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خوشی محمد ناظر کی تمثال نگاری

Thesis Info


رخسانہ پروین




Riphah International University

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Faisalabad Campus







Thesis Completing Year


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iii, 185 . : ill. ; 30 cm.


Urdu Literature




; Call No: 891.43109 RUK


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-02-19 12:33:56





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المبحث الرابع: المساء مع ذکريات الحبيب

المبحث الرابع: المساء مع ذکريات الحبيب

قصيدة (ذات مساء) لنازک الملائكة[1]

ثورۃ من ألمٍ، من ذکریاتِ
خلف نفسي، ملء[2] إحساسي العنیف[3]
وجموحٌ[4] في دمی، في خلجاتي[5]
في ابتساماتي، في قلبي اللھیف[6]

إن أکن أبسم کالطفلِ السعیدِ
فابتساماتي وھم وخداعُ
إن أکن ھادءۃً، بین الورود
ففؤادي في جنونٍ وصراع

أيّ مآساۃٍ[7] تراھا مقلتایا [8] !
أيّ حزنٍ عاصرٍ[9] في نظراتي!
جمدَت فوق شقاءي شفتایا
وانحنت[10] کفّاي تحت الرعشاتِ[11]

لا تسلْني عن خیالاتي ولحني
فالدجی[12] الآن بغیضُ[13] في عیوني
أین أُلقي بصري الباکي وحزني
إن أنا حوّلتُ عن کفّي عیوني؟

أین أرنو[14] ؟ کلّما حوّلت عیني
طالعتني صورۃ الوجہِ اللّھیف (متوق المشتاق)
ذلک الوجہُ الذي ألھب[15] فنّي
بمعاني الشعر والحبّ العنیفِ

أیّھا الغادرُ، لا تنظر إلیّا
قد سئمتُ[16] الأمل المرَّ الکَذوبا
حسبُ أقداري ما تجني[17] علیّا 
وکفی عمريّ حزناً ولھیبا

فیم أبقی الآن حیرَی في مکاني؟
آہ لو أرجع، لو أنسی شقاءي[18]
أدفِنُ الأحزان في صدرِ الأغاني
وأناجي[19] بالأسی صمتَ المَساءِ

لیتنا لا نلتقي، لیت شقاءي
ظلَّ ناراً، ظلَّ شوقاً وسُھاد[20]
یا دموعي، أيّ معنًی للّقاءِ
إن ذَوَی[21] الحبّ وأبلاہُ[22] البعاد 

أیّھا الأقدار، ما تبغینَ منّا؟
فیم قد جئتِ بنا ھذا المکانا؟
آہِ لو لم نکُ یا أقدارُ جئنا
ھا ھُنا، لو لم تقدنا قد...

سندھ کے عظیم روحانی پاگارہ خاندان کی تاریخ کا تحقیقی جائزہ

Allah Almighty, with his power, created the sky, earth and whole universe and provided all the necessities.  Therefore, the work of preaching Islam is conferred upon the Ummah of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). There are the people who had been taught the teachings of Islam directly by Holy Prophet and they preached Islam in the same way as they were taught. They practiced all the teachings in their lives. Sahaba R.A, for preaching Islam, went to the east, west, north, south, Hind, Sindh and the corners of the world. As a result of their efforts, almost half of the world got the message of Islam. Tabaeen consisted of many people, in the light of Quran and Sunnah, conveyed the message of Islam throughout the world. In the same way, another group of people named Tab Tabaeen became prepared to spread the universal message of Islam. They didn't ignore any sacrifice to uplift the spirit of Islam.  With their struggle, many great people like saints, jurist, reader and interpreter of Quran and Hadith born. These people tried their best to convey the message of Islam through written and spoken discourse. Religious books and places were introduced. That process of education, after many years, is still continuing. Presently, many religious places are constructed to preach spiritual guidance in which many great scholars and saints are engaged. History is witness that opponents went to extent possible level to aloof Muslims from teaching, preaching and guiding of lslam. Not only were this but the Muslims intended to end also. In these trials and tribulations, saints took responsibility on their shoulders and continued their struggle on the directed path of oneness, Prophet hood, Ahle Bait and Sahabas against the evil forces. Among such great Family of Pir Pagara is one whose line is continuing in Hind and Sindh. Insha Allah (If God wills) it'll continue till the last day. There is his great religious and social contribution. To convey, his valiant services towards people, research on this personality is dire need of the hour. In history, this research will be advantageous for the researchers to come.

Molecular and Biochemcial Characterization of Selected Wheat Landraces of Pakistan

Pakistani Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) germplasm consisting of 204 land races belonging to different parts of Pakistan were characterized for phenological pa rameters, disease resistance against stripe rust (Yr) and Karnal bunt (KB), seed struc ture and high molecular weight glutenin subunits. Only one landrace form Dir was re sistant to KB with less than 1% bunted grains. Four landraces were found to be resistant to Yr and moderately sensitive to KB. A positive correlation was found between tillers per plants, plant height, spikelet/spike, grain/spike, TKW and grain yield. Cluster anal ysis divided landraces into seven groups on the basis of morphological similarities. Not all landraces in a cluster belonged to the same geographical origin. A high throughput analysis based on digital imaging was carried out to find the association between grain size, shape and thousand kernel weight (TKW) in Pakistani wheat landraces using PCA and multiple regression. It was revealed that grain thickness has a maximum and direct effect on grain weight. Grain weight is less effected by horizontal area of seed. A total of forty-two different allelic combinations were found for HMW-GS. Higher frequency of Null and 2+12 were observed in this germplasm. The most frequent allelic combination was 2*, 17+18, 2+12 in 25 landraces. Allelic diversity at Glu-1 revealed that Glu-BI is the most diverse locus. Quality score ranged between 4-10, with 33 land races having the highest score of 10. xviii Functional markers were applied to detect various genes related to agronomic traits, quality and disease resistance. These markers have identified a large number of these landraces to have increased height, photoperiod insensitivity, spring habit, lower TKW, lower spike number and decreased yellow pigment content. Favourable alleles associated with drought resistance were present in higher frequencies. Genotyping by sequencing (GBS) was also conducted to understand the genetics of complex traits in these landraces. Awn length was found to be associated with genomic regions on 3B, 1D, 3D, 6A and 7A and plant height on 1D. Highest MTAs were detected for spike length on chromosome 1A, 1B, 2B, 2D, 4B, 5B, 6A, 6B, 7A and 3A. Grain per spike was found to be associated with four linked and one unlinked marker. Marker S2AL_U_919434 explained 22% of phenotypic variation and grain per spike was found to be associated with TKW.