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Home > Theoretical Investigation of Structural and Electronic Properties of Perovskite Materials for Optoelectronic Applications

Theoretical Investigation of Structural and Electronic Properties of Perovskite Materials for Optoelectronic Applications

Thesis Info


Saman Abdullah


Muhammad Waqas Iqbal




Riphah International University

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iii, 48 . ; ill. (col.) ; 29 cm. + CD.




Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Physics.; Includes appendix and bibliographical references.; Thesis (M. Phil. physics)--Riphah International University, 2019.; English; Call No: SAM 537.6226


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-02-19 12:33:56



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مولانا عبدالصمد رحمانی

مولانا عبدالصمد رحمانی
تین مہینہ کے سفر کے بعد جب ۳/جون کوبحمداﷲ بہمہ وجوہ خیریت و عافیت واپسی ہوئی توجن احباب اوربزرگوں کے انتقال پرملال کی خبر سے سخت افسوس اوررنج ہوا ان میں مولانا عبدالصمد صاحب رحمانی بھی تھے۔مولانا ان اکابر علم وفضل اوراصحاب ورع وتقوی میں سے تھے جن کے دم سے اسلام کی روحانی اوردینی واخلاقی عظمت کی آبرو قائم ہے۔ ان کی استعداد بڑی پختہ تھی، مطالعہ وسیع، نظر دقیق اورفہم ثاقب رکھتے تھے۔ یوں تو سب ہی علوم دینیہ و مروجۂ مدارس عربیہ سے ان کو قلبی لگاؤ تھا لیکن فقہ اورحدیث سے ان کوزیادہ دلچسپی اور مناسبت تھی۔ جب گفتگو کرتے تھے توان کی باتوں سے رسوخ فی العلم کے ساتھ سنجیدگی ٔرائے،ذہانت اورتوازن فکر کے بھبکے آتے تھے۔عملاً بڑے قناعت پسند اور درویش صفت بزرگ تھے، ہرچیز میں سادگی اور بے تکلفی ملحوظ رکھتے تھے۔ صاحب درس اورصاحب تصنیف وتالیف بھی تھے۔ ملک کی تحریک آزادی کے ہراوّل دستے میں تھے لیکن آزادی کے بعد ملک میں جوحالات پیش آئے اورجن کا سلسلہ اب بھی جاری ہے، انھوں نے بعض دوسرے مجاہدین وطن کی طرح ان کو اس درجہ دل شکستہ اور مایوس کردیا تھا کہ وہ سب کچھ چھوڑ چھاڑ گوشہ نشین ہوگئے تھے۔ چند برس سے مجموعۂ امراض واسقام تھے اوربہت کمزور ہوگئے تھے، آخر وقت موعود بھی آپہنچا۔اﷲ تعالیٰ مغفرت وبخشش اور رفع درجات کی نعمتوں سے سرفراز فرمائے۔آمین [جون۱۹۷۳ء]



Head of SMA Negeri 3 Palu implements the form of management based on five management functions, namely planning, organizing, staffing (placement), coordinating and controlling (control). In managing ecology-oriented schools refers to the school adiwiyata ie schools that maintain the environment, the arrangement of a clean environment, beautiful and healthy in order to produce a good learning environment. This effort also aims to provide understanding of the school community in the preservation of environmental functions and resources in the school environment. Environmentally sound environmental (ecological) school programs have participatory and sustainable principles. The participatory principle is that the school community involved in school management covers the whole process of planning, implementation, and evaluation based on responsibility. The principle of sustainability is that all activities are carried out comprehensively, planned and continuously in improving the learning conditions more comfortable and conducive for all citizens of the school.

Promoting Organizational Learning to Improve the Quality of Education in School of Pakistan

The education system in Pakistan is strongly criticised for not establishing a sustainable mechanism whereby school personnel could learn from each other in both the formal and informal social contexts of schools and contribute to the provision of quality education. The current research used the philosophical underpinnings of organizational learning and proposed the School Organizational Learning Model (SOLM) to improve the quality of education in poorly performing schools in Pakistan. The quality of education provided by the schools is contingent on the fees they charge. Thus, the low cost public and private schools were noted as poorly performing schools in Pakistan. One way to improve quality is to utilize learning from well performing schools and improve the quality of education in the low-cost schools. The current research followed the explanatory mixed design and applied the Dimensions of Learning School Questionnaire (DLSQ) originally prepared by Watkins and Marsick (1997) and later adapted by Akram, Watkins and Sajid (2013) for schools of Pakistan. This was done to gather data from 502 sample cases from the medium-cost schools and used learning from them to improve conditions in a low-cost private school. Using the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) technique variables that contributed to the organizational learning of the medium-cost schools were identified. It was noted that out of four independent variables, individual level organizational learning was negatively correlated whereas school level organizational learning was positively correlated with the knowledge performance school outcome in the medium-cost schools. The remaining two variables, team level organizational learning and global level organizational learning, indicated insignificant impact on the knowledge performance of the schools. Thus, a semi-structured interview schedule based on individual and school level learning was developed and employed to gain additional relevant data from four selected teachers, four head teachers/coordinators. Using theoretical underpinnings of the organizational learning theory (Akram, Watkins & Sajid, 2013; Watkins & Marsick, 1997) and the data gathered during Phase I of the research which included both quantitative and qualitative data in the mixed methods design, the SOLM was developed and implemented through action research (AR) in the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) section of a low-cost private school to improve the quality of education of the school. Evidence which indicated that the quality of classroom teaching of six teachers was improved emerged and thus the SOLM was considered a contribution to the existing knowledge concerning organizational learning.