بندہ ناچیز انتہائی ادب سے عرض گزار ہے کہ اللہ رب العزت نے ہمیں انسان بنایا اور اپنے پیارے محبوب کے دامن رحمت سے وابستہ فرمایا ۔ علاوہ ازیں بے شمار نعمتوں سے نوازا۔
ہمیں چاہیے کہ ہم اپنے رب کی عبادت کریں اور اس کے شکر گزار بندے بنیں۔ شریعت مطہرہ کے مطابق اپنی زندگی بسر کریں، لیکن ہم دین سے بہت دور ہوتے جارہے ہیں ۔ نفس کی خواہشات اور رسم و رواج کو بہت زیادہ اہمیت دیتے ہیںاور دین کے معاملہ بھی اپنی مرضی کرتے ہیں ۔ کسی نے کیا اچھا لکھا ہے:
جیویں پیارا راضی ہووے مرضی ویکھ سجن دی
جئے کر مرضی اپنی لوڑیں ایہہ گل کدے نہ بندی
جب کہ خدمت، ہمدردی ، درد دل کا جذبہ ہونا چاہیے ۔ علماء کا کام تو صرف بتادینا ہے عمل ہم نے کرنا ہے: ’’جیسا کریں گے ویسا بھریں گے‘‘ ۔ ذکر آتا ہے کہ بھگت کبیر کی جھونپڑی مذبح خانے کے پاس تھی ۔ جانور ذبح ہوتے وقت درد بھری آواز نکالتے تو آپ پریشان ہوکر کلی سے باہر آجاتے ۔ آخر آپ نے فرمایا :
کبیرا تیری جھونپڑی گل کٹیوں کے پاس
جو کرے سو بھرے توں کیوں رہے اداس
یہ دنیا کی زندگی بہت ہی مختصر ہے۔ سب کچھ یہیں چھوڑ کر چلے جانا ہے۔ کسی نے کیا خوب لکھا ہے:
اجڑ گئے وہ باغ جس کے لاکھوں مالی تھے
سکندر جب گیا دنیا سے دونوں ہاتھ خالی تھے
لکھیا چن چراغ نے سرفراز خان نوں:
کجھ کھا لیئے کجھ پی لیئے کچھ دے دیئے رحمان نوں
اتنا غرور نہیں چاہیے اس قبر دے مہمان نوں
چن چراغ میاں اس پینگ نے ٹٹ جاونا
ایہ جیہڑی چڑھی ہے اسمان نوں
اس زندگی کو کیوں نہ اللہ کی یاد میں...
It is evident from the teaching of Quran & Sunna, Allah SWT accepts the repentance of His servants. The concept of repentance is according to synthesis of human nature. As a matter of fact, the commission of sins is deep rooted into the human nature and except the messengers of Allah SWT, who are by their nature immaculate and impeccable, all the human beings commit the sins in one form or the other. However, the countless mercy of Allah SWT is showered upon the servants in the shape of “tauba” or repentance. The concept of repentance infuses a new life into the sinful soul of human being. The tauba or seeking forgiveness of Allah SWT revitalizes the enthusiasm of worship in the Muslim. The concept of the acceptance of tauba provide the peace of mind, consolation and satisfaction of heart to the believers. It enables him to reconnect himself to his Lord. Once a person realizes the forgiveness of Allah SWT, he feels a unique tranquility in his heart. This paper will investigate the multiple verses of Quran and Prophetic Sunna concerning the tauba and istaghfar, and how it helps us to attain the peace of mind and acquire satisfaction of heart.
Pakistan is a subtropical, semiarid country of 79.61 M ha area, which relies heavily on agricultural production to supply food for its rapidly increasing population of over 135 million. The country is divided into four regions, two of which contain the majority of the flat topographic plains having the bulk of 21 M ha of cultivated land. There are two general cropping seasons in tropical flat plains of Pakistan i.e. Rabi (winter) and Kharif (summer) season. Cotton, maize, rice and wheat are the main crops of Pakistan. Majority of Pakistani soils are calcareous and alkaline with pH in the range 7.5 to 9.5. These soils reduce the availability of P considerably as P is converted to insoluble forms at this pH. Overall, P fertilizer application to Pakistani soils is inadequate. Energy crisis, high prices of phosphatic fertilizers and their shortage at peak crop requirement has become a serious issue in Pakistan. Rock phosphate (RP) has low bio-solubility of about 0.1 % under alkaline conditions if applied directly. Therefore, bio-solubilization RP to release P needs to be boosted up using some innovative approaches. Pakistan by default contains considerable quantity of economical reasonable quality RP in Abbottabad and Haripur districts. However, extensive scientific work is needed so that local rock phosphate may be used for P nutrition. Under this research plan four consecutive experimental units were performed to enhance total and water soluble P content in RP. In the first study, local and imported rock phosphates in combination with different materials of organic nature were applied. The purpose of above research proposal was to explore role of organic materials for P release from local & imported RP and P uptake by maize crop. Maximum solubilization of P was achieved when filter cake press mud (FCP) was applied in combination with rock phosphate. The 2nd study comprised of 7 treatments with three replications. Use of dewaxed filter cake press mud was evaluated as most suitable source of local rock phosphate. Third study of this research proposal comprised of 7 treatments which were replicated thrice. Combined use of FCP with RPR and TSP performed better than their individual use. Use of organic amendment improved soil organic carbon fraction of soil compared to control. The 4th study was conducted in the field using RCBD with five treatments. Exogenous application of FCP along with indigenous Hazara rock phosphate RPR and NK proved as better nutritional source compared to control. Further, application of selected organic manure (dewaxed filter cake press mud) improved soil organic carbon fraction in similar environment condition.