مسجد حسین
مسجد الازہر شریف اور مسجد حسین کے درمیان ایک بڑی شاہراہ ہے ہم نے اس بڑی شاہراہ کو مشکل سے عبور کیا ،کیونکہ یہاں گاڑیوں کا رش انتہا پر تھا ۔عشا کی نماز کے لیے ابھی کچھ وقت باقی تھا ۔مسجد حسین کے میناروں پر لگے لائوڈ سپیکروں سے خوش الحان قاری کی تلاوت کی آواز کانوںکو بھلی لگ رہی تھی ۔جوں ہی قاری آیت کے خاتمے کے بعد سانس کی بحالی کے لیے وقفہ لیتا تو ساتھ بیٹھے سامعین داد کے طور پر بلند آواز سے ’’اﷲ‘‘پکارتے ۔دکتور محمود نے بتا یا کہ یہ ایک تاریخی مسجد ہے یہاں امام عالی مقام حضرت امام حسین ؑ کا سر مبارک دفن کیا گیا ہے ۔یہاں دنیا بھر سے اہلِ تشیع زیارت کے لیے آتے ہیں ۔اس مسجد کی انفرادیت یہ بھی ہے کہ قاری عبدالباسط اور کئی دوسرے قرأ یہاں نماز سے پہلے تلاوت کرتے اور سامعین سے داد وصول کرتے رہے ہیں یہ روایت آج بھی قائم ہے۔ امام حسین ؑ کے سر مبارک کے حوالے سے جب اہلِ تشیع دوستوں سے تصدیق کی تو معلوم ہوا کہ صرف شیعہ فرقے دائود بوہری کا یہ دعویٰ ہے باقیوں کا نہیں ۔قبلے کی طرف منبر سے دائیں جانب ایک بڑے ہال میں چاندی کی جالیوں سے سر اقدس والی جگہ کو ڈھانپا گیا ہے ۔ زائرین اس کے گرد چکر لگا رہے تھے بعض وہاں نوافل پڑھ رہے تھے۔ یہاں مکمل مسلکی آزادی تھی ۔کوئی شیعہ کافر ،کوئی سنی کافر کی آوازیں نہ تھیں ۔چند مخیر حضرات لوگوں میں نیاز تقسیم کر رہے تھے ۔مجھے بھی ایک سخی نے کھجور ،ٹافیوں اور چاکلیٹ کے پیکٹ تھما دیے ۔
مسجد حسین ایک کشادہ مسجد ہے نمازِ عشاء کے لیے جب جماعت کھڑی ہوئی تو میرے خیال کے برعکس پوری مسجد...
This research is motivated by the ups and downs in the quality of employee performance at PT Enseval Putera Megatrading Pekanbaru Branch from 2020 to 2022. Based on the formulation of the problems that have been made, this study aims to determine the effect of compensation and work environment on employee performance at PT Enseval Putera Megatrading Pekanbaru Branch This research is a type of quantitative research. The sample used in this study were employees of PT Enseval Putera Megatrading Pekanbaru Branch as many as approximately 52 people. Sampling technique by means of Simple Random Sampling. With data collection through observation, interviews, questionnaires and literature studies. The analysis technique in this study uses Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. This study uses multiple linear regression with the help of the SPSS Ver program. 21.00. The results of this study, compensation has a positive effect on employee performance. This is evident from the results of the t test which obtained t count X1 greater than t table, namely the value of t count (7.467) greater than t table (2.010) accepted at a significance level of 5%. The work environment has a positive effect on employee performance. This is evident from the results of the t test which obtained the t count X2 greater than the t table, namely the t value (7.484) greater than the t table (2.010), accepted at the 5% significance level. Compensation and work environment together have a positive effect on employee performance. This is evident from the results of the F test which shows the results of the F count of (415.672) greater than the F table of (3.19) accepted at the 5% significance level. Islamic economic review of the effect of compensation and work environment on employee performance at PT Enseval Putera Megatrading Pekanbaru branch can be categorized as sharia based on ijarah contract.
The need to provide students with more inquiry-based teaching is increasing in educational settings. It is the need of our Pakistani system also, particularly research studies to initiate and implement the process in many educational settings in Pakistan. This is so that science literacy can be fostered and more attention can be given to providing conceptual understanding to the students during the teaching learning process. My study is a minor addition to the knowledge of science teaching by using inquiry as a teaching strategy. I tried to study the impact of using an inquiry-based teaching approach on students' learning. The emphasis was on the nature of questions, students ask before and after implementing inquiry and the ways they seek knowledge through using this idea in the classroom. Roth (1992) and Tobin (1991) cited by Doster, (1997) suggest that ;the epistemology underlying most traditional practice in science classrooms is objectivism, which manifests itself in the teaching of science as a body of objective facts. Teaching science from this objectivist stance contradicts the philosophical basis of the nature of science. Agreeing with the author, I would say that teaching in science classrooms should not focus the objectivism, instead it is essential to nurture the philosophical basis of the nature of science by providing various practical opportunities of learning to the students, of which inquiry-based teaching could be one. The project was designed using the qualitative paradigm of research. It was an actionoriented study in which the focus was on students' learning. One experienced teacher volunteered for the study as a co-operative teacher. The purpose of the study was to provide opportunities to the students to come up with their own ideas and test them to validate their knowledge. Actually, I wanted to provide opportunities for students to explore, manipulate and inquire into things that are in their surroundings particularly by questioning them. I assumed that by teaching this approach, students would develop their inquisitiveness and learn more effectively. For this purpose, I used many innovative ideas to encourage students to ask questions, especially open and high-order questions. Dissertation Abstracts MEd V Class of 2002 35 The findings of the study show, that inquiry-based teaching produces a positive impact on students' learning. This claim is made in the light of the data gathered in the form of students' questions. In a class of 58 students, 329 written questions were asked during one focused