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Home > Development of Therapeutic Protocol of Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy Rest in Rehabilitation Program of Male Substance Abusers

Development of Therapeutic Protocol of Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy Rest in Rehabilitation Program of Male Substance Abusers

Thesis Info


Mehwish Jabeen


Aminah Munir




Riphah International University

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Thesis Completing Year


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x, 45 . ; 30 cm. +CD : ill.




Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MS in clinical psychology; Includes references and appendix.; Thesis (MS Clinical psychology )-Riphah International University, 2017; English; Call No: MEH 150


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-02-17 21:08:06



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اردو کے اہم مدونین (امتیاز علی عرشی)

اردو کے اہم مدونین (امتیاز علی عرشی)
امتیاز علی خان عرشی کا امتیاز یہ ہے کہ انہوں نے اردو ادب کو تحقیق کے آداب و رموز سے آشنا کیا۔ تحشیہ و تدوین کا معیار قائم کیا اور اپنی تحقیقی کاوشوں سے ادب کو بیش بہا تصانیف سے روشناس کروایا۔ان کی تدوین، تحقیق کے تازہ واردان کی رہبری اور رہنمائی کرتی اور انہیں اس فن کے اصولوں سے آگاہ کرتی ہے۔بہت سی کتابوں کو عرشی نے نئی زندگی عطا کی اور اردو تدوین کو اعتبار بخشا۔امتیاز علی عرشی ۸ دسمبر۱۹۰۴ء کو رام پور میں پیدا ہوئے۔ملازمت کی بھی تو علم و ادب سے وابستہ رہے۔ فروری ۱۹۸۱ء میں رام پور میں انتقال کیا۔آپ کی اہم تصنیف مندرجہ ذیل ہیں:
• مکاتیب غالب • نظام نامہ
• ترجمہ مجالس رنگین • انتخاب غالب
• نادرات شاہی از شاہ عالم • سلک گوہر از انشاء
• کہانی رانی کیتکی کی از انشاء
دیوان غالب:
تحقیق میں امتیاز علی عرشی کا خاص کارنامہ ان کی قابل قدر تدوین و ترتیب ہے۔ اختلافات نسخ، جعلی نسخوں ، تصحیح متن، حوالوں کی جانچ پڑتال اور تحقیقی مواد کی فراہمی کا ان میں ایک خاص سلیقہ موجود ہے۔ غالبیات کے ماہر کی حیثیت سے ان کے تحقیقی اور علمی کارنامے ناقابل فراموش ہیں۔غالبیات کے ماہر ہونے کے علاوہ امتیاز علی عرشی نے دوسرے موضوعات پر بھی قلم اٹھایا ہے۔ غالب کے علاوہ عرشی نے انشاء اور سعادت یار خان رنگین کے کلام اور ان کے ادبی اکتباسات سے بھی دل چسپی لی ہے۔عرشی کے علم کا دائرہ بہت وسیع تھا۔انہوں نے تاریخ سے بھی دل چسپی لی اور اس کے پس منظر میں ادب کی نشوونما کا جائزہ لینے کی کوشش کی ہے۔
حافظ محمود شیرانی اگر اردو تحقیق کے معلم اول ہیں تو معلم ثانی صرف اور صرف امتیاز علی خان...

نقض امن میں ‘‘ف’’ سے شروع ہونے والے سات عوامل کا کردار

According to the certain teachings of al-Qur’ān mentioned at four different places (4: 1, 6: 98, 7: 189 and 39: 6), all humans have their origin in a single cell or soul. One of the objectives behind these proclamations is perhaps to ensure that the unity of humanity at large and of the Muslims in particular, is never to be compromised and that the differences existing among them are to be resolved through a process of mutual understanding on the basis of the notions derived from the al-Qur’ān (2: 213) and Sunnah. AlQur’ān and Sunnah acknowledge the human diversity, rather, describe it as a functional aspect of existence, but not as structural. Referring to the Quranic verse 5: 48, Allah would have made humanity a single people, but, His plan is to test them in whatever He has given to them, so they should emulate for virtues. The present article is an attempt to shortly describe the role of the seven crucial factors in disruption of peace, all starting with the Arabic alphabet fā, i. E., Fitnah, the false Fatāwā, Fujūr, Fakhr, Furqah, Fisq and Fasād, with the purpose of developing an overall religious harmony for strengthening the inner and the outer peace. These seven factors play significant role in disturbing the stability of society. The Islamic injunctions also stress that these factors should be avoided in order to live a righteous and peaceful life.

Developing Entrepreneur Capacities Through Higher Education: Learning for Value Creation

In the past two decades, Pakistan had witnessed a whopping rise in number of university enrollments and graduates. Due to lack of absorptive capacity in job market, the importance of entrepreneurship education has been felt more than ever. The focus of this dissertation is to use curriculum laden value creation as a stepping stone to introduce entrepreneurship into universities to o set the e ects credential creep and rising unemployment levels. This issue had been paid scant attention in Pakistani context, which makes it enticing to investigate entrepreneurship as value creation through university based curriculum. The research espouses a qualitative approach to achieve exploratory purpose of research questions through in-depth interviews. Overall, 31 interviews were conducted in full- edged second phase while 06 interviews were done in pilot phase. In absence of a-priori theories, grounded theory is chosen as strategy of inquiry. The analysis is carried out in three phases of open, axial and selective coding with point of theoretical saturation unfolding at 26th interview. The analysis indicates that a social vacuum exists due to prevalent industry and academic dichotomies. It has been learnt that informal learning is important while a wide gulf is ominous in the shape of discrepancies in regards to psychological, managerial and opportunity recognition strategies taught in universities against business practices in vogue. Thendings reveal unstitched academic-industry linkages, silo and immature conduct of operations has long term implications for innovation ecosystem of Peshawar. The misalignment between university and industry manifests itself in paradox expectations where student lament lack of jobs, while industry voices concerns over shortage of talent. Moreover, the societal narrative and discourse is highly inclined to degree as against knowledge seeking. The study concluded that universities in Peshawar are mere teaching universities giving no inputs to government in form of products, processes or policies. The study contributes to practice of understanding a social process of interest by proposing a three-tier, bidirectional framework with paths to infuse entrepreneurship in curriculum on micro, macro and meso levels. On theoretical levels, it extends the existing model on entrepreneurial process through integration of curricular, co and extra-curricular activities to better learn for value creation.