نواب بھوپال حاجی حمید اﷲ خاں
افسوس ہے کہ پچھلے دنوں حاجی حمید اﷲ خاں کاجوعام طورپر نواب بھوپال کے نام سے مشہورتھے انتقال ہوگیا۔مرحوم اپنی سمجھ بوجھ ،علمیت ولیاقت اورتدبر و دوراندیشی کی وجہ سے تقسیم ہند سے پہلے کے والیان ریاست میں ایک ممتاز مقام و مرتبہ رکھتے تھے اوراسی وجہ سے حکومت میں ان کا بڑاوقار تھا اورپبلک میں بھی بڑے ہردلعزیز تھے۔مرحوم کی والدہ ماجدہ خودایک مثالی خاتون تھیں۔انھوں نے بیٹے کی تربیت ایسے انداز سے کی تھی کہ وہ دوسرے والیان ریاست کے لیے نمونہ کا کام دے۔چنانچہ عام والیان ریاست کی اولاد کے برخلاف مرحوم نے مدرسۃ العلوم علی گڑھ میں تعلیم پائی اوریہاں جب تک رہے عام طالب علموں کی طرح سب سے گھل مل کررہے۔ایک خاص خاندانی ماحول میں نشوونما پانے کے علاوہ علی گڑھ کی فضا میں ان کی جو ذہنی و دماغی تربیت ہوئی اسی کا اثر یہ تھا کہ وہ قومی اور ملکی معاملات کے علاوہ مسلمانوں کے تعلیمی اوردینی معاملات میں بھی بڑی دلچسپی لیتے تھے اوران کاموں کی عملاً مددکرتے تھے۔چنانچہ دارالعلوم دیوبند،مسلم یونیورسٹی علی گڑھ،ندوۃ العلماء لکھنؤ،جامعہ ملیہ اسلامیہ دلّی، یہ سب ادارے مرحوم کے فیض کرم وتوجہ کے ممنون تھے۔مسلم یونیورسٹی کے چانسلر اوروالیان ریاست کی انجمن کے صدر بھی رہ چکے تھے۔مرحوم کے ذاتی اوصاف وکمالات اورپھراُن کی خاندانی روایات کی وجہ سے’’بھوپال‘‘ارباب علم وادب،مسلمان علماء وفضلاء، شعراء اوراصحاب فن کی امیدوں اور تمناؤں کاجولانگاہ بن گیاتھا۔ریاست بھوپال توپہلے ہی ختم ہوگئی تھی۔تاہم اُن کی ذات سے بھوپال کی قدیم روایات کی بھولی بسری یاد،ذہن میں کبھی کبھی اجاگر ہوجاتی تھی۔اب یہ سہارا بھی گیا۔سدا رہے نام اﷲ کا! خاتمہ بھی بڑااچھا ہوا۔ نماز پڑھتے پڑھتے جان جانِ آفریں کے سپرد کردی۔ اللھم اغفرلہ وارحمہ رحماً کبیراً۔ [مارچ۱۹۶۰ء]
The Holy Qur’ān is the last scripture revealed by Allah. It was revealed for the guidance of mankind and every person has the right to read it whether they are healthy or has any physical disability. Visually impaired people hold a special place in this society and Braille is a writing method used by these people. Qur’ān has a special and specific style of writing which is called Rasmi Uthmani. It is an authentic style of writing used for the Holy Qur’ān. This article will discuss whether we can write Qur’ān in Braille or not; as it is one of the debatable issues among the religious scholars. Opinion of different religious scholars will be discussed in this paper.
The mango fruit not only has wonderful taste, flavor and nutritional values but also has anticancer and anti-viral activities. It is therefore, very popular and is recognized as king of the fruits. Mango fruit is also one of the cash crops of Pakistan that stands at 5th position among the main mango producing countries. However, its pre and postharvest wastage is quiet high due to short shelf life and vulnerable to various microorganism. Therefore, the objective of this work was to prolong the shelf life and to improve the quality of the fruit by applying various strategies. For the purpose two commercial varieties of mango namely, Langra and Samar Bahisht Chaunsa were selected for the study. The impact of controlled atmosphere ripening was explored by harvesting the fruit at hard green stage and stored at 20, 30 and 40°C till ripening. The results obtained for various quality parameters (QP) as well as shelf life of the fruit were compared with the fruit ripened at the tree (under normal conditions). It was observed that the tree ripened fruit was better in quality than the fruit ripened at different storage temperature after harvesting. The fruit took longer time for its ripening at the tree compared to storage at 30 and 40°C, irrespective of the variety. The shelf life was longest for the mangoes stored at 20°C compared to others, including tree ripened fruit. However, the waste percent was highest at tree ripened fruit as compared to stored fruit, irrespective of temperature and variety. These parameters were significantly different in most of the cases under the limit P < 0.05. The results obtained for various quality parameters of the fruit harvested at hard green stage of maturity from different (orientation) side of the tree East, West, North and South showed that the quality was best and waste percent was lowest for the fruit harvested from south (sun exposure time for the fruit was maximum) orientation of tree; the shelf life was longer and weight loss percent was lower for North direction compared to others, irrespective of the variety and storage temperature. The values of QP for the fruit harvested from South were significantly different from other treatments in most of the cases under the limit P < 0.05. The fruit was harvested three (6.30 am, 1.30 pm and 8.30 pm) times a day and was stored at 20, 30 and 40°C till ripening. It was concluded that the quality of the ripened fruit was highest for 8.30 pm harvest time and stored at 40°C. The fruit harvested at 6.30 am and stored at 20°C had lowest quality and weight loss but longest shelf life, whereas the fruit harvested at 1.30 pm and stored at 40°C had shortest shelf life and highest weight loss, irrespective of the variety. On the other hand, the waste percent was highest for fruit harvested at 1.30 pm and 20°C storage temperature and lowest for 6.30 am harvest time and stored at 30°C, irrespective of the variety. However, the quality and the shelf life were improved by coating the fruit with calcium chloride, respective of harvest time plus storage temperature and irrespective of the variety. The impact of harvest stages and storage conditions over the postharvest quality and shelf life of mango fruit was explored by measuring the QP for the fruit harvested at 80 (early stage), 95 (mid stage) and 110 (late stage) days after the fruit setting and stored at three different storage temperature showed a significant impact over the quality characteristics. The waste percentage, weight loss, pH, total soluble solids, carotenoids and total sugar were increased with the storage time/ ripening process, irrespective of maturity stages; while the percentage of acidity and vitamin-C was decreased with storage time. The total sugar contents were highest in later stage whereas, vitamin C and acidity were highest in fruit harvested at early stage whereas; the waste percentage was lowest for mid stage harvest. The weight loss was higher and shelf life was longer for early stage harvest. The ripening rate increased and the shelf life decreased with rise in storage temperature. The total soluble solids, sugar contents and carotenoids had positive correlation with the skin color, irrespective of stage, variety and temperature. The contribution of cooling of the fruit towards the enhancement of quality and prolonging the shelf life was explored by harvesting the fruit at hard green stage of maturity and maintaining at 15○C (by keeping in cold water and/ or in cold air) for different time periods. The fruit was then stored at 20, 30 and 40oC till ripening. The quality parameters obtained were correlated with pre-storage cooling treatment. It was concluded that the impact of heat removed of the fruit was significantly different in most of the cases under the limit of P < 0.05. It was also observed that the removal of heat from the fruit enhanced the quality, prolongs shelf life and minimize wastage, irrespective of the variety and storage temperatures. The quality of mango fruit was investigated as related with pedicle (stalk) lengths of the fruit. The fruit was harvested at hard green stage of maturity with 0.5, 2.5, 4.5 and 6.5cm pedicle (stalk) lengths and stored at 30○C till ripening. The result showed that the fruit harvested with 4.5cm stalk length was better among the investigated treatment for quality and shelf life. The weight loss and waste percent during ripening process of mango fruit was higher for 0.5cm stalks and lower for 4.5cm stalk, irrespective of the variety and storage temperature. The impact of coating over the quality and shelf life of mango (Langra and Samar Bahisht Chaunsa) fruit was investigated in detail. For this purpose, several coating materials like starch, olive oil, beeswax, sodium benzoate, coconut oil, natural ghee (clarified butter) and potassium metabisulphite were evaluated. The fruit was harvested at hard green stage of maturity, coated and stored at various temperatures with control till ripening. The data showed that the coating had significant impact over the quality and shelf life of the fruit in most of the cases under the limit of P < 0.05. Shelf life was longest with minimum weight loss and waste percent in natural ghee (clarified butter) and beeswax. Quality was higher in case of natural ghee and starch based coating than others, irrespective of the variety and storage temperature. Overall the shelf life was longest and waste percent was lowest in Samar Bahisht Chaunsa as compared to Langra mango variety, irrespective of the treatment.