جولاہا تے سویاں
اک وار دی گل اے کہ کسے ملک دے راجے دی دھی دا ویاہ سی۔ اوس اپنے ملک تے باہر والے ملک دے کئی لوکاں نوں ویاہ دی دعوت دتی۔ اوس ویاہ دے سدے والا رقعہ اک جولاہے نوں دے کے دوجے ملک کے راجے کول گھلیا۔ جدوں جولاہا کئی دناں سفر کر کے اوتھے اپڑیا تاں اوہناں نے اوہدے آدر وچ کئی طرح دے کھانے پیش کیتے۔ ایہہ کھانے ویکھ کے اوہدے منہ وچ پانی آ گیا۔ جدوں اوہ روٹی کھاون لگا تاں، اوہدی داڑھی ہل جاندی اے۔ اوہ لوک ایس نوں بدشگونی جان کے کھانا اوہدے اگوں چک لیندے نیں۔ بھکھ پاروں اوہ فیر کھانا منگدا اے۔ ہن اوہ اوہدے اگے سویاں دا تھال بھر کے رکھدینیں۔ جدوں اوہ سویاں کھان لگدا اے تاں اوہدی داڑھی فیر ہل جاندی اے۔ اوہ کھانا اوہدے اگوں چک لیندے نیں تے انج اوہنوں بھکھا ای واپس آنا پیندا اے۔
جدوں اوہ گھر آندا اے تاں بھکھ دے مارے اوہدا بُرا حال ہو جاندا اے۔ اوہ اپنی گھر والی نوں آکھدا اے کہ اوہنوں سویاں پکا کے دیوے۔ اوہدے گھر والی پکاون توں انکار کر دیندی اے۔ اوہ اوہنوں مرن دی دھمکی دیندا اے تے جا کے کھڈی دے کول لماں پے جاندا اے۔ اوس مرن دا بہانہ کر کے اپنے جسم نوں اکڑا لیا۔ اک گھنٹے بعد اوہدی گھر والی نے اوہنوں ویکھیا تاں اوس نوں لگا کہ جیویں اوہ مر گیا اے۔ اوس نے رونا شروع کر دتا تے لوک اوہدے رون دی آواز سن کے اوہدے گھر اکٹھا ہو گئے۔ اوہنوں نہوا کے دفن کرن لئی جاون لگے تاں اوہدی بیوی نے آکھیا کہ ٹھہرو۔ ایہہ مرن توں پہلاں میرے کولوں سویاں منگدا سی۔ میں سویاں دا تھاں پکا دیواں۔ اوس نوں وی ایہدے نال دفن کر...
Ahmad bin zeni Dahlan was born in Mecca on 1231 AH. He was a great scholar of Tafseer, Hadith, Fiqh and Sirah. His book "السیرۃالنبویۃ "is a wonderful piece of writing on sirah of Holy Prophet (PBUH). This book has got a significant place in sirah literature. In this book, Author discusses almost all the aspects of the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), like his attributes, miracles, incidents and battles etc. One of zeni dahlan’s modes of sirah writing is that he derives juristic implications and lessons from the events of sirah which can be called Fiqh al sirah in modern terminology. This article intends to explore the mode of Fiqh al sirah in respect with “Al sirah al nabawiyyah” written by Ahmad bin Zeni Dahlan.
Teaching – learning is an inclusive process involving many factors like motivation, intelligence, memory, interest, creativity etc. Some of the recently focused such factors are learning styles and emotional intelligence. Learning style refers to an individual’s preferred mode of acquiring knowledge. Similarly, emotional intelligence denotes a person’s capacity to asses, use and manage personal and others’ emotions. Both of these constructs are vital to learning and achievement. Individuals are different with respect to their learning styles and levels of emotional intelligence. Preferring a specific mode of learning reveals emotions of liking for it. Apparently, these constructs seem to be related as both involve emotions and cognition. This study attempted to highlight the distribution of learning styles and emotional intelligence of the university students along with determining the existence, nature and degree of relationship between them. The theoretical framework was taken from the FelderSilverman Model of Learning Styles (1988) and Davis, Stankov and Roberts’ (1998) conception of emotional intelligence. The objectives of this enquiry were: (1) To identify different learning styles of university students on gender bases, (2) To compare learning styles across disciplines, (3) To determine the levels of emotional intelligence of university students on gender bases, (4) To compare emotional intelligence across disciplines and (5) To find the relationship between learning styles and emotional intelligence. It was a descriptive-correlational enquiry which involved collection of quantitative data through a survey. The population of the study was consist of students of all five faculties of Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan. The cluster sampling technique was used to collect data from the final year students of the 15 selected departments under five faculties. The data were assembled through two standardized tools. The Index of Learning Styles (ILS, Felder & Spurlin, n.d.) was used to ascertain learning styles while Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS, Wong & Law, 2002) was exercised to establish the levels of emotional intelligence. Prior to administering, these tools were passed through validity and reliability in the local context through pilot testing. Afterwards, these tools were dispensed to the sampled learners. The collected data were analyzed by means of percentage, mean, t-test, ANOVA, Tukey test and correlation. The findings revealed that visual, sensing and active styles of learning were highly preferred. In terms of emotional intelligence, majority of the students excelled on ‘self-emotion appraisal’ and fall behind on ‘regulation of emotion.’ In addition, female students subjugated all components of emotional intelligence. Moreover, significant differences of learning styles and emotional intelligence were indicated across gender and disciplines. The ttest findings revealed that female students were significantly superior (t (826) = - 2.135, р = .033 < .05) to male students on visual – verbal facet. Likewise, on emotional intelligence, female students were also meaningfully superior to male students on ‘self-emotion appraisal’ (t (826) = -2.475, р = 0.014 < 0.05) and ‘overall emotional intelligence’ (t (826) = -2.058, р = 0.04 < 0.05). In terms of relationship, the findings implied lower levels of correlations in general. Generally, the active – reflective and visual – verbal aspects of learning styles indicated low positive while sensing – intuitive aspect implied low negative association with the various facets of emotional intelligence. In terms of recommendations, the study suggested the improvement of curricula keeping in view the learning styles and emotional intelligence of the students. Also, the weak area of emotional intelligence, particularly ‘regulation of emotion’ has been addressed for improvement. In addition, new venues for research were also suggested. This study has wide implications for teachers, curriculum designers, students, educational psychologists and researchers.