مولانا مفتی حافظ عبداللطیف سہارنپوری
افسوس ہے پچھلے دنوں مولانا مفتی حافظ عبداللطیف ناظم مدرسہ مظاہر العلوم سہارنپور نے چند ماہ کی علالت کے بعد وفات پائی۔جناب مفتی صاحب صاحبِ علم تھے اورصاحب ِباطن بھی۔ فقہ کی جزئیات پربڑی گہری اوروسیع نظر رکھتے تھے۔اخلاق وعادات اورمکارم وشمائل ذاتی کے اعتبار سے سلف صالحین کانمونہ تھے۔ ان کے حسن قابلیت وانتظام کاثبوت اس سے زیادہ اورکیا ہوسکتاہے کہ گزشتہ چند برسوں میں وہ تیز وتند آندھیوں میں بھی مدرسہ کاچراغ جلائے بیٹھے رہے اور اس کوبہرطورقائم وزندہ رکھا،مدرسہ کے ساتھ آں مرحوم کو محبت نہیں، عشق تھا چنانچہ اسی کی خاطر انھوں نے پیرانہ سالی اورضعف ونقاہت کے باوجود پچھلے دنوں برما کاطویل و صبرآزما سفرکیا اوراگرچہ وہاں سے کامیاب وبامراد واپس ہوئے لیکن اپنے ساتھ ایک عارضہ لگالائے اورآخراسی عارضہ میں جان جاں آفریں کوسپردکرکے راہی ملک بقاہوگئے۔رحمہ اﷲ رحمۃ واسعتہً۔
Codification is the creation of codes, the compilation of written statues, rules, and regulations that inform the public of the acceptable and the unacceptable behaviour. Muslim jurists had differed in their opinion of codification of Islamic laws; some supported the idea, while the others opposed it. However, in the contemporary global situation, Muslim scholars are emphasizing the importance of codification of Islamic laws and efforts have been initiated in many Muslim countries to codify them. In the current paper, the evolution of Muslim Family Laws of Pakistan and Malaysia has been comparatively studied. Malaysia has been selected due to its technological and economic advancement among the Muslim countries. Malaysia serves as an example in the modem codification of Islamic Laws. In Pakistan, Criminal and Penal Laws are codified while the Muslim Family Laws have not been codified and left scattered in various acts, ordinances and court decisions. The Malaysian Family Law are codified in one volume and enacted after necessary legislation through an act of the parliament. The objective of this comparative evolutionary study is to provide a practical model for the Islamization and codification of Muslim Family Laws in Pakistan.
Dynamicsoaringisaversatilemaneuverexecutedtoacquireenergyavailable in the atmospheric wind shears. For UAVs, dynamic soaring maneuvers have mostly been confined in literature to fixed configurations. In order to analyzetheextenttowhichdynamicsoaringisinfluencedbydifferentmorphologies, aninnovativeconceptofintegratingdynamicsoaringwithmorphingcapabilities is introduced in this research. Through simulations, two major studies were performed. One of them analyzed the impact of span morphology and the other of sweep morphology on dynamic soaring parameters. An Unmanned Air Vehicle(UAV) with standard wing-tail configuration is considered. The aerodynamic modeling is based on empirical estimation procedure duly validate dwit numerical Vortex Lattice Method(VLM).Three-dimensional point-mass UAV equations of motion and nonlinear wind gradient profile are used to model the flight dynamics. The trajectory optimization problem is formulated as an optimal control problem using hp-adaptive Guassian quadrature collocation technique. Optimal soaring trajectories are generated for both morphologies. Parametriccharacterizationofthekeyperformanceparametersisperformed to determine the optimal platform configuration during various phases of the maneuver. The comparison of morphing ability during flight is compared with its fixed-wing counterpart. Simulation results demonstrate the benefits of extending soaring maneu vers to morphing configurations and its viability for onboard utilization. Results indicate 15% lesser required wind shear by the proposed span morphology and 14% lesser required wind shear by the proposed sweep morphology, in comparison to their respective fixed wing counterparts. This shows that the morphing UAVcanperformdynamicsoaringinanenvironment,wherefixedconfiguration UAVs might not, because of lesser available wind shears. Apart from this, span morphology reduced drag by 15%, lift requirement by 11% and angle of attack requirement by 20%, whereas increased the maximum velocity by 6.2%, normalized energies by 9% and improved loitering parameters (approximately 10%), in comparison to fixed span configurations. Similarly, sweep morphology guaranteed 20% drag reduction, 16% lesser angle of attack requirement and improved loitering performance over the fixed sweep configurations. The stability analysis of the nonlinear system along the optimal trajectory is then performed utilizing both linear (Floquettheory) and nonlinear (Contraction theory) techniques. Stability of dynamic soaring orbits is important since the trajectories can get disturbed by a strong gust or crosswinds causing the UAV to veer off-course. Although control system can be designed, a stable orbit can reduce the control effort and power. The problem of analyzing stability is treated from the context of a periodic coefficient system. The stability analysis revealed that a closed-loop control is necessary as the system dynamics are inherently unstable. AgeometricnonlinearcontrollabilityanalysisofUAVunderdynamicsoaring conditions is then performed. To achieve such an objective, the state-of-theartmathematicaltoolsofnonlinearcontrollabilityareutilized. Thecontrollability of a flying vehicle along that optimal soaring trajectory is analyzed. More im portantly, the geometric nonlinear controllability characteristics of generic flight dynamics is analyzed in the presence and absence of wind shear to provide a controllability explanation for the role of wind shear in the physics of dynamic soaring flight. It is found that the wind shear is instrumental in ensuring controllability as it allows the UAV attitude controls (pitch and roll) to play the role of thrust in controlling the flight path angle. The presented analysis represents a controllability-based mathematical proof for the energetics of flight physics.