factors (pay and benefits, and policies, rules and regulations) than the college and school teachers. Motivation, sense of accomplishment and satisfaction of teachers in Balochistan were statistically significant. A satisfied teacher leads to positive and productive behaviour. Teachers’ gender does not moderate the relationship between satisfaction and motivation, sense of accomplishment, positive productive behaviour at educational institutes in Balochistan. Furthermore, the current study indicated that job satisfaction was significantly related to the supervision. There was a positive relationship between the reward, recognition and job satisfaction. Motivation and job satisfaction have also been found to be associated with each other. The intrinsic and extrinsic motivations were strong predictors for job satisfaction In the light of current research and results, an agenda for future research on job satisfaction is provided. An intervention for teachers training program and observation study is suggested to manage symptoms of stress and practice mindfulness meditation. Furthermore, it is suggested by establishing the agencies and organisations that are dedicated to formulate a finest evaluation system will help in improving teachers’ capabilities.