موضوع4:اردو تدوین کی روایت
تدوین کیا ہے؟
تدوین تحقیق کی شاخ ہے۔ جس میں مدون عہد گزشتہ اور ماضی میں دفن تحریروں کو اصل انداز میں سامنے لاتا ہے۔ تدوین متن میں محقق و مدون کا اصل مقصد و مدعا مصنف کے تصنیفی کام کی روح تک پہنچنا ہوتا ہے۔ اس مقصد کی تکمیل کے لیے وہ حاصل کردہ متن کو مختلف تنقیدی و تحقیقی زاویوں سے پرکھتا ہے۔ وہ ہربات کو ایک پیمانے پر ماپ کر چھلنی سے گزارتا ہے ،تاکہ امکانی حد تک وہ مصنف کے متن تک پہنچ سکے۔
اردو تدوین کی روایت:
اردو تدوین کی روایت کچھ زیادہ قدیم نہیں ہے۔مدونین کی بدولت بہت سے قدیم و نایاب کتب منظر عام پر آئی ہیں۔ اگر مدونین و محققین تدوین متن کی طرف توجہ نہ دیتے تو آج ہم اردو ادب کے ابتدائی سرمایہ سے ناواقف ہوتے اور نہ ہی اردو زبان کا ابتدائی لسانی ڈھانچہ ہمارے سامنے ہوتا۔ہم آج جس معاشرے میں سانس لے رہے ہیں وہ ایک مہذب اور متمدن معاشرہ ہے۔ اپنے معاشرے کو جاننے اور سمجھنے کی کوشش اس وقت تک کامیاب نہیں ہوسکتی جب تک ہم اپنے اسلاف کی تحریروں اور ان کے افکار و خیالات سے آگاہ نہ ہوں۔
اردو تدوین کی روایت میں بہت سے مدونین ایسے ہیں جنہوں نے بہت سے شعرااور ان کی تصانیف سے روشناس کرایا ہے۔ ان کتب میں تذکرے، مثنویات ، کلیات، دواوین اور نثری کتب شامل ہیں۔یہ سب کتب اردو ادب میں گراں قدر اضافے کا باعث بنی ہیں۔
سر سید احمد خان:
اردو تدوین کی روایت کے حوالے سے دیکھا جائے تو سر سید احمد خان نے قدیم ادب کی اہمیت کو تسلیم کرتے ہوئے ابوالفضل کی تصنیف "آئین اکبری" کو ?۶-?۸?? ئ میں مدون کیا۔انہوں نے اس نسخے کی تدوین کے لیے کئی نسخوں کو تلاش کرکے...
Islam and the West are two competitor civilizations of 21st century. West is much fear by the rapid expansion of Islam. It is imagined that very soon Islam is going to become a major religion of the Europe. Now European think tanks are constantly working to present a negative picture of Islam. Bernard Lewis is trying his best to prove that Islam is not a suitable civilization and religion for the world. As there are different classes of citizens within Islamic State and society and all the citizens are not equal in Islamic teachings and practice like women, slaves and Non-Muslims. Whereas, his presented theories are quite different than real teachings and practice of Islam. All the citizens of Islamic State are equal before law but there is difference of responsibilities according to their abilities. This article is presenting a critical and real discussion about the social inequalities blamed by Bernard Lewis, existing in Islamic state and society.
This study was initiated with the aim to identify the impact of a teacher?s
behavior on the learning process of students in classroom. In the field of learning, the
relation between a teacher and student is of notable importance. A classroom is a
learning place where students spend a significant amount of their time with their
teachers. Classroom is a core learning place where teacher and student come in direct
contact with each other. Teacher is always an inspiration of students and his/her every
action directly influences the learning process of students. A teacher can either make
or destroy the life of a student. Seeing the gravity of this issue, the researcher tried to
know the perception of teachers & students about what they think, how negatively or positively a teacher can affect the learning process of the students in classroom by
showing changing attitudes and behaviors on different occasions. Data was compiled
on a likert scale and was analyzed in crosstabs. The technique of collecting data was
primary as close ended questionnaire has been distributed to 200 respondents which
have been considered and collected in total through multistage sampling technique. It
includes the teachers as well. This particular data collection technique assisted the
researcher to target the respondents in a professional and ethical manner. The research
design used in the same analysis was exploratory in which the behavior of the teachers
has been analyzed in the context of the learning of the students. The results have
shown that teacher?s positive behavior puts positive impact on the students, whereas,
teacher?s negative behavior puts negative impacts on the students. However, strict
behavior of the teachers, sometimes, brings positive results in the learning process of
students. Some of the major recommendations which have been proposed in the same
analysis belongs to give soft punishments in order to maintain the effectiveness in the
educational place. It is also found from the recommendation section that the teachers
should use polite language in the classroom and should not allow any student to use
abusive language. More emphasize should be given to the training of the teachers so
that they can avail the opportunity, that can help in integrating their knowledge,
information and commitment. It is essential for the teachers to gain thorough
understanding about the behavior, and implications of the behavior to attain high level
of efficiency in the classroom. Democracy is essential, and teachers should align their
behavior and should give extra commitments and effectiveness to their students so that
positive behavior can be attained.