آہ ذاکر صاحب !
ڈاکٹر ذاکر حسین صاحب کی ناگہانی وفات ہندوستان کا بہت بڑا قومی حادثہ ہے، وہ اسکا گوہر بے بہا تھے، ان کی موت سے وہ ایسی دولت سے محروم ہوگیا جس کی تلافی نہیں ہوسکتی، کم سے کم مسلمانوں میں ان کا بدل پیدا ہونا بہت دشوار ہے اور اب وہ اس نقصان کو محسوس کریں گے، وہ اپنے علمی کمالات ، فہم و فراست، قومی و تعلیمی خدمات، ایثار و قربانی اور اخلاق و سیرت کے لحاظ سے بہت بڑے انسان تھے، انھوں نے سیاست کے میدان میں کبھی قدم نہیں رکھا، لیکن اپنی بصیرت سے بڑی بڑی سیاسی گتھیوں کو آسانی سے سلجھا دیتے تھے، پنڈت جواہرلال نہرو کے بعد بین الاقوامی دنیا میں ہندستان کا وقار اُن ہی نے قائم رکھا۔
ان میں ابتدا سے غیر معمولی صلاحیتیں تھیں، ان کا آغاز ہی ان کے روشن مستقبل کا پتہ دیتا تھا طالب علمی ہی کے زمانہ سے ان کا قومی خدمت کا ولولہ اور ایثار و قربانی کا جذبہ تعلیم یافتہ نوجوانوں اور قومی کارکنوں کے لیے نمونہ تھا، اس زمانہ اور اس عمر میں جب ہونہار نوجوانوں کا منتہائے نظر اور ترقی کی سب سے بڑی معراج سرکاری عہدے اور تعیش کی زندگی تھی، انھوں نے ان کی طرف آنکھ اٹھا کر بھی نہ دیکھا، اور ان کے مقابلہ میں قومی خدمت اور غربت کی زندگی کو ترجیح دی اور اس راہ میں عمر کا بہترین حصہ صرف کردیا، ان کا زندہ کارنامہ ہندوستان کی پہلی آزاد قومی درسگاہ جامعہ ملیہ ہے، گو اس کے بانی حضرت شیخ الہند حکیم اجمل خاں اور مولانا محمد علی وغیرہ تھے۔ لیکن اس کے اصلی معمار وہی تھے، اور ان ہی نے جامعہ کو جامعہ بنایا اور اپنی زندگی میں اپنے لگائے ہوئے پودے کو ایک تناور درخت بنا گئے، اور آج...
His research paper is meant to explain the difficulties of translation of rhetorical and implicit meanings of Qur᾽ān into Urdu language as the translation of such meanings of Qur᾽ān is seriously a difficult job for reasons including the tacit relationship of meanings with the words’ structure and because these meanings take effect of social and mental characteristics of a particular group of people speaking a common language and also for the reason that the meanings change their position with the incessantly changing condition of mind and culture. Given the above facts the writer put forth analysis of four Urdu translations of Sūrah Al-Ḍuḥā after having studied their rhetorical aspects and implicit meanings in interpretations of different interpreters. The translations are as under. 1. Translation of Shaykh Abdul Qādir (d. 1233 A. H) named as “Maudihul Qur᾽ān”. 2. Translation of Aḥmad Raḍa Khan Braylvi (d. 1340 A. H) named as “Kanz ul ᾽Īmān fi Tarjama Al-Qur᾽ān” 3. Translation of Ashraf ‘Alī Thānvi (d. 1362 AH) with the name “Bayān Al-Qur᾽ān”. 4. Translation of Abdul Mājid Daryā Abādī (d. 1977 A. D) which is in literary style with attractive language. The writer has highlighted the lapses and shortcomings of these translations in rhetorical perspectives of Qur᾽ān and its implicit meanings and has also underlined the difficulties faced by these translators in a descriptive table. Findings and suggestions are given at the end.
Chickpea blight caused by Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Lab. (teleomorph: Didymella rabiei) (Kovachevski) v. Arx, is the most devastating disease of gram crop in the world. Disease can induce 100% yield losses under epidemic condition. In Pakistan, chickpea blight is causing heavy yield losses annually. Due to lack of resistance in indigenous chickpea germplasm, disease is controlled through fungicides by the growers of Pakistan. Excessive use of fungicides causes resistance in the pathogen and creates fatalistic effect on the environment. Chickpea blight disease predictive model under such situation may be effective tool to predict early onset of disease. In this way excessive use of fungicides may be avoided. Plant extracts and antagonists may also provide a replacement of chemical control of chickpea blight. The objective of this study was to develop a disease predictive model based upon environmental variables i.e. maximum and minimum temperatures, relative humidity, rainfall and wind speed to predict chickpea blight and devise an eco-friendly management strategy for this disease. Correlation and regression analysis was performed to determine the relationship of environmental variables with disease severity. Significant correlation was found between all environmental variables and disease severity. Maximum temperature showed negative correlation, while minimum temperature, relative humidity, rainfall and wind speed exhibited positive correlation with disease severity. Environmental factors and disease severity data of five years (2006-10) was used to develop a disease predictive model using stepwise regression analysis. Maximum and minimum temperatures, relative humidity, rainfall and wind speed significantly contributed in disease development and explained 72% variability in disease severity. This model, based on five years data, was then validated with two years (2011-12) environmental and disease severity data. In two years model all environmental parameters explained 82% variability in blight severity. Both models i.e. based upon five and two years data validated each other on the basis of homogeneity of regression lines. Blight severity was high at maximum (20-24°C) and minimum (12-14°C) temperatures, relative humidity (65-70%), rainfall (5-6 mm) and wind speed (5-6.5 km/h), respectively. Chickpea germplasm comprised of 48 genotypes was screened against chickpea blight during years 2011-12. Advanced lines exhibited resistant and moderately resistant response were viz; K-60013, K-98008, K-96001, K-96022, D-97092, D-91055, D-90272, D-96050, D-Pb2008 and D-Pu502-362, and K-96033, K-89169, K-90395, D-91017, D-89044, D-05006, D-96018, D-86030, D-96032, D-03009 and D-1CC-5127, respectively. For the management of disease, five fungicides, five plant extracts and two bio-control agents were evaluated under in vitro conditions. The concentrations of fungicides were 0.05%, 0.10% and 0.15%, respectively while concentrations of plant extracts were 3%, 5% and 8%, respectively. Spore suspension of bio-controls was kept as; 105, 106, and 107 conidia/mL, respectively. Means of treatments were compared using least significant difference (LSD) test. Two fungicides i.e. Alliete and ThiovetJet @ 0.15%, two plants extracts i.e. Melia azedarach and Azadirachta indica @ 8% and bio-control agent (Trichoderma harzianum at 107 conidia/mL) proved significantly effective under in vitro conditions. These most effective treatments were then applied under in vivo to check their efficacy for two years. Significant disease severity was reduced by fungicides i.e. Alliete (17%) and Thiovetjet (23%) followed by plant extracts, in which M. azedarach and A. indica reduced disease severity to 50% and 56%, respectively compared to control (75%). T. harzianum proved third good against chickpea blight disease in field after fungicides and plant extracts.