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The status of Gilgit-Baltistan in the federation of Pakistan: a comparative analysisi with Azad Jammu & Kashmir

Thesis Info


Irfan Ali


Saeed Ahmd Rid


National Institute Of Pakistan Studies(NIPS)




Quaid-i-Azam University

Institute Type






Thesis Completing Year



Systems of governments




Classification No:321.023095491IRS


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-02-19 12:33:56



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مولانا محمد ثانی [بھانجہ، مولانا ابوالحسن ندوی]

مولانا محمد ثانی
[بھانجہ مولانا سید ابوالحسن علی الندوی]
ہمارے حبیب لبیب اورقرآن کے عبدمنیب مولانا سید ابوالحسن علی الندوی کو گزشتہ دوتین برس میں جوحوادث پیش آئے ایک ضعیف قلب انسانی کی قوت برداشت کاامتحان لینے کے لیے کچھ کم نہ تھے کہ اب گزشتہ فروری میں حقیقی بھانجے مولانا محمد ثانی کی بمرض سگ گزیدگی ۵۶برس کی عمر میں دردناک موت کاحادثہ فاجعہ پیش آگیا۔اناﷲ وانا الیہ راجعون۔
سچ کہا کسی نے جن کے رتبے ہیں سوااُن کو سوامشکل ہے، لیکن چونکہ مولانا کاگھرانہ’’ایں خانہ ہمہ آفتاب است‘‘ کامصداق ہے اس بناپر اس طرح کا حادثہ تنہا مولانا کانہیں بلکہ علم و ادب اور دین وشریعت کے عالم کا حادثہ ہوتاہے، چنانچہ اس مرتبہ بھی ایساہی ہوا، مرحوم ندوۃ العلماء اورمظاہرالعلوم سہارنپور دونوں درس گاہوں کے تعلیم یافتہ تھے۔ حدیث کادرس شیخ الحدیث حضرت مولانا محمدزکریا صاحب مدظلہ العالی سے لیا تھا اوران کے خلیفۂ مجاز بھی تھے۔ تصنیف وتالیف کا ذوق فطری تھا، سوانح نگاری کاخاص سلیقہ رکھتے تھے، چنانچہ مولانا سہارنپوری اور مولانا محمد یوسف کی ضخیم سوانح عمریاں لکھیں اورمقبول خاص وعام ہوئیں۔ مترجم بھی بہت اچھے اورشاعر شیوابیان بھی تھے۔ ’’ رضوان‘‘ کے نام سے خواتین کاایک ماہنامہ بھی ایڈٹ کرتے تھے۔عملاًواخلاقاً نہایت زاہد و عابد،بے غرض وبے لوث، خاموش مگر متواضع وخندہ جبین تھے۔ اﷲ تعالیٰ کروٹ کروٹ جنت نصیب کرے اورمولانا علی میاں اوردوسرے اہل خانہ کو صبرجمیل کی توفیق عطاہو۔آمین


متابعتِ رسولﷺ (تکمیلِ ایمان) کے سات درجے: مکتوبات امام ربانی مجدد الفِ ثانی کی روشنی میں

The digit seven has great importance in our life. Seven rounds of  Holy Kabah, seven heavens, seven layers of earth, seven levels of  hell, seven recitation of Holy Quran, seven interior and exterior (meanings) of holy Quran, seven stages of human life, etc. Hazrat Mujadid Alf Sani mentioned the seven degrees and their secrets of the obedience of the Holy Prophet: Say: "if you do love (obey) Allah, then follow me, Allah will (love) save you". Actually the perfect following of the Holy Prophet is the source of the completion of faith. As we adopt the following of the Holy Prophet, so and so our faith will reach to the perfection. In this article, the introduction of seven degrees of the following of the Holy Prophet and their secrets are described, in the light of 54th writing in book II. So books so that every Muslim after seeing his faith, could be able to complete the degrees of the perfection of faith and could get the nearness of God.

Phytosociological Studies of Diverse Areas Ranging from Harnai, Sinjawito Dull Regions

Vegetation of hills, plains and water courses of the diverse areas ranging from Harnai, Sinjawi to Duki regions were studied by point centrad quarter method(Cottom and Curtis,1956). Plant communities were classified on the basis of index of similarity (Bray & Curtis,1957). Out of 111 stands,102 communities were thus recog- nized; 50 communities on the hills, 21 communities in the plains and 31 communities in the water courses. These co- mmunities were further grouped on altitudinal basis into four different ecological zones i.e. lower zone, lower middle zone, upper middle zone and upper .zone. The compo- sition of vegetation at different altitudes were deacribed. Plant communities of the hills, plains and water courses having first dominant common, were further grouped into di- fferent association types. The communities of hills were found to have high stand density and stand cover followed by plains and water courses. Both species diversity and vegetational diversity were found to be high on the hills followed by water courses and plains. High species diversity appears to be associated with soils having high maximum water holding capacity,organic -viii- matter and fine-texture. Certain ,communities of protected areas have also indicated high species diversity, and high coverage. The maturity and homogeneity of all the communi- ties of hills, plains and water courses were generally found to be low. The density size class structure of the communities of hills, plains and water courses revealed that in the trees and shrubs stratum, Olea ferruginea reproducing well in the communities of the hills, plains and water courses. Caragana ambigua and Prunus ~rahuica shows very well regen- eration in the communities of hills and plains. Juniperus polycarpos. Pistacia mutica. Cotoneaster nummularia, Acacia modesta, Abelia triflora and Caragana ulcina reproducing well in the communities of hills, and Fraxinus xanthoxyloid- ~ and Nannorhops ritchieana shows very well regeneration in the communities of water courses. In the herbs and under-shrubs stratum C:mbapogon jawarancusa is reproducing very well in the communities of hills, plains and water courses. Convolvulus spinsus, Thymus serpyllum and ChrYBOpogon aucheri are reproducing well in the communities of hills and plains. Eulaliopsis binata, Alopecu- -- --- --~ .~ - ''----- -- - -ix- ~ arundinaceus, Plectranthus rugosus and DichaAthium foveolatum are reproducing well in the communities of hills. Artemisia stricta shows well regeneration in the communities of plains. Saccharum ravennae, Perovsk- ia abrotanoides, Saccharum bengalense, Salvia nubicola, Pennisetum orientale and Arundo donax we~e reproducing very well in the communities of water courses and appear to be very promising species for further. Among topographic factors, aspects seems to plaY an important role in the distribution of communities of hills. Similarly, wet water courses had Saccharum bengal- ense, Arundo donax, Cotoneaster nummularia, Dalbergia sissoo, etc. as the dominant species. Among the dry water courses, the dominant species differed in narrow, medium and wide water courses. The vegetation in sloping plains and flat plains also showed significant differences. Life form and leaf size spectra of the communities of the study areas were constructed according to Runkiaer (1905 & 1934). Hemicrytophytes, Therophytes and Chamaephy- tes were found to be significantly higher and Geophytes were found to be significantly lower than the "Normal spectrum" of Raunkiaer(1918). Life form spectrum of differ- ent ecological zone shows that Phanerophytes decrease gradu- ally from lower elevation to higher elevations. Chama- ephytes increase gradually from lower elevation to higher elevations. Microphyll leaf size class was found to be the highest percentage, followed by nannophylls. Leaf size spectrum of different ecological zone shows that lepto- phylls increase from lower zone to upper middle zone and the upper zone. Microphylls increase gradually from lower to upper zone. Soils of 102 communities were analysed for physical and chemical characteristics. Correlationat plant communi- ties with the edaphic factors have been discussed. Soil texture, maximum water holding capacity, organic matter, CaCO~, E.C., HCO~, Ca+Mg, Na, K, SAR and PAR were found to be important edaphic factors affecting the distribution of vegetation types. Importance values of dominant plants and soil cha- racteristics indicated that Cymbopogon jawarancusa shows sligh- tly.nigh positive correlation with silt and slightly high negative correlation with Ca+Mg. Saccharum ravennae shows slightly high positive correlation with silt and slightly high negative correlation with organic matter. TQymus ~ pyllum shows slightly high positive correlation with silt -xi- and slightly high negative correlation with sand. Cotoneaster n~ularia shows slightly high positive correlation with organic matter and slightly high negative correlation with maximum water holding capacity. Olea ferruginea shows slightly high positive correlation with K and slightly high negative correlation with CaC0 Juniperus polycarpos shows slightly high positive correla- tion with silt and slightly high negative correlation with CaCo3