تلوار سے برتر میر اقلم
نحمدہ ونصلی علی رسولہ الکریم امّا بعد فاعوذ بااللہ من الشیطن الرجیم
بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم
معزز اساتذہ کرام اور میرے ہم مکتب ساتھیو!آج مجھے جس موضوع پر اظہار خیال کرنے کی دعوت دی گئی ہے وہ ہے:’’تلوار سے برتر میرا قلم‘‘
جنابِ عالی!
تلوار کا اس دنیا مافیہا میں اپنا ایک فنکشن ہے ،تلوار سے میدان جنگ میں مجاہد کاوار دیدنی ہوتا ہے، تلوار کا حامل شخص مقابل کی آنکھ میں کھٹکھتاہے تلوار سے لیس اور اس اسلحہ سے مسلح شخص کی اڑان نرالی ہوتی ہے، تلوار کی واقعی ہی ایک تاریخی حیثیت ہے۔
صدرِ ذی وقار!
تلوارگھر میں ہو، گھر سے باہر ہو، تلوار نیام میں ہویا نیام سے باہر ہو،تلوار ایک ہتھیار ہے ،تلوار ایک اوزار ہے ،تلوار ایک اسلحہ ہے۔ تلوار سے منسوب ہرشخص قوی و توانا گردانا جاتا ہے، اس کی ظاہری طاقت متبیّن ہو جاتی ہے ، ظاہری نقاہت کے باوجود اس کاحامل شخص طاقتورسمجھا جا تا ہے۔
جنابِ صدر!
تلوار کی چمک اپنی جگہ لیکن جو کام قلم کر سکتا ہے و ہ تلوار نہیں کر سکتی، تلوار جسم کو گھائل کرتی ہے،قلم روح کو گھائل کرتا ہے، تلوار کا زخم مندمل ہو جاتا ہے لیکن قلم کازخم تا دیر مند مل نہیں ہوتا، تلوار کی کاٹ عارضی ہوتی ہے قلم کی کاٹ دیر پا ہوتی ہے۔
صدرِ ذی وقار!
قلم سے سخت دل کو نرم کیا جا سکتا ہے، قلم سے بسمل کے زخم پر مرہم رکھا جاسکتا ہے، قلم سے مرغ بسمل کی طرح تڑپتے ہوئے شخص کی مسیحائی کی جاسکتی ہے ،قلم سے جاہل کو صاحب علم بنایا جاسکتا ہے، قلم سے گنوار کوعلم و دانش کی مسند پر متمکن کیا جاسکتا ہے۔
جنابِ صدر!
قلم صحافی کے ہاتھ میں ہو تو معاشرے کے حسن میں...
Transactions are part of social life. Sale and purchase are important activities of human life. Islam gives guidance for sale and purchase transactions and the life. Jurists and ulma have addressed the varieties of such transactions as the world became increasingly complex place. This article discuss the basic type of sale and purchase and is being used in Islamic banking system.
In the present study the existing curriculum development process is explored by obtaining the opinion of English language teachers, teaching English at higher secondary level in Punjab, Pakistan, and the members of English curriculum committee at higher secondary level in Pakistan to propose a Learner-Teacher-Socio Oriented English Curriculum Development Model at Higher Secondary Level. Two questionnaires were adapted from Akhtar (2004) for the present study. One questionnaire was developed for English teachers of higher secondary government schools and colleges in the province of Punjab, Pakistan. The other questionnaire was developed for the members of the English curriculum committee. Analysis of existing English curriculum development process was done through the policy documents and questionnaires. Higher secondary government schools and colleges of each sex were selected through stratified cluster sampling, after that 1379 English teachers of higher secondary government schools and colleges were considered as sample of the study. The sample was selected from the 23 out of 36 districts of Punjab. Furthermore, Punjab was divided into three regions upper, central and southern Punjab. Frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation were calculated. t-test was applied to find out the differences of opinion on the basis of gender and residential areas. ANOVA was applied to uncover the differences of opinion among the teachers of various districts of upper, central and southern Punjab. Reliability of the questionnaire for higher secondary English teachers was 0.91. Validity of the questionnaire for higher secondary English teachers was 95%. The other questionnaire was developed for the members of national curriculum committee. Eleven members were considered as sample of the study. Frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation were calculated. Comparison between the opinion of teachers and the members of curriculum committee on the basis of responses of the same as well as contrastive questions of the questionnaires were drawn through graphical representation. Reliability of the questionnaire for higher secondary English teachers was 0.81. Validity of the questionnaire for higher secondary English teachers was 94%. On the basis of findings the proposed model Learner-Teacher-Socio Oriented English Curriculum Development Model at Higher Secondary Level was sent to experts for validation. The model was finalized after the recommendations offered by the experts.