پروفیسر عبدالقوی دسنوی مرحوم
افسوس، پروفیسر عبدالقوی دسنوی اس دنیا سے رخصت ہوئے، اِناﷲ وَاِنا اِلَیہ رَاجِعُون۔ ۷؍ جولائی کو وہ بھوپال کی خاک میں آسودہ خواب ہوئے تو اردو کی دنیا صرف ایک شریف، متین اور نشیط صاحب قلم سے ہی محروم نہیں ہوئی، ایسے مخلص، فعال بلک مجاہد انسان کو کھوبیٹھی جس کا تعلق اس جنس سے تھا جس کو اب نایاب ہی کہا جاسکتا ہے۔
دیسنہ ان کا وطن تھا، سادات کا یہ گاؤں بہار کیا پورے ہندوستان میں ممتاز اور منفرد تھا کہ اکثر باشندوں نے تعلیم قدیم و جدید دونوں کو یکساں اہمیت دی۔ کم ایسی بستیاں ہیں جن کی خاک سے مولانا سید سلیمان ندوی، سید ابوظفر ندوی، سید نجیب اشرف ندوی اور سید صباح الدین عبدالرحمن جیسی شخصیتیں اٹھیں اور علم و قلم کے بادل بن کر ملک کے مختلف خطوں کو سیراب کرگئیں۔
پروفیسر عبدالقوی بھی اسی سلسلہ ابروسحاب کا ایک حصہ تھے۔ بچپن، وطن میں ضرور گزرا جہاں مدرسۃ الاصلاح سے تعلیم کا آغاز ہوا، ۴۲ء میں وہ آرہ کے ہائی اسکول کی آٹھویں جماعت میں تھے لیکن پھر وہ بمبئی آگئے جہاں ان کے والد پروفیسر سید سعید رضا ندوی درس و تدریس کی ذمہ داریاں انجام دے رہے تھے، قوی صاحب نے بمبئی کے مشہور سینٹ زیویر اسکول میں اعلیٰ تعلیم حاصل کی، بمبئی گویا وطن ثانی تھا لیکن قدرت نے ان کے لیے بھوپال دارالاقبال کی سرزمین اس طرح مقدر کی کہ ۶۱ء میں سیفیہ کالج کے شعبہ اردو کی خالی جگہ کے لیے ایک درخواست اور اس کی قبولیت نے ان کو ’’بھوپال والے عبدالقوی دسنوی‘‘ بنادیا، بمبئی کے ہنگامہ خیز اور پرشور ماحول سے نکلے تو کوہساروں، بیابانوں کے نشیب و فراز اور ان کے دامن میں بکھرے زندگی کے تازہ و شاداب جلوؤں اور پرسکون ماحول کو پاکر محسوس کیا...
Islām is said to be a complete code of conduct. It guides the humanity in every aspect of life. To earn the best living is the aim of every man, for which he earnestly spends his most precious time and energies. In the present era, the economic activities are in close correspondence with the banking system. But, it is a matter of fact that the conventional banking system was not founded on Islamic economic principles, nor does it follow them in the conduct of its affairs. The question arises, are Islām and its academic sources capable to guide us to substitute the conventional banking system. We find that Muḍārabah in an Islamic economic system is an instrument that emanates a number of substitutions to replace the conventional banking. This article discusses Muḍārabah, only. Muḍārabah is a mode of Islamic financing in which one party provides capital and second one employs its expertise to do a business. In the classical Muḍārabah, there were only two parties. One of them is called Rabb al-Māl (Financer) and second Muḍārib (Worker). It was the simplest form of the classical Muḍārabah, but with the passage of time, Muḍārabah evolved into many forms. Now, it has become more complex. The Islamic banks employ Muḍārabah. They are using modern forms of Muḍārabah in their products. People have several misconceptions about Muḍārabah for lack of knowledge about it and its the procedures. This article is an effort to explain the legitimacy of Muḍārabah and its method according to al-Sharī‘ah in the context of the modern Muḍārabah banking.
Science education has remained one of the top priority issues of developing countries for the last few decades. In this age of science and technology, the developing countries face an increasing demand for scientific and technical manpower due to the increased awareness and emphasis on rapid industrialization as well as agricultural development on the national level. It Is now well recognized that science education has a direct and very significant influence on numerous activities in the daily life and environment of both rural and urban communities. It is in this context that the natural and physical sciences, study and use of environment and local resources has been recognized as one of the basic areas of school curriculum in many developing countries including Pakistan. Keeping in view the significance, study In hand is selected to design low cost activities based on low cost materials (equipment, glassware, chemicals) in teaching chemistry at secondary school level in Pakistan. The nature of the study is experimental. Two semi standardized academic achievement tests In the selected content areas of chemistry for IX (vli)class were prepared and administered to 9th class as pretest and posttest. Sample was selected randomly. Experimental and Control Groups were formulated from the sample. Experiments were conducted to experimental group with low cost materials and to control group with high cost materials. Data was collected through pretest and posttest, tabulated accordingly and statistical analysis was carried out. On the basis of the analysis, findings, conclusions are being quoted. Recommendations have also been suggested to popularize the use of low cost materials in science education at secondary school level.