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تفسیر معارف القرآن از مفتی محمد شفیع اور تفسیرضیاء القرآن از پیر کرم شاہ

Thesis Info


عائشہ مقصود


حافظ محمد شریف شاکر




Riphah International University

Institute Type


Campus Location

Faisalabad Campus







Thesis Completing Year


Thesis Completion Status



viii, 156 . : ill. ; 30 cm.






Thesis (M.Phil)--Riphah International University, 2018; Urdu; Call No: 297.12 AYE


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-02-19 12:33:56





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یہ سطریں زیر تحریر تھیں کہ اسلامی جمہوریہ ایران کے بانی علامہ آیت اﷲ روح اﷲ خمینی کے انتقال کی خبر ملی، وہ اسلامی نظام کے علمبردار ہونے کی بنا پر قید اور جلاوطن کیے گئے، ایران سے شہنشاہیت کا خاتمہ اور جمہوریت کا قیام نیز اسے مغربی ملکوں کی گرفت سے نکال کر اسلام کے راستہ پر ڈال دینا ان کا اہم کارنامہ ہے، اپنی آخری وصیت میں انھوں نے ساری دنیا کے مسلمانوں کو امریکی و روسی تسلط سے چھٹکارا حاصل کرکے باہم متحد ہونے، اپنے دست و بازو پر بھروسہ کرنے اور بتان رنگ و بو کو چھوڑ کر اخوت اسلامی کے رشتہ میں منسلک ہوجانے کی دعوت دی ہے، مگر اسلامی انقاب کے بعد ایران میں خون خرابہ ہوا، عراق سے آٹھ برس تک جنگ ہوتی رہی، حرم میں شورش بپا ہوئی، اس لیے ایران کے انقلاب کو نسلی و قومی سمجھا جانے لگا، مگر انھوں نے امریکی سفارتخانہ کو یرغمال بنانے کا اعلان کرکے ساری دنیا کو دم بخود کردیا۔
سلمان رشدی کے قتل کے فتوے سے وہ عام مسلمانوں میں بہت محبوب ہوگئے تھے، ایرانی انقلاب نے پھر ثابت کردیا کہ علماء اور مذہبی رہنما بھی قوموں کی تاریخ موڑ دینے کا کام انجام دیتے رہے ہیں، آج اسلامی ممالک مغربی حکومتوں کی کٹھ پتلی بنے ہوئے ہیں لیکن مرحوم خمینی کی جڑیں عوام میں بہت گہری تھیں، اس لیے بڑی طاقتیں ان کا کچھ بگاڑ نہیں سکیں، وہ انقلاب کے روز ہی کی طرح وفات کے دن تک عوام میں مقبول رہے، ان کی وفات بڑا سانحہ ہے، اﷲ تعالیٰ لغزشوں کو معاف کرے اور مرحوم کی مغفرت فرمائے۔ (ضیاء الدین اصلاحی، جون ۱۹۸۹ء)
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Effective Moral Ethics Education at the Undergraduate Level in Pakistan: The Role of Curriculum

Ethical Education is an optional subject in lieu of Islamic Studies for non-Muslim students in Pakistan from primary to undergraduate level. The main aim of this study is to discuss factors which can help to design a Moral Ethic curriculum which would assist the teachers to educate an individual with his/her own identity, to assimilated by ethical values with developed moral judgment and behavior established by an individual’s beliefs. Students can show a positive attitude towards themselves and others and be able to work together and support others. In this perspective, we also illustrated that moral education helped those people who respect social norms and behave sensibly in any situation belonged to present or future. Therefore, the main objective of this research paper is to establish the necessary elements that should be the part of an effective Moral Ethics curriculum in order to create a democratic and educational environment where everyone can respect for others’ beliefs and stop violating others’ feelings on the basis of freedom of speech.  In this study, our targeted readers were included teachers of Moral Ethics, policy makers at different levels, and curriculum developers.

Ln3+ Ions Doped Phosphate Glasses for Solid State Lighting Applications

In present study, Lanthanide ions doped oxide and oxyfluoride phosphate glasses were prepared through melt quenching technique. Subsequently, properly cut and polished samples were studied through XRD, FTIR, density, refractive index, absorption spectra, photoluminescence spectra, X-rays induced luminescence spectra, JO analysis, lifetime study and CIE coordinates analysis. The recorded XRD pattern show broad bands without any sharp peaks which show that these glasses are amorphous in nature. The FTIR results show that the band corresponding to OH vibrations decrease in oxyfluoride glass samples compared to the oxide glasses. The decrease in the intensity of OH group bands, is due to the decrease of amounts of OH in the glass composition by reaction with fluorene to produce HF. The measured density shows the overall increasing trend with increase in the rear earth concentrations and also the densities of oxide glasses are higher than the oxyfluoride glasses which show that the structures of oxide glasses are more compact than the oxyfluoride glasses. The absorption spectra (Uv-Vis-NIR region) contain the corresponding doped rare earth ions transitions peaks. For Dysprosium (Dy3+), Samarium (Sm3+) and Europium (Eu3+) ions doped glasses most intense peaks correspond to 6H15→6H9/2+6F11/2, 6H5/2→6F7/2 and 7F0→5L6 transitions, respectively. The positions of the absorption bands are slightly change with change in the glass compositions. Similarly, the recorded excitation spectra of present glasses have corresponding Sm3+, Eu3+ and Dy3+ transition peaks along with the Gd3+ ions transitions peaks. Subsequently, the recorded emission spectra show the energy transfer from excited Gd3+ ions to Dy3+, Sm3+ or Eu3+ ions present in glass compositions. The transitions 8H5/2→6P3/2, 7F0 →5L6 and 6H15/2→ 4M15/2 + 6P7/2 are the hyper sensitive transition for Dy3+, Sm3+ and Eu3+ respectively. The emission spectra recorded at the respective wavelength observed for hypersensitive transitions in excitation spectra demonstrate that the oxyfluoride glass samples show comparatively higher emission intensity. The emission intensities increase with increasing RE3+ ions concentrations up to 1 mol% in the case of Dy3+ and Sm3+ ions doping there after start decreasing. While in the case of Eu3+ ions, the emission intensity upsurges and no luminescence quenching observed in 0.0 to 2.0 mol% concentration range. It is believed that the concentration quenching occurs due to non-radiative energy transfer among the RE3+ ions through cross relaxation channels. In X-rays induce luminescence spectra studied in present work show same trend and number of emission peaks as that of photoluminescence emission spectra but with different intensity and slightly different peaks positions due to the different irradiation sources. Several radiative properties i.e., Branching ratio, quantum efficiency, radiative lifetime, stimulated emission cross sections and radiative transition probabilities were calculated with JO theory. Lifetime of present glasses were recorded with respective emission and excitations wavelength and it is found that lifetime decrease with increasing concentration of Dy3+ and Sm3+ ions, while for Eu3+ ions no significant variations observed in lifetime values. Moreover, lifetime curve shows single exponential nature at lo wer concentration of rare earth and deviate from the single exponential behavior as the concertation of rare earth increase. This non-single exponential behavior of lifetime curves are fitted in the framework of Inokuti-Hirayama (IH) model to understand energy transfer mechanism involved in respective case. Subsequently, the color of emitted light was compared with 1931 CIE (Commission International de I’Eclairage) chromatic color coordinates.