سید فضل اﷲ الگیلانی
افسوس ہے ہماری بزم علم وفضل کی ایک اورشمع روشن بجھ گئی، یعنی ۲۳/مئی کو مولانا سید فضل اﷲ الگیلانی نے۷۸ برس کی عمر میں علی گڑھ میں وفات پائی اور یونیورسٹی کے قبرستان میں مدفون ہوئے۔اناﷲ واناالیہ راجعون۔حضرت مولانا محمد علی مونگیری جن کاسلسلۂ نسب باپ کی طرف سے حضرت شیخ عبدالقادر جیلانی تک پہنچتا ہے مولانا کے دادا تھے۔ والد یعنی مولوی احمد علی کاانتقال جوانی میں ہوگیا جب کہ مولانا صرف سات برس کے تھے، اس لیے دادا نے آپ کو تربیت میں لے لیا اورمونگیر میں رہ کرآپ نے علوم دینیہ واسلامیہ کی تکمیل کی۔ بعض کتابوں کا درس مفتی عبداللطیف سے بھی لیا جوبعد میں آپ کے خسر بھی ہوگئے۔ تعلیم سے فراغت کے بعد عثمانیہ یونیورسٹی حیدرآباد کے شعبۂ دینیات میں لیکچرر ہوئے۔ ۱۹۵۶ء میں،۱۹۵۷ء میں ریڈر اورصدر شعبہ کی حیثیت سے سبکدوش ہوئے۔اس کے بعد آپ نے کاروبار شروع کردیا اور ملازمت کبھی نہیں کی۔
مولانا علم وفضل کے اعتبار سے سلف صالحین کانمونہ تھے استعداد نہایت پختہ، مطالعہ بے حد وسیع اورنظر دقیق تھی۔ان کوسب علوم سے یکساں مناسبت تھی، مطالعہ اور درس کے دھنی تھے، لکھتے کم تھے مگر جب کبھی لکھا بہت خوب لکھا، چنانچہ امام بخاری کی کتاب’’ ادب المفرد‘‘ کی جوشرح دوجلدوں میں مرحوم نے لکھی اورمدینہ سے شائع ہوئی ہے۔تحقیق اوردقت نظر کاشاہکار ہے۔ اس کے علاوہ چند چھوٹے بڑے رسالے جو بعض جزئی مسائل پرلکھے گئے ان میں بھی تحقیق کی یہی شان ہے۔ عملاً نہایت عابدوزاہد اورصاحب اورادوظائف، جماعت سے نمازادا کرنے کااہتمام سخت معذوری کی حالت میں بھی کرتے تھے۔ اخلاق وعادات کے اعتبار سے بڑے متواضع،خوش مزاج،باوضع اورقلندر منش انسان تھے۔ضرورت مندوں کی مدد کرنے میں انہیں خوشی محسوس ہوتی تھی۔ برسوں سے دارالعلوم دیوبند کی مجلس شوری کے ممبر تھے اُس کے جلسوں میں پابندی...
The idea of less punishment is accepted internationally and very rapid implementation is observed as in various countries the strong punishment like death sentence is avoided. Likewise a slogan of "Love rather than punishment "is implemented within Education Department of Pakistan. The history of last few years proved that the said slogan affected our moral training and education process very badly. As there is no fear of punishment naturally a person diverts towards easiness and ultimately goes towards laziness. To save the nation from this alarming situation, it becomes necessary to obey the teachings of Holy prophet (PBUH) about the training and educating the human being. In these teachings the combination of love and fear is the basic element of the social training. Both of the methods have importance, love creates interest and fear of punishment develops the habit of hard working. This Islamic principle is a universal truth because the success is the result of interest and hardworking of the individuals. Therefore the slogan of "Love rather than punishment must be avoided, as it has negative effects upon the personality. The golden teachings of Holy Prophet (PBUH) which have the positive effects upon the personality and are proved to be the need of the day.
This research investigates the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) and its impact on food security on poverty in Sindh, Pakistan. Data was collected from Primary as well as secondary sources. Data were analyzed by using E-Views-7.The study‟s objectives and suppositions are of subject nature. Hence the design is of research based on objectives and resources for example accessibility of food to rural communities are subject to their socio-economic life and the extent of poverty in the area. In addition, employment and income generation were also taken into account, while setting a methodology and collecting methods of data. The data was collected through a sample survey of the household. Those who live on or under the poverty line. The people from Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) are taken into account while collecting primary data. Study universe, therefore, is the recipient of BISP. The sample was drawn through probability design. The figure is 230. It was revealed that as on account of education, public spending in Pakistan stays low at only 0.35 percent of Gross Domestic Product. At present, health services at the household level are mainly financed from own health care costs. It was found BISP is related to an expansion in thequantityof expanding humanservices costsfor grown-ups by PKR 50. This outcome gives an impression of being of the recipient families in Sindh, 32% of them are living in ranges influenced by flooding within the assessment time frame. It was further revealed that the assessment gathers quantitative and qualitative data for various years on the association of key pointers and supporting information. The effective investigation is done by utilizing a blended technique that joins subjective research with a semi-trial quantitative examination. The quantitative study is completed in 488 clusters (towns and neighborhoods) in ninety districts of four evaluationprovinces:Punjab,Sindh,Khyber-PakhtunkhwaandBaluchistan.An example of 8,675 family units was arbitrarily chosen and met towards the start before the arranged organization, which was finished in July 2013. These family units have such that similar families are then met on a yearly premise, and the first round of observation is finished in July 2014. A couple of rounds of the overviewwere finished in July 2015 and July 2016. Qualitative research directed in eight areas in each round of preparing, intentionally were chosen from the four appraisal provinces to give distinctive settings. Information accumulation for the principle ensuing rounds was held during May and June 2013.Two more adjustments were made in provinces research at their quantitative components. The First measure of the effect of the Programs controlled by the examination of the gauge and the second primary information on follow-up activities that was changing the circumstance of recipient families through the harmonization of execution pointers during the two years of BISP program.