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Home > The Impact of the Eight Amendment on the Parliamentary System in Pakistan

The Impact of the Eight Amendment on the Parliamentary System in Pakistan

Thesis Info




Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema


National Institute Of Pakistan Studies(NIPS)




Quaid-i-Azam University

Institute Type






Thesis Completing Year



The legislative process




Classification No:328.5491SAI


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-02-19 12:33:56





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مولانا شبیر احمد عثمانی

آہ ناموسِ شریعت و قاموسِ علم
[مولانا شبیر احمد عثمانی]
وا دریغا!آج قلم کو اس ذات گرامی کامرثیہ لکھنا ہے جس کاقلم عمر بھر قرآن و حدیث کے اسرار و حکم کے کشف وتحقیق میں گُہرافشانی کرتارہا۔آج زبان خامہ کو اُس کی ماتم سرائی کافرض انجام دیناہے جوزندگی بھر ملت بیضا کی جراحتوں کے لیے مرہم رسانی کی فکر میں لگارہا۔جس کی زبان قرآن کی ترجمان تھی اورجس کا نطق نوامیس شریعت کابیان۔حضرت الاستاذ مولانا شبیر احمد عثمانی ؒکاسانحۂ وفات اگرچہ ’’وطن سے دور‘‘ پیش آیا لیکن الحمد ﷲ کہ دیارغیر میں نہیں جہاں غالب کے بقول بے کسی کی شرم کے رہ جانے کی تمنا ہوتی۔بے شمار فرزندان توحید نے نماز جنازہ پڑھی اوریہ اس بات کا ثبوت ہے کہ جو بذات خودایک انجمن ہو وہ وطن سے دور رہ کر بھی تنہا نہیں ہوتا۔وہ جہاں بیٹھتا ہے اپنی دنیا آپ پیدا کر لیتا ہے۔
دیوبند اگرچہ ایک چھوٹا ساقصبہ ہے لیکن مقامی اعتبار سے یہاں کے تین خاندانوں نے اس کو ہندوستان کے آسمان شہرت پرآفتاب وماہتاب بنا کر چمکایا اور اسے مرزوبوم کی کلاہ افتخار کاکوہ نوربنادیا۔ایک مولانا نانوتوی کاخاندان جن کے فرزند ارجمند حضرت حافظ محمد احمد صاحب مرحوم تھے، دوسرامولانا ذوالفقار علی مرحوم کاخاندان جس کے گل سرسبد حضرت شیخ الہند تھے اور تیسرا خاندان مولانا فضل الرحمن صاحب عثمانی مرحوم کا تھاجن کے دوصاحبزادے عارف عصر و شیخ طریقت حضرت مولانا مفتی عزیز الرحمن صاحب ؒاورعربی کے بہترین ادیب اور فطری شاعرمولانا حبیب الرحمن صاحب عثمانی ؒعہد حاضر کے اکابر علماوفضلا تھے۔ حضرت الاستاذ مولانا شبیر احمد عثمانی اسی خاندان کے لعل شب چراغ اورمولانا فضل الرحمن صاحب کے فرزند ارجمند تھے۔
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جدید تجارتی نظام میں مزدوروں کے حقوق سیرت طیبہ کی روشنی میں

Islamic Shariah provides a complete code of life, as man can take guidance from Shariah, regarding each and every aspect of his life. Commerce plays a pivot role in human life which has been mentioned time and again in Quran and Hadith. According to one Tradition, Allah has affixed and set 10 parts of sustenance and in these ten parts, nine are in Trade. In Shariah the luminary Islamic scholars and jurists have deputed peculiar and separate subjects with different titles regarding Trade, the most famous and acknowledged are "Kitab-ul-Mutajir" and "Kitab-ul-Biyou". Islam elevates and upgrades those who toil and labour hard, among them the Labourer has prominent state and he is above all among them. According to the sacred utterance of Hazrat Muhammad SAWW: "You should pay the labourer his wages before his sweat dries away”. In the present era, no one can deny this fact that this world has become a global village, therefore new ways and system of commercial are in vogue and being applied besides some traditional ways. Such as Banking System, E-Purchasing, Online shopping and some other modes and means. In these traditional, latest and new trading systems, usually the labourers are being exploited because they are given less poor wages than their rigorous toilsome labour. However in the under discussion article the labourer rights and their utmost implementation in the trade of present era would be reviewed and analyzed in the light of Seerat-ulNabi SAWW.

Quality Assurance of Medium Scale Projects Using Dxprum Methodology

Agile methods are being used as a new way of developing software. They are basically used to fasten software development cycle by keeping an eye on its quality. Using Agile methods in any project along with quality assurance perspective is a crucial task. Many software developing organizations are using Agile methods now a days in their projects to reduce cost involved in a project. Agile methods are best suited for small projects as they require less resources and able to generate output in less time. However, days many organizations are also using Agile methods for medium and large scale projects. These projects also use large teams. Moreover, there may be teams having members taking part in these projects at geographically distributed locations. Assuring quality of these projects using Agile method is a challenging task as in Agile, testing is also carried out in each iteration along with software development. So the system has to be up and running every time for testing purpose. It means testing is only easy when organizations are working on small projects. As the size of the projects increases, the quality assurance of these projects also becomes a difficult task. The projects become complex as they require more resources and time, so there is always a burden on quality assurance team to deliver. The project may go for days and weeks without a functional build and thus testing cannot be done on regular basis. Secondly as the size of the project gets larger by adding more and more features in it, the number of tests is also increased to assure that the system is still performing what it is supposed to perform. The assurance of the quality of such projects is always a difficult task for any quality assurance team. Many Agile methods are being used by software developing organizations to build high quality software which involve less cost and time. Each Agile method has its own strengths and weaknesses. This research work is based on purposing a new hybrid Agile methodology DXPRUM. The DXPRUM is a combination of three of the agile models named as Dynamic System Development Method, Extreme Programming and Scrum (D comes from DSDM, XP from Extreme Programing, RUM from Scrum). The objective of the research is to purpose a new Agile methodology DXPRUM which combines the strengths of all the three Agile methods by removing their weaknesses. The main strength of DXPRUM will be the in time delivery of the project to customer with reduced cost.and the weaknesses to overcome will be to reduce resource utilization without affecting the output and to remove the overlapped resources. This research will consider a medium scale project with the implementation of a new Agile methodology DXPRUM under the perspective of quality assurance. The results of this research will also be compared with results of all three methods individually to validate the research.The metrics used for the evaluation will be total time in weeks, total number of modules build, total predicted hours, total line of code (LOC) and pre and post release defects etc.