آہ ناموسِ شریعت و قاموسِ علم
[مولانا شبیر احمد عثمانی]
وا دریغا!آج قلم کو اس ذات گرامی کامرثیہ لکھنا ہے جس کاقلم عمر بھر قرآن و حدیث کے اسرار و حکم کے کشف وتحقیق میں گُہرافشانی کرتارہا۔آج زبان خامہ کو اُس کی ماتم سرائی کافرض انجام دیناہے جوزندگی بھر ملت بیضا کی جراحتوں کے لیے مرہم رسانی کی فکر میں لگارہا۔جس کی زبان قرآن کی ترجمان تھی اورجس کا نطق نوامیس شریعت کابیان۔حضرت الاستاذ مولانا شبیر احمد عثمانی ؒکاسانحۂ وفات اگرچہ ’’وطن سے دور‘‘ پیش آیا لیکن الحمد ﷲ کہ دیارغیر میں نہیں جہاں غالب کے بقول بے کسی کی شرم کے رہ جانے کی تمنا ہوتی۔بے شمار فرزندان توحید نے نماز جنازہ پڑھی اوریہ اس بات کا ثبوت ہے کہ جو بذات خودایک انجمن ہو وہ وطن سے دور رہ کر بھی تنہا نہیں ہوتا۔وہ جہاں بیٹھتا ہے اپنی دنیا آپ پیدا کر لیتا ہے۔
دیوبند اگرچہ ایک چھوٹا ساقصبہ ہے لیکن مقامی اعتبار سے یہاں کے تین خاندانوں نے اس کو ہندوستان کے آسمان شہرت پرآفتاب وماہتاب بنا کر چمکایا اور اسے مرزوبوم کی کلاہ افتخار کاکوہ نوربنادیا۔ایک مولانا نانوتوی کاخاندان جن کے فرزند ارجمند حضرت حافظ محمد احمد صاحب مرحوم تھے، دوسرامولانا ذوالفقار علی مرحوم کاخاندان جس کے گل سرسبد حضرت شیخ الہند تھے اور تیسرا خاندان مولانا فضل الرحمن صاحب عثمانی مرحوم کا تھاجن کے دوصاحبزادے عارف عصر و شیخ طریقت حضرت مولانا مفتی عزیز الرحمن صاحب ؒاورعربی کے بہترین ادیب اور فطری شاعرمولانا حبیب الرحمن صاحب عثمانی ؒعہد حاضر کے اکابر علماوفضلا تھے۔ حضرت الاستاذ مولانا شبیر احمد عثمانی اسی خاندان کے لعل شب چراغ اورمولانا فضل الرحمن صاحب کے فرزند ارجمند تھے۔
حضرت الاستاذ ماہ محرم۱۳۰۵ھ میں دیوبند میں پیداہوئے اس و قت آپ کے والد ماجد ضلع بجنور میں انسپکٹر مدارس کے عہدہ پرمامور تھے۔ تعلیم دارالعلوم دیوبند میں...
The article explains the origins of anxiety disorders during pregnancy, and their treatment. Pregnant women's anxiety is normally manifests itself as emotions, perceptions, and behaviors, which is mediated by biological, social, and genetic influences. Probability analysis is done of this kind. Using a survey of 1500 rural residents as a random number between 100 and 1600 produces a 200% response rate. Those findings revealed that 60% of the participants had adequate reproductive age and 51% had mild to moderate anxiety, and 78.4% had high anxiety. The reasons leading to pregnant women's anxiety include their age, working status, lack of care from a boyfriend, having had previously given birth, and their wellbeing before becoming pregnant, all of the woman's family members, and maternal well-being. To resolve this is by sufficient relaxation, anti-depressants, a safe diet, and physical exercise, along with learning how to behave more positively, and by means of ourselves, or through prantal massage.
In recent years digital watermarking has gained substantial attraction by the research community. It promises the solution to many problems such as content piracy, illicit manipulation of medical/legal documents, content security and so on. Watermarked content is usually vulnerable to a series of attacks in real world scenario. These attacks may be legitimate, such as common signal processing operations, or illegitimate, such as a malicious attempt by an attacker to remove the watermark. A low strength watermark usually possesses high imperceptibility but weak robustness and vice versa. On the other hand, different set of attacks are associated with distinctive watermarking applications, which pose different requirements on a watermarking scheme. Therefore, intelligent approaches are needed to adaptively and judiciously structure the watermark in view of the current application. In addition, traditional watermarking techniques cause irreversible degradation of an image. Although the degradation is perceptually insignificant, it may not be admissible in applications like medical, legal, and military imagery. For applications such as these, it is desirable to extract the embedded information, as well as recover the sensitive host image. This leads us to the use of reversible watermarking. An efficient reversible watermarking scheme should be able to embed more information with less perceptual distortion, and equally, be able to restore the original cover content. Therefore, for reversible watermarking, capacity and imperceptibility are two important properties. However, if one increases the other decreases and vice versa. Hence, one needs to make an optimum choice between these two properties for reversible watermarking. 5The research in this work is two-fold. Firstly, we develop intelligent systems for making optimum robustness versus imperceptibility tradeoffs. The performance of the existing watermarking approaches is not up to the task when we consider watermark structuring in view of a sequence of attacks, which is much desirous in real world applications. In order to resist a series of attacks, we employ intelligent selection of both the frequency band as well as strength of alteration for watermark embedding using Genetic Programming. To further enhance the robustness of the watermarking system, Support Vector Machines and Artificial Neural Networks are applied to adaptively modify the decoding strategy in view of the anticipated sequence of attacks at the watermark extraction phase. Secondly, we devise an intelligent system capable of making optimum/ near optimum tradeoff between watermark payload and imperceptibility. In the context of reversible watermarking, we propose an intelligent scheme which selects suitable coefficients in different wavelet sub-bands and yields superior capacity versus imperceptibility tradeoff. Experimental results show that machine learning approaches are very promising in state of the art watermarking applications.