بنیادی مآخذ
۲۔شاعرؔصدیقی،کلیات شاعرؔصدیقی،رنگ ادب پبلی کیشنز،کراچی،اگست ۲۰۱۹ء
ثانوی مآخذ
انور جمال پروفیسر،ادبی اصطلاحات،طبع سوم،نشنل بک فاونڈیشن اسلام آباد،۲۰۱۳ء
افتخار احمد اخان،ڈاکٹر ،اصول تحقیق،شمع بکس پبلشرز،فیصل آباد،س ن
اظہار احمد،ڈاکٹر،اْردو غزل کے کچھ اہم ستون،کراؤن آفیسٹ،سبزی باغ پٹنہ ،بھارت،۱۹۹۶ء
ادریس صدیقی،اردو شاعری کا تنقیدی جائزہ،شیخ سنز،کراچی،۱۹۸۵ء
اخلاق دہلوی،علامہ،شمیم بلاغت،طبع ثانی،کتب خانہ انجمن ترقی اْردو،جامع مسجددہلی،۱۹۶۸ء
ثر مظہری،جدید نظم:حالی سے میراجی تک،مظہر پبلی کیشن،نئی دہلی،نومبر ۲۰۰۵ء
رفیع الدین ،ہاشمی،اصناف ادب،سنگ میل پبلیکیشنز،لاہور،۲۰۰۸ء
عطاء الرحمٰن،نوریؔ،اْردو اصناف ادب،سیفٹی آفیسٹ،پریس،مایگاوں،۲۰۱۶ء
عارف حسن خاں،ڈاکٹر،نصاب بلاغت،جے کے پرنٹرس،دہلی،۲۰۱۵ء
سلیم،اختر،ڈاکٹر،اْردو ادب کی مختصرترین تاریخ،سنگ میل پبلی کیشنز،لاہور۲۰۱۳ء
سعد کلیم اللہ،ڈاکٹر،اْردو غزل کی تہذیبی و فکری بنیادیں،گنج شکرپریس،لاہور،۲۰۱۵ء
ساحل احمد،اردو نظم اور اس کی قسمیں،اردو رائٹرس گلڈ،الہ آباد،۱۹۹۷ء
سنبل نگار،ڈاکٹر، اردو شاعری کا تنقیدی مطالعہ،دارالنور،لاہور،۲۰۰۳ء
سید عابد علی ،عابدؔ،البیان،طبع اول،زرین آرٹ پریس لاہور،۱۹۸۹ء
سید عابدعلی،عابدؔالبدیع،طبع اول،اظہر سنز پرنٹر،لٹن روڈ ،لاہور،۱۹۸۵ء
سید عبداللہ،ڈاکٹر،ولی سے اقبال تک،سنگ میل پبلی کیشنز لاہور،۲۰۰۰ء
شبیر،ناقدؔ،نقدفن،رنگ ادب پبلی کیشنز،کراچی،۲۰۱۱ء
شہزاداحمد،ڈاکٹر،اْردو نعت پاکستان میں،حمد ونعت ریسرچ فاونڈیشن،اْردو بازار،کراچی،طبع اول،۲۰۱۴ء
شمس الرحمٰن فاروقی،اْردو غزل کے اہم موڑ،اصلیہ آفیسٹ پریس،دریا گنج نئی دہلی،بھارت،۱۹۹۷ء
عفّت زرّیں،ڈاکٹر،جدید غزل،دارالشعور پبلی کیشنز لاہور،۲۰۱۵ء
بادت بریلوی،ڈاکٹر،جدید شاعری،ایجوکیشنل بْک ہاؤس،علی گڑھ،۱۹۳۸ء
عبدالباری،مولانا،کلیاتِ نظیر،نول کشور پریس،لکھنؤ،۱۹۵۱ء
عبدالقادر سروری،جدید اردو شاعری،انجمن امداد باہمی مکتبہ ابرا ہیمیہ،حید آباد دکن،۱۹۳۲ء
غفور شاہ قاسم، پروفیسر، پاکستانی ادب، بْک ٹاک،لاہور،۱۹۹۵ء
فراق گورکھپوری،اْردو غزل گوئی،نصرت بلیشرز ،لکھنؤ،بھارت،۱۹۹۸ء
فرمان،فتح پوری،ڈاکٹر،اْردو رباعی،طبع،دوم،مکتب عالیہ،ایبک روڈ انارکلی، لاہور،۱۹۳۸ء
طارق ہاشمی،اْردو غزل نئی تشکیل،س،ن
گیان چند،ڈاکٹر،اْردو غزل ہندوستانی ذہن و تہذیب،قومی کونسل برائے فروغ اْردو زبان،نئی دہلی۲۰۰۲ء
محمدخاں اشرف،ڈاکٹر،رومانیت،سنگ میل پبلی کیشنز،لاہور،۲۰۱۲ء
محمد عبدلحفیظ،قتیلؔ،ڈاکٹر،معیار غزل۔اعجازپرینٹنگ پرس چھتہ بازار حیدرآباد دکن،۱۹۶۱ء
محمدخاں،اشرفؔ،ڈاکٹر،رومانیت،سنگ میل پبلی کشینز لاہور،۲۰۱۲ء
محمد عسکری،آئینہ بلاغت،صدیق بک ڈپو،لکھنو،بھارت،۱۹۳۷ء
مزمل حسین،ڈاکٹر،اْردو میں علم بیان اور علم بدیع کے مباحث:تحقیقی وتنقیدی جائزہ،پنجاب یونیورسٹی،۲۰۰۵
تخلیق، ماہنامہ،لاہوراگست ۲۰۰۴ء
رنگ ادب،سہ ماہی،شاعرصدیقی نمبر،کراچی،جولائی تا ستمبر،۲۰۰۶ء
سرگزشت، ماہنامہ،کراچی، اگست،۲۰۱۶ء
فنون،سہ ماہی،لاہور،جنوری تا اپریل،۲۰۰۴ء
فنون،سہ ماہی، لاہور،نومبر تا دسمبر۲۰۰۴ء
قومی زبان، ماہنامہ،کراچی،اپریل۲۰۰۴ء
Ijmāʿ is an important mode of Ijtihād and well known principle of Islamic Sharʿiah. Historically it is evident that incidence of Ijmāʿ )Consensus( restricted only to four Caliphates of Islam only. This Collective Ijtihād and Collective Opinion was actually the decision of the Islamic State followed and obeyed by the all Muslims specially by "Ṣaḥābah" (Companions of the Holy Prophet), this is why it is called Ijmāʿ-e- Ṣaḥābah. These decisions were applicable and binding to all Muslims living elsewhere in the world, because at that time there was centralized ruling system (Khilāfat-e-Wāḥidah). Now Muslim world has split into many states, so every state has its own decision making institutions and hence such Ijtihād and Ijmāʿ, Islamic Legislation Activities should be validated within those states as Ijtihād and Ijmāʿ except issues relevant to general interest as whole human being and all Muslims. In such issues International level consensus of Islamic Jurists would be required. "Ijmāʿ", actually it is the same processes. More over any "Ijmāʿ" held in a time period can be revoked by any new situation in future as per requirement of the time. It is the inevitable demand of dynamism of Islam to correlate it to every need of the time.
Canola, Brassica napus L. is a minor oilseed crop in Pakistan but for various reasons is increasing in importance as its oil being healthy and to share country oil production as currently 71% of the required edible oil in country is being imported. A complex of aphids is the main pest for low crop harvests sometimes reaching to complete crop failure. Prior work has found that plant resistance and natural biological control have minimal potential in managing aphids. Insecticides have been recommended in past research to reduce aphid damage but without any 11 guide lines regarding timing of applications or action thresholds. Altering planting time of crops is an important component of pest management for avoidance of pests. This component has not been previously exploited for developing pest management of aphids in canola production systems. Study described in this thesis involves the optimization of planting date and timing of insecticide applications. Canola variety (Shiralee) was planted on mid October, early November and mid November in crop seasons of years 2008-09 and 2009-10 at Multan and Bahawalpur districts of southern Punjab – Pakistan. The experiment design was a split plot with planting dates in main plots and insecticide applications in subplots. In each planting, insects pests including aphids and other hexapods were recorded. Acetamiprid and/ Imidacloprid against aphids were applied at flowering, pod formation, maturity (one spray), flowering and pod formation (two sprays), flowering, pod formation (three sprays) and maturity and pod and maturity (two sprays) stage of the crop. Untreated plots were also maintained as treatment. Aphids were recorded from top 10cm of central shoot of five randomly selected plants from each treatment while other hexapods from the whole five plants per plot. At crop harvest yield and yield contributing components and seed oil contents were recorded. Cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae Linnaeus (Hemiptera: Aphididae); turnip aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) were recorded as major/abundant among all other insect pests. Low and negligible populations of peach aphid, Myzus persicae Sulzer, (Hemiptera: Aphididae); whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae); and armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were observed for short duration in early vegetative stages of seedling to rosette of the crop. However, B. brassicae, L. erysimi, and pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) appeared with the onset of flowering to pod stages, respectively. Crop sown in mid October got more aphid free days (105) than crops sown on early November (98 days) and mid November (72 days). At that time of aphid’s infestation, early November sown crop had 28% plants at flowering and 72% plants at bolting stages. While mid November sown crop was 25% at flowering and 75% at bolting stages. In contrast, early sown crop (mid October) had completed almost 94% flowering and 6% of pods setting before aphid invasion. Thus, mid October sown crop escaped the aphid damage at flowering to early pod setting stage. 12 Crop sown on mid October gave significantly higher yield compared to late sown crops. Timing of aphid infestation was noted as important as severity of infestation. Both flowering and pod stages were more vulnerable to damage (yield loss) by aphids pests. These stages proved to be critical for yield-aphid relationship and ultimately for applying insecticides to manage aphids as compared to maturity stage. Frequency of insecticide applications: flowering-pod-maturity stages (with 3 applications) and flowering-pod (with 2 applications) gave higher crop yields than untreated plots and were statistically at par with treatment of single application at flowering stage for three experiments of first two planting dates at both the locations. Insecticides applications at pod and maturity stages did not increase in yield if crop was not treated at flowering stage. Thus application of insecticides at flowering and pod formation stage is an action threshold based upon crop phenology. Insecticides applications (flowering-pod-maturity) for aphids increased around 44% grain yield than no insecticides. Reduction of aphids due to insecticides increased plant height, pods per plant, numbers of seeds per pod and 1000 seed weight (with substantially more for early plantings) but did not affect oil contents of seeds in all the experiments. Cost benefit ratio of these applications was 1:7.12, 1:3.37 and 1:1.90 for early, mid and late planting time, respectively. Integrating early planting at mid October and insecticide applications at flowering and pod stage, economic losses of the pest can be avoided with an increase in income for the growers. Moreover, manipulating early planting dates and timing of insecticide applications/action thresholds can result in more cost effective and environment friendly management program. Keywords: Canola; Brassica napus; sowing dates; Insect pests; growth stages; insecticides; aphid; yield; yield components; southern Punjab; Pakistan.