مولوی عزیز الرحمن
مولوی عزیز الرحمن صاحب کوئر یاپار اعظم گڑھ کے ایک شریف و نجیب خاندان سے تعلق رکھتے تھے، اردو کے مشہور ادیب و نقاد جناب شمس الرحمن فاروقی ان کے حقیقی بھتیجے تھے، جو اور اس خاندان کے دوسرے اشخاص بھی بڑے سرکاری عہدوں پر فائر ہیں۔ علمی و دنیاوی وجاہت کی طرح دینداری میں بھی یہ خانوادہ ممتاز تھا۔
مولوی عزیز الرحمن صاحب کی تعلیم مدرسہ الٰہیات کانپور میں ہوئی تھی اور انھوں نے الٰہ آباد بورڈ کے امتحانات بھی اچھے نمبروں سے پاس کئے تھے، ۱۹۲۵ء میں وہ شبلی نیشنل ہائر سکنڈری اسکول میں تدریس کی خدمت پر مامور ہوئے اور ۶۶ء میں ریٹائر ہوئے۔
مولوی صاحب کو قومی و ملی اشغال سے بھی سروکار رہا اور جمعیۃ علمائے ہند اور کانگریس پارٹی سے وابستہ رہے، اعظم گڑھ کے نسواں اسکول کے جواب گریجویٹ کالج ہوگیا ہے، بانی ارکان میں تھے، برسوں اس کے صدر بھی رہے۔
ملازمت کے ابتدائی زمانے سے دارالمصنفین آنے کا معمول بنالیا تھا۔ اس وضع داری کو اس وقت تک نباہا جب تک پیروں میں قوت رہی، انہیں مولانا سید سلیمان ندوی صاحبؒ اور مولوی مسعود علی ندوی کی مجلس میں باریاب ہونے کا شرف حاصل تھا، شاہ معین الدین احمد اور سید صباح الدین عبدالرحمن صاحبان اور دوسرے رفقا اور کارکنوں سے نہایت بے تکلف تھے، اس ناچیز پر بھی بہت شفقت فرماتے تھے۔
دو تین برس سے بالکل معذور اور خانہ نشین ہوگئے تھے، بالاخر ۲۸؍ اور ۲۹؍ دسمبر کی درمیانی شب میں واصل بحق ہوگئے، اﷲ ان کے درجات بلند کرے اور پسماندگان کر صبر جمیل عطا فرمائے، آمین۔ (ضیاء الدین اصلاحی۔ جنوری ۱۹۹۴ء)
The Paper attempts to highlight the most significant Muslim personalities of British India who rendered services and sacrifices for the cause of pan-Islamism. They travelled to the neighbouring Muslim states of Afghanistan and Turkey for the larger cause of the Muslim brotherhood, and their freedom from the colonial powers. Their visits were either in official or unofficial capacity. The personalities include; Abdur Rahman Peshawari, Zafar Hasan Aibak, Mualana Ubaidullah Sindhi. The paper argues that these personalities have visited the Muslim countries of Afghanistan and Turkey in order to support the cause of Muslim brotherhood and their peace, development, and freedom. Their way of support was in the form of diplomatic negotiation. Descriptive and analytical methods were followed for analyzation/interpretation of data collected.
Sugarcane (Saccharam officinarum.L) is main stay for sugar industry in Pakistan. However, our average yield is for less than that of world average owing to the following reasons namely inappropriate use of cultivars, imbalance use of fertilizers and improper use of planting methods. In order to investigate and finding out a viable solution to the agronomic and management issues, a study consisting of two experiments was carried out.Randomized complete block design with Split plot design were used for conducting these experiments. First experiment was aimed at evaluating the ratooning, high stripped and sugar yield potential of three cultivars HSF-240, CPF-246 and L-178 under four different planting methods such as Pits with 90 cm spacing, Diagonal pits with 90 cm spacing, 90 cm spaced double row stripsand 120 cmspaced trench planting. Second experiment was focused to investigate role potash nutrition for cane crop under different planting methods. Four potash nutrition levels like 0, 100, 200 and 300 kg/ha were in sub plot whereas four planting methods (same as first experiment) were in main plot. After analysis of variance, it was inferred that 100 kg/ha potash nutrition is best treatment with planting method 90 cm spaced pits of diameter 90 cm in diagonal arrangement because of better stripped cane yield, high sugar recovery was possible by the combination of above mentioned treatment .Nutrient efficiency of 76.54 kg/kg and 53 kg/kg during both plant crop and ratoon crop year was also attainable with the supplementation of each additional kg of potash. Spaced trenches of 120 cm were also economically profitable; however, their economic yield is comparable with 90 cm spaced pits of diameter 90 cm. Potash nutrition is also important source for stripped cane yield improvement in ratoon crop but economically has less benefits as compared to benefit cost ration (BCR) of control and other treatments.However, sugar recovery was enhanced by the application of potash nutrition during both plant and ratoon crop years. The CPF-246 was found to be a highly potential cultivar which gave better yield of 95 t/ha and a good sugar recovery of 12.4%. The CPF-246 was also the best ratooning cultivar because it increased sugar recovery and sugar yield because of unique genetic makeup and adoptability to the Pakistani climate. It can be concluded that if sugarcane crop would be sown in 120 spaced trenches with the supplementation of 100 kg/ha K2O, it would be economically proficient with adequate sugar recovery. Moreover CPF-246 is the best cultivar amongst three for better sugar recovery and productivity.