غزل ۔۔۔ڈاکٹر محمد کامران
پروفیسر پنجاب یونیورسٹی لاہور
ایسا بھی نہیں تم سے مجھے پیار نہیں ہے
لیکن مجھے اس بات پہ اصرار نہیں ہے
میں نے یہ غزل موجٍ صبا تجھ پہ کہی ہے
حالانکہ مجھے تجھ سے سروکار نہیں ہے
اس شخص کی آنکھیں مجھے سونے نہیں دیتیں
دل جس کی محبت میں گرفتار نہیں ہے
میں نے بھلے وقتوں میں خریدا تھا کوئ خواب
اب اس کا کہیں کوئ خریدار نہیں ہے
ماں باپ کی عزت کا اسے خوف ہے ورنہ
اس شوخ کے انکار میں انکار نہیں ہے
Fostering of Muslims in particular is a necessity. Muslims need guidance to stay on their nature, namely peace, calm, and peace (congratulations). Therefore, to maintain and preserve the atmosphere (peaceful, calm, serene), then one of the da'wah movements that has taken a role is the Tablighi Jamaat. Forms of coaching that have been done include syuro (deliberation), ta'awun (help-help). The coaching is intended to be social capital in developing Muslims. Social capital is intended as an adhesive tool for the community, because it often occurs in Islamic internal conflict communities that will affect external conflicts (among religious believers). The formation of Muslims by the followers of Tabligh has clearly brought developments to Muslims, especially in the city of Palu, this development was marked by an increase in the number of halaqah from 2 halaqah (2001) to 12 halaqah (2018), and the development has benefited the community based at the mosque.
Because of its geo strategic position at the crossroad of Asia, Pakistan has gained crucial importance of playing its pivotal role in subsequent human migratory events, both prehistoric and historic. This human movement became possible through an ancient overland network of trails called “The Silk Route” linking Asia Minor, Middle East China, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia. The present study was designed to investigate the control region in 500 unrelated individuals of 22 ethnic groups of the Pakistani population. In order to discourse the genetic diversity, affiliations and origin of castes of Punjab and tribes of Baluchistan, KPK and Sindh. The study revealed high genetic diversity in Pakistani population which is comparable to the other Central Asian, Southeast Asian and European populations. For this purpose Sequence analysis scrutinized, 412 haplotypes, defined by a particular set of nucleotides were found (ignoring the C insertions around position 309 and 315) in 22 ethnic groups. In spite of that 65% sequences were observed once, 11 %, twice, 8 % thrice, 5 % four time and 2.2 % five times. The most common South Asian haplotypes are observed, M 46 %, N 7 %, and R 13%, while West Eurasian haplotypes are U 18%, H 5%, J 4%, W 3% and T 2% in 22 ethnic groups. The mean number of pairwise differences were observed 5.2 ± 2.8 to 12.5 ± 6.2. A random match probability between two unrelated individuals was found between 0.01 to 0.06 %. While genetic diversity was found to be 0.991 to 0.999, with nucleotide diversity ranging from 0.0089 to 0.0142 for the whole control region in Pakistani population. The configuration of genetic variation and heterogeneity further unveiled through Multidimensional Scaling and phylogenetic analysis. The results revealed that Pakistani ethnic groups are the composite mosaic of West Eurasian ancestry of numerous geographic origin. They received substantial gene flow during different invasive movements and have a high element of the Western provenance.